Is this the Eccie board or?

TexasGator's Avatar
We're on page 10. This fucker is subject to going sideways any minute now.
Oh, wait, Originally Posted by boardman

I thinck that makes carkido the new "5 star thread starter." Maybe we can all learn from him.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Well done, Carkido, Well Done. Originally Posted by boardman

Excuse me but.................What the fuck is that guy doing in the background?
boardman's Avatar
Excuse me but.................What the fuck is that guy doing in the background? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Well........It is a jail.
Wayward's Avatar
You were enlighten by the Padre Yesterday @ 12:16 AM

There you are!

I hate when you go away and pout, so let's break this down you are on Team Brooke Wild? Still have terminal Wakeup penis envy, can't book a session with BDS, Really can't get your head around the fact that women actually like TexasGator.

Life is unfair!

Can't really argue with that, now did you ever find your big girl panties when you went away to pout? Are you brave enough to have lunch? Oh I forgot OASPDBB, are you brave enough to meet a old blind fat man for lunch? Originally Posted by Wayward
Did Carkiddo come back from his latest pout and I just missed it? We are getting hungry, just sayin'

Raphael how was this latest session, did it hurt in a good way, was NAN at little too rough? You really ought to be at least tipping us, could you help me with my french, it's such a beautiful language, what does "Sais-tu combien de temps ta mère prend pour chier? Neuf mois!" mean exactly? Is it literal or does it have a cultural meaning that would be lost on uncouth American guttersnipes? When you refer to us as the "Lynch Mob" isn't that kind of a racing slur against everyone else on the board?

Oh another translation question: "Vous avez le corps d'un chien et le QI d'une durée de cinq ans" is that one better or worse than this one "Ta mere suce le penis d'animaux pour l'argent" I'm having a minor spat with an ex Frenchman on a shemale review site, he/she/it is really questioning a review you may have ghost written for Pornstaro. We need your help bro, if you get a chance and thanks in advance.
Killersalt's Avatar
Raphael's Avatar
To tactfully remind Saint Christopher as well as Houston Mods that the rules are supposed to apply to everyone

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

You were enlighten by the Padre Yesterday @ 12:16 AM

Did Carkiddo come back from his latest pout and I just missed it? We are getting hungry, just sayin'

Raphael how was this latest session, did it hurt in a good way, was NAN at little too rough? You really ought to be at least tipping us, could you help me with my french, it's such a beautiful language, what does "Sais-tu combien de temps ta mère prend pour chier? Neuf mois!" mean exactly? Is it literal or does it have a cultural meaning that would be lost on uncouth American guttersnipes? When you refer to us as the "Lynch Mob" isn't that kind of a racing slur against everyone else on the board?

Oh another translation question: "Vous avez le corps d'un chien et le QI d'une durée de cinq ans" is that one better or worse than this one "Ta mere suce le penis d'animaux pour l'argent" I'm having a minor spat with an ex Frenchman on a shemale review site, he/she/it is really questioning a review you may have ghost written for Pornstaro. We need your help bro, if you get a chance and thanks in advance. Originally Posted by Wayward
I just want to know what kind of beer to buy....errr, that the mods like.
dearhunter's Avatar
French whine is obviously not working......I'm just saying.
Wayward's Avatar
Raphael have you ever looked up the word "unprovoked" and don't #1-4 have a different flavor when basted in a delightful french guttersnipe sauce with a side of braised Lynch Mob?

Be honest did you pound the like button on my post again?

On a scale of 1-10 how is this going for you? about a negative 6? What is the best whine with a fresh plate of fail? Does this remind you of when the "B-52's bombed Berlin at the end of WWII"? 'cause that was one of my all time favorite Ralphisms.

Where is your mistress? Is she out somewhere on the web Can you answer a simple question, like is sofia still blackmailing you like she tried to do with 3 others besides me? Are you feeling that warm glow right about now... waiting for the next thrust that hurts yet fills that emptiness inside? Did she run your car's license plates to obtain personal information and the try to use it against you? Do you want this thread to last forever? Because she did that with me and while being about blackmail proof I found the whole thing kind of unsettling.

Do you need to share now? Sharing is caring, just sayin.

Where is my carkiddo?
carkido45's Avatar
I hate cat pictures !!! and TxGator'S Cyber GANGSTER'S.

The TGCG is running thru the board or ruining the board?
Raphael's Avatar
I trust something will be done about these people, soon.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Big Jake shouldn't have refused The Gangsters' offer.

Raphael's Avatar
If God didn't want them sheared, He would not have made them sheep. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
That's the con man's motto.
I'd stay away from any business - or agency? - run, or recommended, by anyone who uses that as his motto...
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I trust something will be done about these people, soon. Originally Posted by Raphael
And if nothing happens?