Breaking News....Susan "Rat Face" Rice Had Better "Lawyer Up"

lustylad's Avatar
Clownboy, former Senator Kerry disagrees with you on that. Take it up with him. From your Susan Rice lied thread, post # 5. I believe you posted that. Watch the video. Originally Posted by flghtr65
No, Kerry doesn't disagree with me in that video. Why don't you quote him directly or tell us in your own words exactly where you think he disagrees with me? Does he disagree you need to take your bullshit historical revisionism and stick it up your ass? Does he want you to stick it somewhere else? Up HIS ass perhaps?

Are you so tired of getting bitch-slapped in this thread that your only response at this point is to point vaguely and lamely to another thread?

Under the War Powers Resolution, Odumbo as Commander-in-Chief could have taken military action against Syria as long as he informed Congress within 48 hours and the action did not last more than 60 days. Instead, he punted the decision to Congress in an embarrassing public retreat from his very public red line. The fact that Putin then cleverly tossed him a lifeline doesn't change those facts.
flghtr65's Avatar

His first way out was to waffle and outsource the decision to Congress whether or not to attack Syria.

His second way out was to leap at Putin's clever face-saving offer to persuade Assad to (pretend to) give up his chemical weapons stockpile in lieu of a US attack.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Clownboy, the Washington Post doesn't see it your way. The Obama white house could not get support from republicans for military action. So, they went in a different direction.

From the link:

The September 2013 congressional debate
When the administration unexpectedly decided to seek congressional approval for a military strike, officials clearly faced a conundrum. The president needs the votes of Republicans in order to win approval, but given the partisan distrust of his leadership, the White House apparently decided it would not be helpful to ask for support for an Obama “red line.” So the rhetoric shifted — it was now the world’s red line.
flghtr65's Avatar
No, Kerry doesn't disagree with me in that video. Why don't you quote him directly or tell us in your own words exactly where you think he disagrees with me?
Originally Posted by lustylad
He disagrees with you in the first 25 seconds. Obama wanted to take Military action, but could not get support from the republicans. See the Washington Post in post #152.
flghtr65's Avatar

You don't know for a "fact" if CNN actually interviewed any Republicans who said Susan Rice did nothing wrong or made it up. Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh, so CNN is lying now? The problem with CNN is it doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

If it's ok for you to use Fox and Breibart, it's ok for me to use CNN.
lustylad's Avatar
Clownboy, the Washington Post doesn't see it your way. The Obama white house could not get support from republicans for military action. So, they went in a different direction. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Cherry-picking your own link again, flighty? The Washington Post doesn't see it your way. They even suggest their own readers "may find the president's apparent discomfort with his own words more meaningful...”

Fucking-A! Odumbo was uncomfortable as hell about enforcing his own red line in 2013. That's why Senator Corker said:

“There’s absolutely no question he’s very uncomfortable being commander in chief... it’s like he wants to slip the noose. It’s like watching a person who’s caged, who’s in a trap and trying to figure a way out.”

Even your cherry-picked WaPo quote makes my point! It says “the administration unexpectedly decided to seek congressional support for a military strike...” Why do you think it was so "unexpected" for them to seek congressional support, flighty? It was "unexpected" because under the War Powers Act they didn't need it! Oh wait, I already explained that to you in post #151, didn't I?

If odumbo really “wanted to take military action” as you claim, he would have just done it - like Trump did 10 days ago! The only logical conclusion any thinking person can possibly draw is that back in September 2013 odumbo desperately wanted a way out. Either Congress would approve military action and relieve him of owning the decision, or they would reject it and give him an excuse to wimp out. In the end, Congress didn't vote on it because Putin stepped in and gave odumbo the wimp-out excuse he was craving.

All of this is well-documented, flighty. You're a damn fool if you think you can rewrite history.
lustylad's Avatar
Oh, so CNN is lying now? The problem with CNN is it doesn't tell you what you want to hear.

If it's ok for you to use Fox and Breibart (sic), it's ok for me to use CNN. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Listen, you biased lying partisan hack... I don't give a rat's ass if your source is CNN or Fox or Breitbart or RussiaToday! A story citing unnamed secondary sources presuming to speak for unnamed others does not make something a FACT!

And if you trust CNN so much, then why did you cherry-pick their story and leave out the actual quote from a real-live Republican named Ron Paul that contradicts your argument?

Could it be because you're a biased lying partisan hack?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 12:21 AM
It was your link, dumbass. I only quoted from it to show everyone how you cherry-picked the story and left out parts that didn't fit your biased, partisan, hackish narrative.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Is this anything like you cherry picking which babies you care about?

Is this anything like you cherry picking which babies you care about?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Is this anything like YOU dingleberry picking with assup and Lube ? :mf_tong ue:
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  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 08:25 AM
Is this anything like YOU dingleberry picking with assup and Lube ? :mf_tong ue: Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Seriously Gay Rey....out of all the truly ignorant posters in this stand out like a sore thumb.

You are like a parrot that repeats the same shit no matter the topic.

A true example of why we should double funding to PPH and convince Sara Palin that we really do need Death Panels in this country.

lustylad's Avatar
Seriously Gay Rey....out of all the truly ignorant posters in this stand out like a sore thumb. Originally Posted by WTF
Jealous, fagboy? Everyone knows Rey's homo trash talk is funnier than yours. Go pick some more dingleberries and get over it!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Rookie bullshit, Junior.

Back to the farm!
lustylad's Avatar
Did you hear the one about the rookie jewish farm-team pitcher named assup who gave up 10 runs in the first inning?

He got sent to the showers!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 12:08 PM
Jealous, fagboy? Everyone knows Rey's homo trash talk is funnier than yours. Go pick some more dingleberries and get over it! Originally Posted by lustylad
The only people Gay Rey can even make chuckle, are those he has his tongue buried 3 inches up their ass.

Just imagine Stephen Hawking's trying to do 10 meter springboard Olympic diving.... that's Gay Rey in this forum!

The poor ignorant fucker may be good in something but it ain't political knowledge or humor.

lustylad's Avatar
You go 3 inches deep to pick dingleberries, fagboy? You must be a winner!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-17-2017, 12:39 PM
You go 3 inches deep to pick dingleberries, fagboy? You must be a winner! Originally Posted by lustylad
Gay Rey must a put a fist up your pimping loverboy hard!
One would think Gay Ray a Syrian baby with a little mustard gas on his tongue the way you are carrying on!

Settle the fuck down...Trump can't afford to kill his low information voters as of yet...Gay Rey is safe for n9w.
