Bashing Leslie Lane

according to your reviews...and ugly duckling story...i do belive this statment...but id still hit it Originally Posted by bubbaJay
from what i have heard you tried to book with LL and were not welcomed, hence, your outspoken disapproval.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 09:53 PM
it is a huge LL's pants. Originally Posted by bubbaJay
Wait?!?! Are you saying Leslie is a tranny?

That's quite a shocking allegation, given Wayward's endorsement. Can we get some verification on this? Where's Artie Lange?
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Why, yes I am.
Elephant's Avatar
Why, yes I am. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
I bet you're a power top. Gotta control the situation.

Go get laid Leslie... you're becoming quite the post ho.
Wayward's Avatar
Why, yes I am. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
No she really isn't

But keep digging that hole deeper, where is my popcorn?
from what i have heard you tried to book with LL and were not welcomed, hence, your outspoken disapproval. Originally Posted by John_TX
i did try to book...and i already stated that publicly...thanks for being captian obvious... once again.

before her reviews...i was very much assuming her to be DDG...that is when i offered to go out for 'the drink'...

then the rate came out...then the rate was lowered....then i sent an email saying i was interested. few emails back and forth and i was declined.

then the reviews came out...then i tried again for 'the drink' and a few emails back and forth...and denied again. she is just skuured.

does that sum it up for you? i have nothing to hide.
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Why do you think Chicken Nuglet and Lil Bubba dislike me so???? My thingy is bigger than theirs.

Now, I've got a session to book and a review to write. Off to greener pastures. I suggest you men do the same. It's a fun let's slowly get up from the chair....step away from the computer...remove your fingers from the keyboard...and go book some sessions. I know bashing Leslie Lane is fun...but you know what else is fun???? Getting laid. You guys should try it some time.

I'm way ahead of you "Elephant"...but would that make you a post sl*t?? You almost have 1,000 posts....I'm just

Bubba...get it straight....

**I retired at $700 for 90 minutes....but booked out at $500 for 90 minutes. Although I'd consider coming out of retirement for a minimum of two hours for $850. Just throwing that out there.
do you need a pic of that too?
Wayward's Avatar
Because lovely Leslie they have never met you? That would be my guess or maybe like whispers they have and don't know, now that would be really funny.
Elephant's Avatar
I'm way ahead of you "Elephant"...but would that make you a post sl*t?? You almost have 1,000 posts....I'm just Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
a few posts a day is normal...

Elephant = 1.62 posts per day

Leslie = 3.27 posts per day

now log off, throw on your PJs, and slide into that big comfy king size bed
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Was there a "method to my madness?" Yes....THINK....

Goodnight all.....
Wayward's Avatar
Thinck about it kids, she is a UTR with a killer rep, some of us are really laughing right now and some folks are going to be slapping themselves up side the head sooner or later. She has a fan club in this thread, figure it out.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-20-2010, 10:56 PM
Why, yes I am. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Well, if you're a tranny, I must be Bobby Brown and you must be Freddie.
Thinck about it kids, she is a UTR with a killer rep, some of us are really laughing right now and some folks are going to be slapping themselves up side the head sooner or later. She has a fan club in this thread, figure it out. Originally Posted by Wayward
Wayward Knight...i think i speak for many of us when i say... *yawn*
Wayward's Avatar
I'm just here for the Leslie Lane avatars, which no one seems to be catching either...