Is ANYONE watching "Breaking Bad"?

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Yes sir this was a fine ending to a spectacular show.

Go Jesse, I was glad to see he got out too.
Fantastic! I am so happy Jessie got Todd and he escaped. I thought it was a wonderful ending! It was all I expected.
JCM800's Avatar
agreed ...great ending

agreed ...great ending Originally Posted by JCM800
Have not seen the ending yet. Normally wait for Netflix watching the show. Party here in ABQ this past weekend for the finale was great I must say.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Have not seen the ending yet. Normally wait for Netflix watching the show. Party here in ABQ this past weekend for the finale was great I must say. Originally Posted by bosco_slim
I hope you enjoy it in 2015. And you're a local? C'mon man!
Walter White......gone. What an goodness. No doubt he'll go down in television history as a Top Ten character.

Glad to see that Jesse made it out. Where does he go now to start anew?

Poor Lydia......did you see the look on her face when Walt told her what he'd done? lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Fabulous show. Wow. I wondered what would happen and all that I remembered was reading how Vince said that the end of the show would have all of the loose ends dealt with.

The after show actually discussed that. The director wanted the show to be a stand along offering. Nothing more. Nothing less.

With "what will Jesse do" question, it was actually discussed afterwards. "What will Jesse do"? It was discussed but basically, the idea is that Jesse can start over with his life.

Which the kid needed a break for once, right?

I haven't yet read the commentaries on the show, which they have a discussion group which is great. But I will.

The show was just fantastic.

I wonder how the show will hold up in the future? Will we still think this show is all that in 10 years?

Vince expressed his total love and admiration for Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone, and the immortal nature of those shows. He said he would like Breaking Bad to assume such a stature. As a great fan of both, I kind of think BB will rise to the occasion.
[QUOTE]With "what will Jesse do" question, it was actually discussed afterwards. "What will Jesse do"? It was discussed but basically, the idea is that Jesse can start over with his life.[QUOTE]

A friend text'd me today reminding me that Jesse was a Meth Cook....a drug addict....oh, yes, and a murderer......and he'd eff up, be caught and in custody in less than a week from escaping the compound.

I'd prefer to think (hope) Jesse had some cash secretly stashed away and was on his way to Alaska.....or as a tribute to Jane...New Zealand. And as Walt had scribbled on one of his high school chemistry exams, Jesse would finally be Applying Himself.

I wonder how the show will hold up in the future? Will we still think this show is all that in 10 years?

My hopes are it will....but, of course, only time will tell the tale. This much we do know....Breaking Bad was brilliantly crafted day one...for many, the show became as addictive as Blue Meth itself.

The impact BB will have on future entertainment endeavors (writing, directing, acting, etc) is yet to come. But I feel it will be quite a spell before we are introduced to another character as loveable and diabolical as Walter White again.

Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
The ending was awesome. I've said that "The Wire" was TV perfection and I still believe that. But the last 8 episodes of Breaking Bad is the best thing I have ever seen on TV and the ending tied up everything. Just an incredible show.

The only thing that wasn't tied up however is Huell. Is his fat ass still sitting in that safe house waiting for something to happen? Poor Huell.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've heard about "The Wire" but on-demand won't let me watch it. Guess that I'll have to break down and pay to watch that series.

I'm really surprised that more people haven't comments on this show and even the philosophy behind it.

Just riveting. I'm still thinking about it. Got caught up on the news articles, including the bloggers that write about the show on, yesterday. It's been all over reviewed as a great ending to the series even though some complained about the believability of a few of the scenes.

So what? I thought that the ending of the show tied up MOST of the story lines.

The ones that mattered, anyway.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1054104693][QUOTE]With "what will Jesse do" question, it was actually discussed afterwards. "What will Jesse do"? It was discussed but basically, the idea is that Jesse can start over with his life.[QUOTE]

A friend text'd me today reminding me that Jesse was a Meth Cook....a drug addict....oh, yes, and a murderer......and he'd eff up, be caught and in custody in less than a week from escaping the compound.

I'd prefer to think (hope) Jesse had some cash secretly stashed away and was on his way to Alaska.....or as a tribute to Jane...New Zealand. And as Walt had scribbled on one of his high school chemistry exams, Jesse would finally be Applying Himself.

I wonder how the show will hold up in the future? Will we still think this show is all that in 10 years?

My hopes are it will....but, of course, only time will tell the tale. This much we do know....Breaking Bad was brilliantly crafted day one...for many, the show became as addictive as Blue Meth itself.

The impact BB will have on future entertainment endeavors (writing, directing, acting, etc) is yet to come. But I feel it will be quite a spell before we are introduced to another character as loveable and diabolical as Walter White again.


I think that Breaking Bad WILL have some impact on future shows. We're already seeing the way that television is starting to change.

Even companies like Netflix, who releases their seasons all at once (Orange is the new Black/House of Cards) is getting into the whole short mini-television series.

I watched the season opener of "Revenge" last night and they started the scene with something that happens in the future, then goes back two months earlier.

Shades of Breaking Bad alright. Or at least that is the way that I saw it.
Sugar Mr. Poon?'s Avatar
I've heard about "The Wire" but on-demand won't let me watch it. Guess that I'll have to break down and pay to watch that series.

I'm really surprised that more people haven't comments on this show and even the philosophy behind it.

Just riveting. I'm still thinking about it. Got caught up on the news articles, including the bloggers that write about the show on, yesterday. It's been all over reviewed as a great ending to the series even though some complained about the believability of a few of the scenes.

So what? I thought that the ending of the show tied up MOST of the story lines.

The ones that mattered, anyway. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Elizabeth, I was kidding about Huell. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well.

And if you decide to invest your time in The Wire just know that is a show that builds gradually. A lot of people think its too slow and make the mistake and give up after 3 or 4 episodes. And it is nothing like Breaking Bad, it won't leave you at the edge of your seat like BB, it is almost like watching a documentary on the inner workings of a city. It's awesome, but you should probably know that going in.
Finally got to watch the finale this morning. I got up extra early so I could watch it before work. lol

I have to admit I was cheering like an idiot when Jesse killed Todd. That piece of shit deserved a much more painful death but I'll take it.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The Wire was an excellent show. I still watch it now and then....