Barr should be disbarred!

^^^^^ "No hope for you!"
The hope Nazi

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Thats a nice group picture of all the Liberals reaction to Hillary's loss, lol.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That can be your new Avatar in 2020, lol.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Who is the report's "baby"-daddy?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Or "baby"-mama, if Barr is the biological father.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Or "baby"-mama, if Barr is the biological father. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
In regards to the OP, can Barr be disbarred for lying to Congress. He was under oath when he testified that he didn’t know what Mueller thought of his conclusion. The fact is he received two letters from Mueller stating he didn’t agree with Barr’s summary. Is that perjury or Just a little white lie.
In regards to the OP, can Barr be disbarred for lying to Congress. He was under oath when he testified that he didn’t know what Mueller thought of his conclusion. The fact is he received two letters from Mueller stating he didn’t agree with Barr’s summary. Is that perjury or Just a little white lie. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
If they didn't get Hillary Clinton for lying to Congress then they set a precedent. It's OK to lie to congress.
I B Hankering's Avatar
In regards to the OP, can Barr be disbarred for lying to Congress. He was under oath when he testified that he didn’t know what Mueller thought of his conclusion. The fact is he received two letters from Mueller stating he didn’t agree with Barr’s summary. Is that perjury or Just a little white lie. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The dim-retards are leading you with lies again. The dim-retards are mischaracterizing what the Mueller memo was about; so, claiming Barr lied is a dim-retard lie.
lickidyclit's Avatar
the headline news this morning is

headline news this morning Trump defends "HIS" attorney general , pretty much says it all!
  • oeb11
  • 05-02-2019, 07:03 AM
The AG is nominated by the POTUS and confirmed by the Senate. And serves at the pleasure of the POTUS.
Comey was fired legitimately - as new appointees enter with each change of POTUS.

Barr is Not the DPST appointee, nor Hillary's appointee.

Put in a DPST POTUS - and if Senate approves, a new AG will serve at the pleasure of a DPST POTUS.

That is the System - DPST's are just trying to Game the Constitution.
rexdutchman's Avatar
When does NO not mean NO ,,,, When the dim-wits want to keep the investigations on going

No collusion , no little green men , no Russians , and no Billary didn't win.
In regards to the OP, can Barr be disbarred for lying to Congress. He was under oath when he testified that he didn’t know what Mueller thought of his conclusion. The fact is he received two letters from Mueller stating he didn’t agree with Barr’s summary. Is that perjury or Just a little white lie. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
It would require Mueller to come to the stand and either confirm or deny Barr's statements regarding their follow up phone calls about it and then it's he said/he said.

The left likes to conveniently leave out any follow up Barr had with Mueller and based on the letters and the calls, there is certainly easy evidence where Barr would be confused as to Muellers stance.
Jaxson66's Avatar
It would require Mueller to come to the stand and either confirm or deny Barr's statements regarding their follow up phone calls about it and then it's he said/he said.

The left likes to conveniently leave out any follow up Barr had with Mueller and based on the letters and the calls, there is certainly easy evidence where Barr would be confused as to Muellers stance. Originally Posted by eccielover
When Mueller does testify,( May 15th..maybe) and exposes Barr’s cover up..surely he can be disbarred. John Mitchell did some time in prison for the same crime.
Had the Russian sympathizers used there time supporting Barr instead of their usual deep state bullshit they could have asked Barr about meetings where records were kept. But they chose to once again go after Obama and Clinton.
When Mueller does testify,( May 15th..maybe) and exposes Barr’s cover up..surely he can be disbarred. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I personally don't think Barr lied about his phone interaction with Mueller. I think when/if Mueller testifies the left is in for a rude awakening about this next "gotcha" in a long line of "gotcha's"

It will be a difference of opinion in the end.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

I think he is obfuscating. Changing the message in mid sentence.

In regards to the OP, can Barr be disbarred for lying to Congress. He was under oath when he testified that he didn’t know what Mueller thought of his conclusion. The fact is he received two letters from Mueller stating he didn’t agree with Barr’s summary. Is that perjury or Just a little white lie. Originally Posted by Jaxson66