Being outted by the same person Twice! Mods Seeking P

I didn't say that, I said, I said a word not a name, it meant faggot with a list of other things..Prince

I did give them the receipts, as well with forwarded PM's coming from the other girl that was outed, that hasn't came forward in this thread..

There's is favoritism and that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it, babe..

I know what the tones were, it was to get me to back off. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
His name doesn't mean faggot in any spoken language or dialect
If it says that on urban dictionary,you must have added it there yourself trying to save your ass
Only top 5 entries matter on urban dictionary
People don't go around using his name to insult homosexuals...stop it

You knew what you were doing when you posted his name....TWICE

If she outted you,she's going on a vacation
Mods don't run this site
You're wrong if you think one of them is protecting her

@Mythos don't ever quote me again
Champagne Brown's Avatar
On that thread you're referring to, I was reporting once again being outed the 1st time by Seeking P, and that busted girl.. Turned us in to CPS and law enforcement.

Wakeup said you "Whores" need to stfu, and I said your right blank.. You are so far fetch, I dont got the time to add shyt to urban dictionary.. Did you see me add it to urban dictionary, or did you pull that out your arse?

Yes you pulled it out your arse, didn't see me do shyt.

I only had been here 6mnths never had a appt with him, or nothing.. Now your speculating but where's your facts..

You're adding bullshyt to change the narrative..

Im not worried about what you think, and that's all it is, is what you "think"
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Everybody sees the bullshyt thats going on, got texts coming in now about this, and what they see.. Hobbyists I've never met, fyi

You just trying to help clean this shyt up for your boy..

This is a report/ Alert

Everyone wants to talk about the thread, but don't want to pull it up, because that was the 1st report about P outting.. I ended up getting ban for a "term" though, she escape with no ban.
I will make this easy for you
Did you post WU's real name or not?
Just YES or NO please...
annie@christophers's Avatar
His name doesn't mean faggot in any spoken language or dialect
If it says that on urban dictionary,you must have added it there yourself trying to save your ass
Only top 5 entries matter on urban dictionary
People don't go around using his name to insult homosexuals...stop it

You knew what you were doing when you posted his name....TWICE

If she outted you,she's going on a vacation
Mods don't run this site
You're wrong if you think one of them is protecting her

@Mythos don't ever quote me again Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
Well prince charming..
I was called a snow ape by p..
Had NO IDEA what it meant...
I decided to have that hot spa in the Himalayas...
Fuk that jungle shit..
Anyway.. back on da farm..
I found out it meant some kind of amazon drug smoker??
I had no idea there was some lingo ...
Annionics is enough for anyone to get... lmfaof..
Xxoo annie

P.fucking ssss
Im sure some Einstein can find that thread..
Howieever.. it was years ago..
Thatll keep yall busy for a minute.. whilst i get on my wolfie pants..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I don't have to answer any of you're stupid arse questions if you already have a hard time comprehending..

Now did Seeking P out me yes, twice.. In that thread you're speaking about when I came forward
(CPS & law enforcement),but can't say did she forward email ,but she only had access to my private Facebook , and ended up sending that photo to a provider over phone while they were talking on phone.. (Same Photo in Email)
No one else had access point blank

I know what tactic you're doing prince, your doing (IK) bidding trying to get me ban, instead of the outter.. That's how dirty y'all are..

Now get the fook outta my face
annie@christophers's Avatar
Can i see that??
I cant see anything.. ( yea old but not blind yet) lol..
Link please.. im just curious.

Curiosity killed the cat..
But satisfaction brought it back....
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Tell the dude that has the transvestite fooker as Avatar to pull it or even Ike..

You'll see once again was making a report against P, and yes long ago.. Let's put all the cards on the table, since Ike, and prince keep bringing it up, but leaving out the part I was making a report on being OUTTED the 1st time.. She never got banned.

She offered a provider 100 to be the 3rd caller to CPS.

Folks be dirty around here.
Jesus Christ!
Listen,we all know you're a serial's well documented and you have admitted it yourself
That doesn't mean you deserve to get outted
Some folks may be not be sympathetic to your because of your past actions but lets not pretend it didn't happen
You outted a member twice and got banned for it twice
Own up to that shit already
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Thats a lie and you know it!

Do you want me pull up the slasher thread where you got caught in your lies?

You said 2 different stories.

Oh Ike, its wasnt one those cases loose lips sink ships, took the hit for who? 6mnths ban or something like that. Owes Favors eventually she did open her mouth

I got down to the bottom of it, wink Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Yeah, she took a ban for him, and didn't hang him out to dry when asked by a mod, who gave her this info or she'll be banned. She took the ban.

I knew something wasn't right here, by his responses, and intercepting.. Never in my life have Ive seen someone report being outted then have to deal with some reverse psychology bullshyt by, mod, and fake admin accts,to play these games..Yeah I know about the fake admin accts,and whos who.

Just ban her already, you know She did it..

My case is just like "Slave" she had the number that leaked her photo,but just didn't know what his handle was. She was told to put in girls area
to see if girls knew the number to match to a handle.

P sent this pic to the girls phone, and laughed about it while on the phone.

This didn't even have to get like this, you're the one thats f'd up, and that's something you have to sort out with yourself, that shyt dont got nothing to do with me.

Ban her im done with this crap.

Ike you got all the forwarded "pms" to know this is the same case, so stop playing.. You been covering for her for so long already, you paid it forward .. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Second page post 18 Originally Posted by Champagne Brown

My Case is like Slave..
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Good morning,
My sincerest wish is this matter would get resolved as this lady has been hurt by P., and a few others it seems (including me).

I too have had my share of not so good experiences with P, as she lived with me for a spell in my home.
I was too trusting of her, and for that I will always kick myself in the rear.

During her stay I learned a lot of things about her character and let's just say I don't condone nor like people who are mean to others.

I know she is not kind towards people with whom she dislikes and I know for a fact she went on her Twitter page and spewed her hatred of me there, because a mutual client went on my page and posted 2 links to me. I of course cannot see them, as she has me blocked. (And blocked on FB.)

I ended up blocking him as he was being messy about it. She trashed me and my home telling others that I was a nasty person and my home was dirty. If it was that bad why did she stay all of those months??
She was just trying to hurt me, and she didn't think who she told these lies to would get back to me. People who actually know me, know what my house looks like and how it is kept. They know my character and know I am not mean unless you force my hand and make me be ugly to you.

She has no regard for peoples livelihood or personal lives and this is a shame because everyone deserves to be treated with human decency and kindness.

There are those WK's here on the board who will rush to her defense and there are those who may speak against me speaking up, but in all fairness, right is right and wrong is wrong.

I just learned a valuable lesson not to ever let anyone (provider) , get too close into my personal space and I certainly will never let someone stay in my home again, so they can trash me to others and abuse my good nature.

I am sorry this happened to you, and to the other person. I know 1st hand how it is to be treated with scorn and hatred by P whenever you are not on her side when she is being mean to others. I will not ever be that person who hates others just because she does. P.

I wish everyone the best this Holiday season.

M.M. Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Another provider that stepped forward..
...@Mythos don't ever quote me again Originally Posted by Akeem
Was that a request?

Enough thread hijacking Akeem. (Insert points) This thread is about seeking p outing.

P.s. you girls should stop now.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Then stfup...

Rats are rats... sinking ship or not...

Annie Originally Posted by annie@christophers

Champagne Brown's Avatar
Was that a request?

Enough thread hijacking Akeem. (Insert points) This thread is about seeking p outing.

P.s. you girls should stop now. Originally Posted by Mythos
I'm ignoring him now, that's why I'm quoting.. How my case is the same, as well other girls coming forward..

Prince isn't smart.. Trust me I see what he's doing..

I don't care what he thinks, his loyalty is with Ike..

He acts like he cares about outing, but his posting says other.. bad look on him, and that shyt has nothing to do with me.