This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

It's still Tuesday. Maybe she'll be back.
I wouldn't post about this again, but people are still posting a false narrative. As I've well documented, this is what happened...

!VI! was an account that this young woman's *pimp* used to post. He also posted as jjkageab12 posing as a client.

When the young woman broke away from this pimp, he posted as !VI! outting her real life identity, running ads inviting clients to *her parents* house, and posting x-rated videos of her to a porn site as "revenge porn."

This same pimp had done a similar thing a few years earlier to "eevee" outing her when she left him.

This pimp was later arrested and now awaits trial. Charges might include illegal gun purchase and ownership, trafficking, and breaking parole on a previous felony theft conviction.

!VI! wasn't forced out. She was, in a sense, never here. The posts "from her" stopped because her pimp made them, and he's now behind bars where he belongs. Originally Posted by sean rider
Actually I think VIs vindictive ass was upset because her boyfriend/pimp left her because he couldn't deal with her lifestyle, so she accused him of all this....because shes theory is as relevant as yours, because without proof, its all opinion..... and she seems the type to dump on someone and play victim at the same he was a hard ass pimp into dressing up in furry costumes.......yeah right........but lets keep this on Kittys retirement.....who's with me? 29 years!! thanks to a dude with some notes on a cocktail napkin.....Kittys career was legendary
Kitty what kinda specials are ya' turnin' on your way out?

P.s. Good luck! Hope you paid your taxes and social security.... Gotta feed the cats later in life.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Ya gotta respect a gal that's been here a long time and invested her money wisely so she can get out. Nothing sadder than the old whores that do this way past their prime.
ManSlut's Avatar
My thoughts:

1. Does this mean Cuban Tuesdays are hasta la bye bye?
2. I won't get to ask, "#isKittyFittyOne"
3. We won't be meeting for coffee?
4. My investment in Cosmetic Commodities was wasted money?
5. We won't get anymore Spanish Lessons?
6. We'll never know what happened to the Kenwood Stereo Speakers?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
...Nothing sadder than the old whores that do this way past their prime. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Although I agree with your first sentence, I have to take issue with the last one.

And I have this feeling that you might like what I have to write. I think that a LOT of our collective philosophies, about this world, are wrong.

In MY perfect world, a female wouldn't be allowed to sell her body (maybe a few exceptions. A nice older man who is a sugar daddy that knows how to be respectful and kind, that sort of thing) until she was at least 30 and probably, more like 35 or 40.

I think that there is nothing sadder than a 19 year old, or a female in her early 20's, making this a lifestyle choice. The many (not all) bottom feeders that are associated with those that prefer this age range, and the men who are basically predators, well it causes me to feel a little sad for those young women who decide to do this.

Are there young women who can mentally handle this type of work? Oh yeah. But people should be able to enjoy their youth and spend it having fun. With people their own age. Going to school, college, etc.

Leave the making REALLY bad choices to the older ones. lol

I have nothing against men who like to see younger women. I GET the appeal. Heck, I don't even like females in a sexual fashion but I look! However, I don't like seeing promising and intelligent women entering into this field until they have some life experience under their belt.

I am not taking into account those who do this out of desperation. I'm speaking of those who have a choice, like I did.

Guess what I'm trying to state is that I've met some of the smartest women in the world while working in this. I just wish that a few of them, and yes ... a few of them will be reading this ... had done something different with their lives.

It's like that line (scene) in one of those famous Fellini films that I cannot remember the name of. There is this guy, sitting in a bombed out building, and he said that we had it all wrong. That young people should live in retirement. Be allowed to play and just be. And let the old people go to war. Work. That the whole idea of retirement was backwards.

Well, something like that!

I was born for this. And it's still a constant head fuck.

Anyway ... just my brief thoughts on it. Has nothing to do with Kitty's retirement. Has everything to do with some of the younger ladies on here behaving badly.

Someday, when I have some time, I'll start a topic with a few other ideas of what I think that we have backwards. One has to do with rates for BJ's.

TheEccie214's Avatar
As usual great thoughts EW. When I first started hobbying I saw a couple of young girls and for a variety of reasons I stopped, felt weird, too often don't know what they like, etc. There's a fine line though of doing this for a job as we all see some older ladies that are basically begging for money regularly. But think they were nut cases when they were young too.
Shame Kitty's gone, never got to see her. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Didn't read the whole thread but....Good luck Kitty! its not a retirement, its a new chapter in life! Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
My thoughts:

1. Does this mean Cuban Tuesdays are hasta la bye bye?
2. I won't get to ask, "#isKittyFittyOne"
3. We won't be meeting for coffee?
4. My investment in Cosmetic Commodities was wasted money?
5. We won't get anymore Spanish Lessons?
6. We'll never know what happened to the Kenwood Stereo Speakers? Originally Posted by ManSlut
Hey its all 3 of the brave White Knights. I love how you guys have a White Knight rotation in which you take turns in order, helps keep your WK stuff organized.

Actually I think VIs vindictive ass was upset because her boyfriend/pimp left her because he couldn't deal with her lifestyle, so she accused him of all this....because shes theory is as relevant as yours, because without proof, its all opinion..... and she seems the type to dump on someone and play victim at the same he was a hard ass pimp into dressing up in furry costumes.......yeah right........ Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. This entire paragraph is a bunch of nonsense.
Actually, it sounds right on the money.
Maybe I missed something but isnt this an OLD thread that got bumped AGAIN? Didn't Kitty say she WASN'T retiring? (Or had briefly retired and returned...)

Maybe this thread needs locked so it can fade away...
The three of them should just have a circle jerk and get it over with.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Maybe I missed something but isnt this an OLD thread that got bumped AGAIN? Didn't Kitty say she WASN'T retiring? (Or had briefly retired and returned...)

Maybe this thread needs locked so it can fade away... Originally Posted by Permission Granted
You're right. It's a old thread now turned into a bunch of people getting their thrills by fucking with, degrading and all out bullying Kitty.

This might be a unpopular view with some but I've long ago since gotten comfy with that a long time ago.
The three of them should just have a circle jerk and get it over with. Originally Posted by Tapper69
They might as well. Aint no girls wanna have anything to do with any of them.

You're right. It's a old thread now turned into a bunch of people getting their thrills by fucking with, degrading and all out bullying Kitty. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Hey some of them are your White Knights too.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Didn't Kitty say she WASN'T retiring? (Or had briefly retired and returned...) Originally Posted by Permission Granted
Very briefly - it was a Don't-Blinck-Or-You'll-Miss-It retirement.
  • grean
  • 08-10-2016, 02:09 PM
Although I agree with your first sentence, I have to take issue with the last one.

And I have this feeling that you might like what I have to write. I think that a LOT of our collective philosophies, about this world, are wrong.

In MY perfect world, a female wouldn't be allowed to sell her body (maybe a few exceptions. A nice older man who is a sugar daddy that knows how to be respectful and kind, that sort of thing) until she was at least 30 and probably, more like 35 or 40.

I think that there is nothing sadder than a 19 year old, or a female in her early 20's, making this a lifestyle choice. The many (not all) bottom feeders that are associated with those that prefer this age range, and the men who are basically predators, well it causes me to feel a little sad for those young women who decide to do this.

Are there young women who can mentally handle this type of work? Oh yeah. But people should be able to enjoy their youth and spend it having fun. With people their own age. Going to school, college, etc.

Leave the making REALLY bad choices to the older ones. lol

I have nothing against men who like to see younger women. I GET the appeal. Heck, I don't even like females in a sexual fashion but I look! However, I don't like seeing promising and intelligent women entering into this field until they have some life experience under their belt.

I am not taking into account those who do this out of desperation. I'm speaking of those who have a choice, like I did.

Guess what I'm trying to state is that I've met some of the smartest women in the world while working in this. I just wish that a few of them, and yes ... a few of them will be reading this ... had done something different with their lives.

It's like that line (scene) in one of those famous Fellini films that I cannot remember the name of. There is this guy, sitting in a bombed out building, and he said that we had it all wrong. That young people should live in retirement. Be allowed to play and just be. And let the old people go to war. Work. That the whole idea of retirement was backwards.

Well, something like that!

I was born for this. And it's still a constant head fuck.

Anyway ... just my brief thoughts on it. Has nothing to do with Kitty's retirement. Has everything to do with some of the younger ladies on here behaving badly.

Someday, when I have some time, I'll start a topic with a few other ideas of what I think that we have backwards. One has to do with rates for BJ's.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

Why wait on someday? No better day than today! Start that thread.