No Black Men

Sunny Taylor's Avatar
Val that's not what was said. To each her own. These guys are complaining again because of the ladies who choose not to see others based of race. If you do then that is your choice your body. Some of these men feel entitled and feel as if ladies should see them regardless of personal preferences. Some ladies can't stand black men, but do it because they have to.

You are not in that category by any means, and the comment wasn't meant in that context to insult anyone who freely makes the choice versus being in a position where they "have" to see those clients that they do not want to because of financial issues.
In England the word was - from women who would ONLY have sex with black guys in their private lives - DO NOT attempt to see black clients.

Why? Because women I knew witnessed beatings and theft of escorts by supposed black clients.

I'm sure there are real (good) black clients, but given American history and the way things are here, I'm sure escorts have a lot of reason to be super-cautious of black clients here. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
That's interesting that you say that because was never afraid to see Black gents when I'm working in London...

But we all have different levels of comfort, no one is right or wrong, it's all about what works for each individual x
Val that's not what was said. To each her own. These guys are complaining again because of the ladies who choose not to see others based of race. If you do then that is your choice your body. Some of these men feel entitled and feel as if ladies should see them regardless of personal preferences. Some ladies can't stand black men, but do it because they have to.

You are not in that category by any means, and the comment wasn't meant in that context to insult anyone who freely makes the choice versus being in a position where they "have" to see those clients that they do not want to because of financial issues. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
I didn't quote anyone in my previous post, and I wasn't only speaking for myself, but for other ladies who share the same sentiment as I. I am very well aware I'm not in the category of women who see men because they have to.

And for all the blokes out there who get offended or pissed off because a lady won't see you?...Get over yourself, because yes, some of us do have respect for ourselves and don't feel the need to oblige every single one of your carnal needs.
i think sunny taylor takes this to heart. fuck it if you wont see me...or my Benjamin. no harm but don't think im whining or complaining because you have a preference. i have seen some not so hot or great providers....and i wont see them again because of their lack of give a shit attitude and service. this is a service business... to each's own.

and i agree with valerie.....paying rent has nothing to do with race.
LMAO classic! Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Aint that an awesome visual? My friend, Mila Carmell, ( gave me that phrase, and I have been using it for nearly six mos now!

FWIW: I'm really sorry black men are commonly viewed negatively in the P4P world. Saying I'm sympathtic seems trite, so I won't use that description. But I can completely understand why black men feel frustrated and unworthy.

But then again, WTF yall? Black guys almost never wanna see my beautiful black ass! So no matter how many times this gets re-hashed, it is what it is: TIME=MONEY. Many providers dont want to spend their TIME with black clients, and many black clients don't wanna spend their money black girls. So considering TIME EQUALS MONEY these policies are at least somewhat logical even if they often times seem ridiculous.
Merci's Avatar
  • Merci
  • 04-07-2011, 10:46 PM
well i disagree with the statement about ladies who dont see black men have pimps. i do not and never have had a pimp but i dont advertise weather or not i see black men or not, i simply decide on a gent by gent basis. i only see a certain statue of gent any way so no matter what ethnic group you fall under you have to carry yourself a certain way to make conversation/time with me. i have been providing for 6 or more years and i have only seen 2 hispanic gents and 3 maybe 4 black gents. this is not because i discriminate this is due to character defects. i have turned away plenty of gents due to personality, but never due to ethnicity. i love all the colors of the world and love to learn about different cultures so i never stop short of ehtnicity because it may be a way to broaden my education through the respectable gents here. this is just my 2 cents. Originally Posted by Angel Knight
Totally agree and same here!!!!!!!!! There are many resons why girls dont see AA men and im sure lots of providers turn down other clients too depending on there personality, you just dont know about it.
Thank you for saying what I wanted to say! If anyone doubts the truth of what Girl Syxx has posted I invite you to look up the racial makeup of violent crimes as reported by the F.B.I as Uniform Crime Reports which are a consolidation of police reports from each year arranged geographically. You will see quickly that black males are the vast majority of violent criminals arrested in an area despite their usual minority status.

Yes, a lot of african american men are dealing with generational poverty, poor role models and in isolated cases institutionalized racism...there are many valid arguments for why they react violently compared to White, Asian and Hispanic men in a similar geographic area but as a very vulnerable provider I don't care so much WHY they are violent- my main priority is to AVOID the violence. Please don't oversimply my point to mean that I think ONLY black men are violent, I'm simply stating that looking at both the government statistics as well as my personal experience I don't find the odds to be worth it for ME.

On a personal level I don't feel I have much in common with the average black guy, I don't generally find them physically attractive and my limited life experiences with them have been for the most part negative and consisted of black guys getting right in my face when I walk by and cat calling and being rude and having them more than once look like they wanted to hit me just for having the audacity to walk by and not be interested. Do some white and hispanic guys cat call me too? Sure, but they don't react rudely and aggressively after I say once that I'm not interested.

Am I missing out on some amazing clients by having a NBA policy? Bet your ass I am and it's unfortunate. Somewhere out there I'm sure there are black men that could even be my soul mate if I gave them a chance but due to what I've learned from my interactions with the vast majority of black men I've decided that I simply don't like the odds and I'd rather not roll the dice when there are men of other races that give me more favorable odds of finding a generous, respectful, drama free client.

I'm not judging anyone that enjoys the company of AA men or trying to tell anyone else who they should or should not be involved with...but I do reserve the right to make my own decisions about who and what I feel comfortable with and I would really appreciate it if people could show some TOLERANCE FOR OTHER PEOPLE'S BELIEF SYSTEMS- it'd make life easier on everyone.

First let me start out by saying that the Brooke_Wild's analogy of this is hilarious. I haven't posted on Eccie since they closed the Ladies Powder Room but I couldn't resist.

Okay, I DO NOT date African American men. I DO NOT have a pimp nor have I ever had a pimp. I think pimps prey on weak women and the entire game bs but that's a totally different thread. I'm anything but weak; so, pimping could not be for me.

My reason for not visiting black males is simple. I was held at gun point and robbed by a AA in my upscale apartment. This guy passed screening and sounded anything but ghetto. However, it happened and I was spooked about providing incall to anyone. Actually, I stop providing for a year. I went to excellent predominantly Caucasian schools. So, I received an excellent education. I don't live in the hood; nor do I associate with many people that do.

Now, could anyone have committed this? SURE! However, I am African American and I know people that are hood. Providers make easy targets as many will not go to the police. Second, how many arm robberies in NOLA are committed by non-blacks? Uummm, not many. Okay, how many killing in NOLA are committed by non-blacks? Ummmmm, not many.

So, lets see, I'm twice as like to be robbed at gunpoint and/or murdered by a black men. I've actually had a black guy rob me. Actually, I've been robbed three (3) times by black men. (Only once providing, once coming home from a real world job as a waitress, and another in the wrong place at the wrong time). It makes good business sense to me not to offer any services to AA men.

I don't care if my post enrages anyone! I'm free to do with my body whatever I choose and if I only wanted to f%%k Italian midgets with 12in cocks; I'm free to do so.

IMHO, Only a scorned black man, an ignorant person, or a pimp would make a statement that NBA policy = Pimp. LOL! What about white women that don't date blacks in their personal life? I guess since they provide they must provide to all! Do you visit with obese transexuals? Probably not! Why because they not your thing. Okay, well black men are not my thing. End of Story. I thought we cleared this topic up with Roe vs. Wade. Even the Supreme Court believes we can do what we'd like with our bodies!

Get a life! Originally Posted by Girl Syxx
gimme_that's Avatar
I've always had it on my screening form.......If he puts in my form that he's AA I will write back and say I'm busy. I once posted iton my site and decided to take it down.. after.. well.. I won't go there . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Why not post it proudly on your site though. Saying byour busy......when your really just hesitant to see black clients can be thought as worst. It would be so much easier to just say hey...sorry guy.I dont see blacks.

Or right after he pressed the send button on your could have an error message pop up on your website that says "NO BLACK PEOPLE PLEASE."

I think truthfully most providers that have nba rules moreso don't do it in ads.....probably because bthey know of the misconception it puts bin people minds via backpage......I gotta admit...the first thing I think when I see NBA is bpimp or she just doesn't relate well with bblack people in general.

I think more so the black women have those rules....who are reputable...its because in those cities if they don't normally assciated with white males in their civilian life.....seeing only other ethnicities other than bblack will omit them from running into someone they know.
gimme_that's Avatar
This was a post in another thread I thought could be of good use here:

I think pretty much all the guys here have said they react in much the same way that you do when they see an ad that says they don't see AA men. We just move on to the next one. It's not "pulling the race card" to discuss it though. If it chafes you so much to see people discussing this topic, maybe don't need to click on this thread. You have the same outlook as a lot of guys i know though. "It doesn't apply to me, so it's not important." If you do see an ad that states "No white men allowed" please let me know. I think I've only seen one of those in all my years of hobbying.
There's a long history of bad race relations in this country and I guess it pushes some people's buttons to know that even in the fantasy world of the hobby there are still people lined up and ready to treat you differently because of your skin color. A lot of people try to equate their hobby choices (eye color, weight, height, hair color, etc) as being the same as any other form of discrimination. It's not. It's a choice made based on your level of attraction, not a decision to not see a group of people because of whatever preconceived notion you may have about said group.
I know this subject comes up way too much for some people's tastes, but there are guys who may not have seen those previous threads or who are relatively new to the hobby and this forum and just want someone else's input. That is what ECCIE is here for. It's always a ladies choice to see who she chooses to see, but when we get to the point where we better not even mention this topic, there's something wrong. Originally Posted by gdiddy
oh and FWIW I rarely post ads and I've never put NBA in an ad. I simply word my ads in such a way that black men don't appear to be interested based on the lack of response from them. My NBA policy might be well known through back channels though, who knows? I'm just glad I rarely have to turn them down because I always feel guilty and have ended up in a couple very long phone conversations with black guys trying to explain that I don't hate them just because I'm not interested in having them in my life. For a while I had it on my website but due to pressure from intolerant people decided to take it down.


That is what i'm thinking when I see that in an add. I'm sure each person has there own personal reasons for not seeing AA but why post it for the world to see. I just think it is low class to put that in an add and that might just be my opinon. That might be someting that can be discussed during screening or behind the scene. Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why not post it proudly on your site though. Saying byour busy......when your really just hesitant to see black clients can be thought as worst. It would be so much easier to just say hey...sorry guy.I dont see blacks. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I've done it before and really won't have a problem doing it again.
However, I will keep doing things how I have been doing them. It seems to be
working for me. If it ain't broken, don't fix it right?

I think more so the black women have those rules....who are reputable...its because in those cities if they don't normally assciated with white males in their civilian life.....seeing only other ethnicities other than bblack will omit them from running into someone they know.
You hit the nail on the head with this one, gimme. It is one of the reasons but not my main reason. A lot of ladies here have simply stated that they are afraid of black men but I am not. A white man can easily rape or rob me .. we hear about it all the time. White men are even sneakier I am just not attracted to black Americans. That is my reason for not seeing black guys while working. I will date a black man from my country (Nigeria) or a white man but not a black american.The majority of blacks in the hobby are american so why bother if I won't date them in my personal life? I have made exceptions in the past. Two of them are clients I still see today. They are much much older and very fun to be around but I will not make those exceptions again.
gimme_that's Avatar
I think in a way too, who you see and use as references in some ways dictates whether ladies (who don't openly say they are NBA) are comfortable even attempting to see black men. In certain section of the country, in less hobby populated areas having too many or all black references from black providers matter how reputable were looked at as insufficient.

Now I prefer to see AA ladies, but really I like ladies of all shapes and sizes. But it seems as if my references aren't somewhat culturally diverse.....ladies sometims assume before seeing me that I may be not interested or wouldn't mesh.

For instance....I've seen BBWs before....but not so regularly lately. When I have bbw refs on my p411 they didn't ask me over again...."if im really into bbws" when bthey didn't and saw more petite ladies only bthey wondered more....and inquired.

Some ladies who were white assumed since all or most of my refs were black, that maybe I wouldn't mesh well with them. Or maybe.....I was safe bto pursue....maybe they even though I was a manger or associated business wise with those providers. There have been times were ladies told me prior to having a session that she felt initially based on my references...which were black that I wouldn't mesh or we were affliated. I noticed in all or most of those instances, the provider refs I had that were white, seemed to be contacted moreso than others. And in some instances I didn't use them as my mmost current refs.

I blike variety but I also have speciic preferences at times.....NBA plolicies don't bother me much....but they do lay a factor in other situations as well.
BabyDallass's Avatar
No black men = she has a pimp.

This is also accurate:

"Be weary of bp girls that say no blacks. That means they have a pimp or they plan on pulling some scam. They figure non-blacks wont put up a fight. " Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I strongly disagree! I say I dont see black guys for personal reasons. Unless he is a legit hobbiest and is known in the community I dont see them. Most black guys that call and try to see us ladies have other ideas on their minds. Robbing, Recruiting, & from experience I feel like most are cheap and want to get EVERY dollar out of you and that date. Same with mexicans I wont see them either unless they are known in the community, Not because I dont like black and Mexicans! I Love everyone and every culture, Im mixed so I dont just come from a one sided race. I think every girl has their reason as to why or why not they will not see a certain race. I dont see black guys and mexicans simply for the drama, it limits my chances. We have a right to see who we want just like you guys who scam BP and EC and pick the girl that works for the moment. To each is own, to each is own.
Rambo Creed is that you? Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Good one BDS

I'm just messing with you Creed...

...i simply decide on a gent by gent basis. i only see a certain statue of gent any way so no matter what ethnic group you fall under you have to carry yourself a certain way to make conversation/time with me. Originally Posted by Angel Knight

FWIW, I don't shout it from the roof tops but I've always quietly and politely been unavailable to african american men both in my personal life and escorting Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy
Well, Damn...

Lol, not all black men are as well endowed as some might think. Originally Posted by Mileyxoxo
Miley speaks the truth

When I tell some of my clients I don't see black men they seem to be very happy about it... Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I wonder why

It's her choice. I'd rather know up front, so that I don't waste time researching. Originally Posted by thumpusa
Me too!

Before this thread is inevitably closed, I just want to say that Black men are awesome.

Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Well thanks just keep writing "Kick Ass" reviews my man

I know many girls how date blk men but dont see them when "working".... Originally Posted by sunshynemonroe
Sushyne speaks the truth too

Gawd will yall link a Rambro Creed thread and chill out already,lol. LMMFAO Mila

This never ends well and it's never a positive. True...true

Ill bet 100 bucks its closed by the end of the day.... It would have if I was moderating this forum Originally Posted by caramelqtee mila
Assholes come in all forms, shapes, sizes and colors. Can't judge a book by it's cover. It's the ladies choice to see whomever she wants. Isn't it your choice to see a blonde, or redhead, a black chick or white chick, fat or skinny?

Right on Chloe

I won't see someone if I don't think we click a little over the phone before meeting. I'd rather spend my time with someone that I think I will truely enjoy than someone that I will be counting down the seconds in my head till it's time to leave. That's my own feelings on it. Would you rather her not want to see you, but go ahead just for the money? You probably won't enjoy your time together. If I was a guy, I'd respect the lady's choice no matter the reason she made it. Maybe she doesn't see fat, white and hairy men either. lol. Some ladies ask for a picture and if she isn't attracted, then she won't see you either. What difference does it make why she won't see a certain type of man? Aren't there plenty of other ladies that you can choose from? I don't see the point of making a big deal out of this honestly. I don't see people posting why some guys don't see super thin girls or bbw's. Both men and women have their own rights and personal tastes. There is nothing wrong with that. As for me, if I enjoy our conversation on the phone and through emails, I'm pretty sure we will click in person. I actually enjoy seeing people that are different from myself. It makes the conversation a little more interesting sometimes.

Very nice post... Originally Posted by Chloe Love
Thats a sucker bet, if I ever heard one! Emotions run way too high on his subject. We'll see who melts down first. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser stole my pic that I was gonna post

I'm a black hobbyist, and not to toot my own horn or be conceited but I'm not a bad looking guy. Very well groomed, articulate, not too threatening over the phone. I use providers because I have no patience for relationships. I've had numerous providers tell me that they cant believe I'm "paying for it." That being said, I've ignored the NBA policies of providers three times in the past and called anyway. They never asked what race i was so I scheduled an appointment. All three times when I showed up, I received great service and my race wasn't mentioned once. So I've always thought it was stereotypical assumptions being made on the providers part that I ended up not "fitting." Originally Posted by benjio
I would have posted the EXACT same thing...are you like my long lost twin brother or something

Most often I hear negative remarks by caucasian men about women who see AA men. Its like some of them think they don't want to get it from a woman who's given it to a black its tainted or something. Originally Posted by Nina Rae

Now...I know why Naomi

If a lady advertises she doesn't see Blacks, she can and might lose business from a liberal white client base.
I actually know a few guys who feel that way

I don't feel entitled to see 'every' provider out there, but I'd be pissed if I did my homework, showed up at the incall, and when the door opens she says, "sorry I can't see you". I'm not sure what the answer is, but if the prejudice (no other way to say it) it's not discussed during the initial contact (her website, P411, first call, etc), it will ALWAYS leave to unpleasant time.
Preach Brother!!! Originally Posted by BigBaldBlk
Oh and I have made exceptions for black guys, will I do that again? NO! NEVER! HELL NO! Rambo Creed? Maybe LOL! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Would you please ask Val if you could make an exception for me

There are numerous reasons I could imagine why a lady has an nba policy, perhaps she had a bad experience, who knows...I personally don't have an nba policy, some of the nicest gents I've met were black.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Awwww, thanks Love

Personally I think it boils down to power.

When a guy gets pissy because a provider won't see them it's because he realizes that it takes more than just money to see them.

When a lady gets pissy because a guy won't see them it's normally an insecurity issue. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
WTF...a post by EA that I agree with, Hell must be freezing over

My reason for not visiting black males is simple. I was held at gun point and robbed by a AA in my upscale apartment. This guy passed screening and sounded anything but ghetto. However, it happened and I was spooked about providing incall to anyone. Actually, I stop providing for a year.
Sorry to hear about that but I have a question for you...? If a white, asian or hispanic gentlemen did the same thing would you ever post in your ads that you don't see "white men", "asian men" or "hispanic men"????
IMO, probably not...because black clients are the minority in the Hobby and it isn't going to "hurt" your business if you exclude them. I've heard stories of white, asian, and hispanic gentlemen being jerks but there is no way in hell that they will be excluded because said it yourself
It makes good business sense to me not to offer any services to AA men. Originally Posted by Girl Syxx
Its my PUSSY and Ill do what the fuck I wanna do with it, and with whomever I choose to do so. If you dont like it, then get lost, dont contact me and for petes sake please stop posting threads bitching and moaning about how you are being done wrong because your black. No reparations here, along with no jungle fever either. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
So you see, to each his own. I just saw attractive higher class, highly educated men with real money. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
..."real money"??? 100k/yr, 200k/yr, 1M/yr...more?

Then again, you will make more money with white rich men if they think your not "worn out" by some big black cock. That's no joke. Most white men that I used to see wanted nothing to do with ladies who saw men of other races. So sorry ya'll but I'll pick the green over your ass any day. Originally Posted by Sunny Taylor
This Sunny Taylor chic is it!

To the OP...

1. Next time, SEARCH...plenty of threads on the topic but I feel ya needing to vent.
2. Get over it (sorry Rambro Creed) it will NEVER change!
3. It's a provider's choice and I have learned over time she doesn't have to give an explanation
4. Just because you see NBA doesn't mean she WON'T see you
5. Chica...why in the hell isn't this thread closed