Roll Call

HlavinKitheri's Avatar
Syracuse here!
A little late to the game, but made the switch today! Glad to still have all of you around.
Thanks it my friend. Happy hunting!
draggin my heels...
Hey everyone! Nice to see ya'll!!
nascar88888's Avatar
hello Sweet Lady :-)
buttlover7777's Avatar
I finally made it. Better late than never.
Eli's Avatar
  • Eli
  • 01-07-2010, 08:16 PM
I guess I should say something! "Something" lol

Glad to be aboard!

GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-07-2010, 08:32 PM
Welcome Eli
spacecadet's Avatar
Hi Gang!
yankee13's Avatar
ive finally made it now , thanks to poastal
Hi gang. Finally got around to joining up.
Guess better late than never. Just learning the site and see a lot of familiar members.

Feel like a newbie again.
dawehn's Avatar
ASPD lurkers unite!
Also, Hanna and Gabrielle, you look more beautiful than ever!
rooster's Avatar
The Rooster finally made it. Hello to all my old buds!
iva1234's Avatar
Yup !!!!! made it ......