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You need to elaborate on the differences beyond the greek origins of the words. An atheist likewise sees no proof and therefore doesn't believe. So why don't you just call yourself an atheist instead of an agnostic atheist? Originally Posted by lustylad
Why do I need to elaborate? I understand it perfectly. Your lack of understanding is your own problem.
Fuck your wikipedia. I asked undercunt to explain it in his own words. Dumb as a bag of rocks is an apt description of anyone who can't explain in his own words what he believes and why. Originally Posted by lustylad
I don't see proof for existence of a god or prime mover, agnostic. Therefore I don't believe in one, atheist. A better question is why you have faith in one. Faith is an obstacle to reason and rationality. It's also not a reliable path to the truth.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't see proof for existence of a god or prime mover, agnostic. Therefore I don't believe in one, atheist. Originally Posted by WombRaider
As I already mentioned, an atheist doesn't "see proof" either. So how is a simple atheist any different from an "agnostic atheist"?
As I already mentioned, an atheist doesn't "see proof" either. So how is a simple atheist any different from an "agnostic atheist"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Your lack of understanding isn't my problem. If you're so concerned with it, go look it up.

Interesting. A flurry of posts from you and IB is nowhere to be found. Hmm mm....
lustylad's Avatar
Why do I need to elaborate? I understand it perfectly. Your lack of understanding is your own problem. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your lack of understanding isn't my problem. If you're so concerned with it, go look it up. Originally Posted by WombRaider

If you understand it so "perfectly" as you claim, then why can't you articulate it - perfectly or otherwise? You act like you are very certain and knowledgeable in your views, yet you can't even answer a simple question about what differentiates you from a plain atheist? Very strange. And why are you so cagey and defensive on this subject? Is it because 1) you don't know what you're talking about, or 2) you're fucking with us again to up your post count? Or both?

If you understand it so "perfectly" as you claim, then why can't you articulate it - perfectly or otherwise? You act like you are very certain and knowledgeable in your views, yet you can't even answer a simple question about what differentiates you from a plain atheist? Very strange. And why are you so cagey and defensive on this subject? Is it because 1) you don't know what you're talking about, or 2) you're fucking with us again to up your post count? Or both?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I've articulated it to you several times. Your failure to grasp the concept isn't really my concern. What you think about what I know, is meaningless to me. You might take a clue from the fact that you're the only one repeatedly asking for more of an explanation. Everyone else seems to understand it just fine. Is that because 1) you really ARE that dumb and don't understand it, or 2) you're just a fucking asshole who likes to repeat himself. Or both.

Maybe you can go get IB and have him come in here and drop a few grubers on on us. Your bullshit doesn't play anymore. And why are you bringing this up in a Capitalism thread?
lustylad's Avatar
I've articulated it to you several times.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
You haven't articulated shit. You're scared of engaging in intelligent discourse because you know you are an intellectual pygmy and a fraud. Go ahead and show us where you "articulated several times" in your own words what the difference is between an atheist and an agnostic atheist. Spit it out, you lying dicksucker!

And why are you bringing this up in a Capitalism thread? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Wrong question, fucktard. Why did YOU bring it up in this thread if you're too stupid and scared to talk about it?

People seem surprised when they find out most atheists are actually nice people who care about their community and love their family. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You haven't articulated shit. You're scared of engaging in intelligent discourse because you know you are an intellectual pygmy and a fraud. Go ahead and show us where you "articulated several times" in your own words what the difference is between an atheist and an agnostic atheist. Spit it out, you lying dicksucker!

Wrong question, fucktard. Why did YOU bring it up in this thread if you're too stupid and scared to talk about it? Originally Posted by lustylad
Firstly, I didn't bring up the question of distinction between the two, that was you.

Belief and knowledge are two different things. The agnostic part of it deals with knowledge. The atheist part deals with belief. I'm not sure how much simpler I can make it for you. An atheist doesn't believe there's a god. An agnostic says there's no knowledge that proves god exists. It's widely recognized that you can be an agnostic atheist, so I'm not really sure why you persist in trying to say you can't be.

Would you care to tell me why you think one exists?
lustylad's Avatar
Belief and knowledge are two different things. The agnostic part of it deals with knowledge. The atheist part deals with belief... An atheist doesn't believe there's a god. An agnostic says there's no knowledge that proves god exists. It's widely recognized that you can be an agnostic atheist... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Is an "agnostic atheist" open to the possibility that knowledge may someday prove God exists?
Is an "agnostic atheist" open to the possibility that knowledge may someday prove God exists? Originally Posted by lustylad
That would depend on the individual you are speaking to. I personally believe that if there were a higher power, he/she/it would have shown themselves by now.
  • shanm
  • 05-05-2015, 11:43 PM
Is an "agnostic atheist" open to the possibility that knowledge may someday prove God exists? Originally Posted by lustylad
Let me dumb it down for you LustyTard. Heaven knows you need it.

An agnostic atheist holds his atheist beliefs becuase he/she feels the knowledge of gods existence is unknowable or unknown as of currently.

Compared to a regular atheist who firmly believes in the non-existence of god. Most scientists who have a thorough understanding of science are decidedly atheist and not agnostic atheists BECAUSE they believe that science proves the non-existence concept.

Is that dumb enough for your LustyTard? Will you quit your whining and bitching now?

I have no idea why it was so hard for you to understand in the first place. It's literally implied by their very name......DUH!!

Just STFU idiot!
I B Hankering's Avatar
That would depend on the individual you are speaking to. I personally believe that if there were a higher power, he/she/it would have shown themselves by now. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That there is a higher power is revealed in every sunrise and in every grain of sand; every stirring creature and in every twinkling star, but you're too stupid to see, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

lustylad's Avatar
Let me dumb it down for you LustyTard. Heaven knows you need it.

An agnostic atheist holds his atheist beliefs becuase he/she feels the knowledge of gods existence is unknowable or unknown as of currently.

Compared to a regular atheist who firmly believes in the non-existence of god. Most scientists who have a thorough understanding of science are decidedly atheist and not agnostic atheists BECAUSE they believe that science proves the non-existence concept.

Is that dumb enough for your LustyTard? Will you quit your whining and bitching now?

I have no idea why it was so hard for you to understand in the first place. It's literally implied by their very name......DUH!!

Just STFU idiot!
Originally Posted by shanm

Were you drunk when you posted this or just experiencing your usual loutish spasms of stupidity? "Is that dumb enough?" It's way TOO dumb to respond to. I have yet to encounter a scientist who argues that “science proves the non-existence concept”. Stay out of the conversation, dipshit.

That there is a higher power is revealed in every sunrise and in every grain of sand; every stirring creature and in every twinkling star, but you're too stupid to see, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You've popped up and lusty the inbred tard is nowhere to be found.

Those things you listed can all be explained by science. You're as bad as the goat herders who thought the night sky was a blanket with holes poked in it.
lustylad's Avatar
That would depend on the individual you are speaking to. I personally believe that if there were a higher power, he/she/it would have shown themselves by now. Originally Posted by WombRaider

We're talking about atheists vs. agnostic atheists. Which of the two belief categories does not exclude the possibility that God may someday be proven to exist?