Making a Living

It's about personal space and discretion. I may as well just tell them my real name and social if that's the case, because if you own your home it's that easy to look up. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Hahahahahaha..... I knew someone who created her webpage under her REAL name.....found it on whois and told her, and she was surprised someone found out she`s an escort......she was also a HDH and claiming to be smart .......... i think to speak in Lauren`s terms that is a real big step in
REALLY opening your life up ....;-) .....
London Rayne's Avatar
I wonder if she also used "looses" when it's "loses." I need to stop missing so much class, and get more edjamacated I guess. No one is perfect.
Anyone heard recently about that poor fellow that jumped from GW bridge in manhattan because his friendly peers on this Ivy League University Rutgers in Jersey ( i think) filmed him having sex with his BF (he was gay) and put it on youtube? I hope they rot in prison for that and ... that the soap is not so slippery ....when they take a shower :-)..... Originally Posted by ninasastri
It will be in the courts a long time. No winners especially for Tyler and his family.
Instead, I will trust in myself and my social intelligence Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Julissa Brissmann did too, i guess. And the client was the typical ivy league educated gent everyone of us would have taken.(hey some of us even for free, r ight??) So that is really SCARY, right?? He studied in Harvard! Didn`t all our clients? So social intelligence. I don`t know. Screening. also i don`t know. Fact that the jerk got caught afterwards still did not save her life.
It will be in the courts a long time. No winners especially for Tyler and his family. Originally Posted by SR Only
Yes i know. I am on his facebook remembering page and wrote long about that in my private blog. The suckers who did that have too much money. I pity the poor family....At least the faces of the perpetrators are outed and they will be ashamed all their life. So shall it be.

What a beautiful young man! I felt such deep empathy for him! How sensitive he looked! In what society we live when people like that guy are made to commit suicide....really.......
I wonder if she also used "looses" when it's "loses." I need to stop missing so much class, and get more edjamacated I guess. No one is perfect. Originally Posted by London Rayne
hahahahahahaha :-) yes i assume so..... don`t want to be ruder than anyways.....but i found that at least the HDHs i got to know for a short while (longer they were unbearable.....sorry) ....were the ones who had the least clue on how to conduct that business.....I could tell you stories ...........they would make your ears shake and your head explode .....)
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't buy into labels period, and do believe there are genuine people of all classes. If I aspire to be something, it will be more than a label on a hooker board lol. I have spoken with some wonderfully surprising people here, and I have also encountered the moribidly stupid, who think the sun sets with them.

Either way, it's just a fantasy for me...thank goodness. I could never keep up with all the lines I would be expected to remember.
The decision to have a client that you know, and trust in your home is obviously not a popular one, but for some of us it works , and is something that we feel comfortable doing. Yes, there is some risk involved,but then again there is always going to be a certain level of risk in what we do as escorts regardless of how we do it.In the end all you can do is what makes the most sense to you, and decide for yourself what risks are worth taking for you as an individual.

I find it sad that so many escorts feel the need to judge each other over the way they choose to run their business .I assume that we already have plenty of people on the outside judging us,. Is it something that we really need to do to each other.
Can we judge via pets? If they own a squirrel or a dog?
discreetgent's Avatar
I have been fortunate to be invited to some homes (once in Europe). It was always after having had quite a few dates. I can see how it would be something that a lady should not be doing frequently but it is quite a compliment when it does happen.
I don't buy into labels period, and do believe there are genuine people of all classes. If I aspire to be something, it will be more than a label on a hooker board lol. I have spoken with some wonderfully surprising people here, and I have also encountered the moribidly stupid, who think the sun sets with them.

Either way, it's just a fantasy for me...thank goodness. I could never keep up with all the lines I would be expected to remember. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Can we judge via pets? If they own a squirrel or a dog? Originally Posted by SR Only
We all have our limits SR, and living with a squirrel is just plain odd
London Rayne's Avatar

No one is judging, but expecting others to be oblivious is another thing. If you want to say, "Hey guess what..I work out of my home....I know it's dangerous and not so discreet, but I don't care," then so be it.

Stand up for what you do, but don't try and make excuses for it by suggesting that no bad thing could ever happen to you because you are so much smarter. That's what the last girl said lol. I am using "you" again in the general sense, as I have no issues with you.

I don't get all pissy and call judgement every time someone says they don't charge by the hour, because I really don't care. I know how much money I make charging by the hour lol. It's not what is being done, but the reasoning used to try and justify it. No matter how you look at it, it is NOT DISCREET on many levels, so say so and move on. If you want to do it fine, but others stating the facts should not make your comfort level change. I think it is outright stupid to let any man you met as a paying client know where you don't have to agree.

I am sure many of the things I do are considered stupid to others, but it does not make me dislike them because of it. I know the reality of working out of a home. I know for a FACT how easy it is to be set up by just one person opening their mouth. I sure as hell know that you can't trust anyone 100 percent, especially when you are already BOTH breaking the law and probably lying to a mate to boot lol. So much for intuition.

I find it sad that so many escorts feel the need to judge each other over the way they choose to run their business .I assume that we have already have plenty of people on the outside judging us,. Is it something that we really need to do to each other. Originally Posted by Becky
it happens in day jobs too. and in all forms of jobs.
and ..just my 5 cents..the way some women do their business reflects on all of us. and the mistakes some make ruin the business in the long term. some of the mistakes significantly can alter someones life! I mean posting your homepage in your real name? And no one finds out or gives a crap? It can ruin people`s lives in the long run.
I mean if i have some mistakes i am happy someone gives enough crap about me to tell me in my face that my approach is not the most suitable one. Or plain dangerous?

No one is judging, but expecting others to be oblivious is another thing. If you want to say, "Hey guess what..I work out of my home....I know it's dangerous and not so discreet, but I don't care," then so be it.

Stand up for what you do, but don't try and make excuses for it by suggesting that no bad thing could ever happen to you because you are so much smarter. That's what the last girl said lol. I am using "you" again in the general sense, as I have no issues with you.

I don't get all pissy and call judgement every time someone says they don't charge by the hour, because I really don't care. I know how much money I make charging by the hour lol. It's not what is being done, but the reasoning used to try and justify it. No matter how you look at it, it is NOT DISCREET on many levels, so say so and move on. If you want to do it fine, but others stating the facts should not make you change your comfort level about it. I think it is outright stupid to let any man you met as a paying client know where you don't have to agree.

I am sure many of the things I do are considered stupid to others, but it does not make me dislike them because of it. I know the reality of working out of a home. I know for a FACT how easy it is to be set up by just one person opening their mouth. I sure as hell know that you can't trust anyone 100 percent, especially when you are already BOTH breaking the law and probably lying to a mate to boot lol. So much for intuition. Originally Posted by London Rayne