Obamacare Death Panels Arriving

LexusLover's Avatar
@Lexis Lover - you lost CJ7 after the word no. Too many big words for him. He is a typical Libtard just like assup rider and the rest! Originally Posted by therock18
Well, look at this way .....

... Obaminable Care aka ACA provides them the level of health care they want, I'm sure ....

George Carlin (rip) said it when describing parents who allowed their children to eat marbles .....

... it reduces the number of people who eat marbles ....

....so they cannot create more marble eaters!

The sad part is most of those touting the ACA ... get an exemption from it!
LexusLover's Avatar
Ignorant motherfuckers. will you stop whining when the promise of affordable care is realized? probably not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's because when Hell Freezes Over it won't be so friggin hot for you guys!
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes. And I focused on those provisions that have caused the most whining ... and boasting.

How about you ... golf ball chaser!

It was necessary and appropriate for me review those provisions that impact employers and employees .... as well as those provisions that provide for administrative and/or judicial review of the decisions of "the Secretary" ... as opposed to ...

the blog bullshit that feeds your "brain" or ....mouth is more like it. Now go back in your hole!

Where did I blame anything up to this date on "Obamacare" .. OTHER THAN

the impact on insurance being offered for 2014 and employment opportunities for 2010-2013?

Please don't waste more bandwidth trying to tag me with something YOU WISHED I HAD SAID! Originally Posted by LexusLover
CBJ .... apparently .. if it is posted in a blog you pay NO ATTENTION ... like WTF.

This post now applies to you CBJ! ................. (Where is that link I asked about?). Here's mine!
LexusLover's Avatar
oh, so you haven't read the bill ... who knew ?

Originally Posted by CJ7
You haven't read my posts .... "who knew"?

And "who knew" you are too friggin lazy to find a link ... here's another one for you to find:


Please note the discussion is about "Medicaid" recipients ... translate this sentence for us:

"Conclusions: The implementation of better care-management processes for cancer patients with preexisting chronic conditions may be one way to reduce these costs."

The operative words are "care-management processes"!

May be this will be helpful: http://www.cms.gov/Medicare-Medicaid...VAAddendum.pdf

"The care management processes, as described within the Model of Care, will ensure the provision and coordination of all necessary Medicare and Medicaid covered services. The following language is from the Virginia Model of Care and includes provisions for Vulnerable Subpopulations." ... Page 2. "Virginia .. Medicaid program"

I believe you have "proclaimed" that Medicare and Medicaid provisions are now ACA!

Just who do you think is going to make the decisions regarding "care management" to save money?

I also want you to thoughtfully examine the "focus group" in the "care management processes" ... in this particular article ... those recipients who are mentally challenged (my words) .....

... YOU should be particularly concerned about that!

Then go back and review the information recently released regarding "background" checks desired to determine persons' MENTAL CONDITIONS .. AND the various Federal agencies who have access to your medical records, which will necessarily include any information that might suggest the citizen is "MENTALLY CHALLNGED" (MY WORD).

One thing liberal do-gooders overlook is the "shoe is on the other foot soon enough"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 07:10 AM
Death Panels ..... Remember? Originally Posted by LexusLover
This was the topic of the post and it turns out a lie. Obamacare no more has Death Panels than any insurance company has...than any state insurance regulatory has. So either they all are or they all aren't. Are Tea Suckers are to damn ignorant to understand that simple fact.
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  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 07:31 AM
No. What is this thread topic. And what did WTF post about "the tax" which does not go into effect until .... 2018 ...

The flaw in your "contributions" to the discussions, along with WTF (historically he has as well) is that you will take a discussion about topic A and inject topic B in it to prove you are "correct," without addressing the discussion in topic A ... then when topic B gets shot down ... you move on to Topic C ..... 15 pages later in the thread you start the name calling ... I suppose hoping that everyone will forget what you DIDN'T say about Originally Posted by LexusLover
The thread topic was death panels. Once that lie got shot down YOU switched to topic b and c.
LexusLover's Avatar
The thread topic was death panels. Once that lie got shot down YOU switched to topic b and c. Originally Posted by WTF
#1: I guess I missed the thread where the OP topic got shot down? Link?
#2:: Do you call everything with which you disagree a "lie"?
#3: I don't remember bringing up .... taxes ... did you bring it up? or did you cohort CBJ ?

Today looks like it's gonna turn out to be a good golf day. Why aren't you out practicing?

Instead of on here practicing to appear intellectual?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, he lost the argument so now he is going to argue semantics. You lost!
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  • 08-18-2013, 09:36 AM
I like this quote:
"To date, 22 Democrats have joined Republicans in the House and Senate in support of legislation to do away with the IPAB. Yet because of the extraordinary partisanship on Capitol Hill and Republican threats to defund the law through the appropriations process, it is unlikely that any change in the Affordable Care Act will take place soon."

For those of you with reading comprehension problems, or Obaminable blinders and earplugs, what this says is ... "we" Democrats crammed this Bill down the taxpayers' throats without knowing what is in it and now that we have found out what is in it and want to change it because Palin was correct about what she said, it's the Republicans' fault for not forcing us to get rid of the Death Panels, and therefor the Republicans are not saving us from our own stupidity and ignorance. Again.

Where are Nancy, Harry, and Obaminable when accountability is assessed. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No what it means is that ignorant folks, such as you are failing to comprehend that the so called Death Panel is no different than what we currently have. Which is state insurance regulators and insurance companies that decide what will and will not be paid for.

Did you not argue that you can appeal state and insurance ''death panels''..that was your distinction, the appeal process!

JD, I am not trying to 'win' an argument....all I am doing is pointing out the lies of you Tea Turds.

Sara Palin has scared to public with half truths and flat out lies. These Death Panels are no different than wtf we already have. If people understood that simple fact , they would kick Sara and dipshits like you to the curb.
If people understood that simple fact , they would kick Sara and dipshits like you to the curb. Originally Posted by WTF
They already have! They kicked them "to the curb" in 2008 and again in 2012.
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  • 08-18-2013, 09:45 AM
They already have! They kicked them "to the curb" in 2008 and again in 2012. Originally Posted by bigtex
Good point...but the Death Panel lie has gained traction because of liars like these. I like to kick them in the nuts every time I hear that lie.
Howard Dean, one of your leaders, wrote the article admitting to Death Panel's in Obamacare but your puny little brain can't comprehend that. What else do you expect from a libtard. You do what your told and are not allowed to think. Is that how you got that dick in your mouth?

Good point...but the Death Panel lie has gained traction because of liars like these. I like to kick them in the nuts every time I hear that lie. Originally Posted by WTF
LexusLover's Avatar
. I like to kick them in the nuts every time I hear that lie. Originally Posted by WTF
Do you have "Cadillac" coverage ..... or Medicaid ... or Schip?
LexusLover's Avatar
I like to kick them in the nuts every time I hear that lie. Originally Posted by WTF
Do you have "Cadillac" coverage ... .. SCHIP...... or Medicaid?

Sounds more like SCHIP ..... unless your parents are in a union or work for the government.
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  • WTF
  • 08-18-2013, 09:59 AM
Howard Dean, one of your leaders, wrote the article admitting to Death Panel's in Obamacare but your puny little brain can't comprehend that. What else do you expect from a libtard. You do what your told and are not allowed to think. Is that how you got that dick in your mouth? Originally Posted by therock18
NO he did not...you liar. You Homo erotic bitch ass liar. It is no more a Death Panel than wtf we currently have. If wtf what we have now are Death panels , than yes this new panel is a God damn Death Panel you lying cocksucker. There, now we are even, I pointed out your lies and called you names too.