What is your definition of Energy Independence

  • Tiny
  • 03-15-2022, 03:26 AM
Pray do tell how lustylad explained any kind of fix to Now if, say, Russia, Venezuela and Iran are all shut out of the market, or if OPEC decides to clamp down on production,

He didn't. Oil would be 300-500 dollars a barrel. I'd be fucking rich. I'd still be able to afford 10 dollar gasoline.

The market is deciding in this country who drills....our companies have to compete with those other nations you were bragging about earlier....the Dutch, Saudi's and Arab Emirates.

As a side....how long have we tried to decapitate the heads of Iran and Venezuela with our oil bans? Think about that. What makes any of you think this will work on the Russians....hell we could not even topple NK Originally Posted by WTF
Kudos for investing back in March and April of 2020, if that's what you did. It was a great time to buy.

I intentionally didn't mention the Netherlands. (Google the Dutch Disease for why.) Or Saudi Arabia. But I'd a lot rather be in the position of the Dutch right now, sitting on trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, than, say, the Germans. And the general level prosperity of Saudis is a lot higher, than, say, Jordan. These are examples of what LustyLad was getting at. If you're producing an big excess of oil and gas and prices go to the moon, you're going to benefit. Another example is you, WTF. If prices do go to $300 to $500 a barrel, you'll make a lot more money on your dividends than you'll ever spend on gasoline.

We're a much larger country than any of my examples. But recall when we were discussing what a trillion barrels of oil might mean to a country, I pointed out our combined resource of oil and natural gas is about 700 billion barrels oil equivalent (BOE). A lot of that, particularly the oil, is commercial at current prices. Our consumption is around 12 billion BOE per year. We're in the catbird's seat compared to most countries, as long as the politicians allow our oil and gas industry to develop our resources.

I've got no argument with your points about the failure of our sanctions to change the behavior of Iran or Venezuela.
Kudos for investing back in March and April of 2020, if that's what you did. It was a great time to buy.

I intentionally didn't mention the Netherlands. (Google the Dutch Disease for why.) Or Saudi Arabia. But I'd a lot rather be in the position of the Dutch right now, sitting on trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, than, say, the Germans. And the general level prosperity of Saudis is a lot higher, than, say, Jordan. These are examples of what LustyLad was getting at. If you're producing an big excess of oil and gas and prices go to the moon, you're going to benefit. Another example is you, WTF. If prices do go to $300 to $500 a barrel, you'll make a lot more money on your dividends than you'll ever spend on gasoline.

We're a much larger country than any of my examples. But recall when we were discussing what a trillion barrels of oil might mean to a country, I pointed out our combined resource of oil and natural gas is about 700 billion barrels oil equivalent (BOE). A lot of that, particularly the oil, is commercial at current prices. Our consumption is around 12 billion BOE per year. We're in the catbird's seat compared to most countries, as long as the politicians allow our oil and gas industry to develop our resources.

I've got no argument with your points about the failure of our sanctions to change the behavior of Iran or Venezuela. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sooner or later, it’s all about the Dollar. The Pound. The Yen. The Yuan. The Deutche Mark, The Ruble.

We would sell our souls to Satan himself if it meant our portfolio went positive for next quarter.

Putin knows this. Xi knows this. Madura knows this. The Mullas know this.

When a Wall Street Journal poll shows that over half of those polled say this Country is not worth fighting far, the question no longer is if the USA and freedom will fall, the question is when.

As Pogo said,….”we have met the enemy, and he is us”.
LexusLover's Avatar
As Pogo said,….”we have met the enemy, ... ”. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I've never met Bitten. I have met people like him.
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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 09:03 AM
But recall when we were discussing what a trillion barrels of oil might mean to a country, I pointed out our combined resource of oil and natural gas is about 700 billion barrels oil equivalent (BOE). A lot of that, particularly the oil, is commercial at current prices. Our consumption is around 12 billion BOE per year. We're in the catbird's seat compared to most countries, as long as the politicians allow our oil and gas industry to develop our resources.

. Originally Posted by Tiny
Recall how I have pointed out that Biden approved more drilling permits that Trumps first year.

Recall how I've pointed out to watch what politicians do and not what they say.

Biden is not Sanders....yet you continually post as if he is.

Lastly recall how I have continually pointed out that our energy sector is not nationalized and will drill and produce for profit....not national interest.
profit is in the national interest

at least it always used to be

mark twain said, there are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics

statistics can become lies when no real analysis is made of the statistic and it is used to confuse

if biden did "approve" more "permits" than trump did in the first year so be it.

but saying that is like when psaki said biden's first year produced more oil than trump's first year. what a gaggle of non-sequitur nonsense

a specific drilling permit is required on each well, and there's about 40 thousand drilling requests just languishing

and beside that even, the tenor and talk and actions of this bunch is decidedly anti-oil patch from the get go

they make entreaties to thugs and dictators for oil while wanting our domestic production to wither on the vine, there is no getting around that

despite your fluffed statistical idiocy

and biden is worse then sanders...sanders give his shit out in the open...biden is controlled by others and they lie about his shit
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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 12:13 PM
what a gaggle of non-sequitur nonsense
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You mean like crediting Trump for this so called energy independence without citing all the drilling and infrastructure done BEFORE Trump ever took office

Is there any gaggle of nonsense that many of you attribute to "energy independence"?

Do you think our energy CEO's are watching the import/export data to determine if they should drill more wells? Or maybe they are looking at current and future price points?

You energy independent fuckers seem to put this importance on that number as if it means something. We drill based on future prices. There is no energy independence fairy...

It is great that we have discovered all these reserves but they will be depleted based on price points....not energy independence rahrah.

Y'all sound as easily manipulated as the Brown Shirts
Precious_b's Avatar

what egg? you didn't write this you condescending SOB. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
What?! Russell Gold is a plagiarist?
Somebody call Texas Monthly!

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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 12:29 PM
bullshit. now you are just wanking yourself and trying for a reach around at the same time.

we had energy independence as a net exporter without any of that crap, nationalizing the energy sector or a bunch of stupid laws restricting imports and exports.

where do you get this crap from? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I thought you were going to show me where the price of oil was up all over the world but because we were "energy independent " our gasoline prices were incredibly low.

Like Iran low....where they pennies to the gallon.

It seems you and Tiny smd the rest of you energy independent blowhards aspire to this economic model!

You mean like crediting Trump for this so called energy independence without citing all the drilling and infrastructure done BEFORE Trump ever took office

Is there any gaggle of nonsense that many of you attribute to "energy independence"?

Do you think our energy CEO's are watching the import/export data to determine if they should drill more wells? Or maybe they are looking at current and future price points?

You energy independent fuckers seem to put this importance on that number as if it means something. We drill based on future prices. There is no energy independence fairy...

It is great that we have discovered all these reserves but they will be depleted based on price points....not energy independence rahrah.

Y'all sound as easily manipulated as the Brown Shirts Originally Posted by WTF
If Energy Independence is actually obtainable Trump came the closest. Now we are as far away from it as we can get. Gas will never be two dollars a gallon again ever.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I thought you were going to show me where the price of oil was up all over the world but because we were "energy independent " our gasoline prices were incredibly low.

Like Iran low....where they Originally Posted by WTF


The national average for a gallon of regular gasoline on Aug. 7, 2018, was $2.86. See the map and table below for further information on the average price of a gallon of regular gasoline in the states.



crude oil price on Aug 2018 was $78.53

thank you valued professor
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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 12:39 PM
If Energy Independence is actually obtainable Trump came the closest. Now we are as far away from it as we can get. Gas will never be two dollars a gallon again ever. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Trump came the closest?

Did we have no drilling prior to Trump?

Were we not steadily rising since 2006?

Was Trump the one who found this oil and ordered energy companies to drill?

Why didn't Trump order our energy sector to continue pumping and drilling after he shutdown our economy?

We would have been energy independence as fuck!

I start these threads hoping some of you may learn how the oil sector is multifaceted.....but it is partly for the chuckle some of these responses entail.

Trump was most responsible....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump came the closest?

Did we have no drilling prior to Trump?

Were we not steadily rising since 2006?

Was Trump the one who found this oil and ordered energy companies to drill?

Why didn't Trump order our energy sector to continue pumping and drilling after he shutdown our economy?

We would have been energy independence as fuck!

I start these threads hoping some of you may learn how the oil sector is multifaceted.....but it is partly for the chuckle some of these responses entail.

Trump was most responsible.... Originally Posted by WTF

you keep saying Trump shutdown the economy. then you wonder why everyone laughs at you.

you know perfectly well Trump didn't want the Governors to implement mass shutdowns of various businesses in their states but they did and Trump could neither order them to do so or not do so.

and you think everyone else in this thread is "stupid" and doesn't "get it"

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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 01:31 PM
you keep saying Trump shutdown the economy. then you wonder why everyone laughs at you.

you know perfectly well Trump didn't want the Governors to implement mass shutdowns of various businesses in their states but they did and Trump could neither order them to do so or not do so.

and you think everyone else in this thread is "stupid" and doesn't "get it"

BAAAHHAAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Can you show me the stats that show when the world wide price of oil is high our gasoline prices drop in this country as long as we are energy independent?

I've heard you claim it as fact but have never seen this economic phenomenon.

I've seen ungodly low gasoline prices in nations that have nationalized energy sectors. Is that what you are looking for? To nationalize our energy sector?
lustylad's Avatar
There is no energy independence fairy... Originally Posted by WTF

... but there is a WTF fairy!

It is great that we have discovered all these reserves but they will be depleted based on price points....not energy independence rahrah. Originally Posted by WTF

Rah-rah! Go team USA!

Drill, baby, drill! Rah-rah!

Gimme an E-N-E-R-G-Y!

Gimme an I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E!

What's it spell?

What's it spell?

Louder! Louder!

Stick out yer manboobs and shake those pompoms, WTF! Come Fall, you might even be able to cheer for the Steelers if you lose a few pounds!

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  • WTF
  • 03-15-2022, 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
But it will help us to withstand "supply shocks" elsewhere in the world. And it obviously increases our leverage in situations where a major energy producer like Russia is misbehaving

Have you figured out wht Trump did not keep us energy independent after he shut the economy down in 2020?