New CBO numbers: Obamacare will cost the US 2.5 million jobs

LexusLover's Avatar
If you promise to wipe my caca off your tongue, your hired as head writer. Originally Posted by WTF
Read the above ..... this is why this country is turning into this:

Is that you, WTF? Either way ... this applies to you ... Fits you to a "T"...

“………..if someone is still engaging in direct and personal grade school derision's as an older person, they're likely dealing with esteem issues that eventually manifests itself as real anger masked as crass "humor" and/or "honest" feedback. Sometimes it could be due to a lack of authority and power in their personal lives. Going to work everyday having to take shit off 2, 3, and 4 levels of bosses, never having the feeling of any authority except when you go home and log on to the interwebs where a small contingent of people egg them on and in turn those same people feel validated when their support reciprocated.”

You don't belong "at the table" .. you have ZERO to offer.
flghtr65's Avatar
Door #3 ... to cover the 15 million who didn't have coverage, but wanted it.

The problem ....

Their outrageous estimate of 50 million is now becoming reality ...

.. 50% of which will be NEW APPS on Medicaid. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If that is true, it just means that there are a lot of families of 4 that have an income that is < $24,000. The cutoff is any income under $24,000 you go on state Medicaid.
... I support the ACA. In the individual market, old system, you have 40 million who are uninsured. There were people with pre-existing conditions could not get health insurance. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You still have 40 million people uninsured from what I can tell. The ACA has resulted in less or about the same number of people with private insurance. Again, you are lying about the pre-existing conditions. They could get insurance, they'd just have to pay more or get a job with a larger company.

There were people who had health insurance but got sick and then got dropped by their insurance provider. The individual market old system simply did not work. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You have any evidence of this happening on a widespread basis in the last 10 years? From people who kept up with their health insurance payment? Or is this another lie?
LexusLover's Avatar
If that is true, it just means that there are a lot of families of 4 that have an income that is < $24,000. The cutoff is any income under $24,000 you go on state Medicaid. Originally Posted by flghtr65
There have been people who "signed up" for insurance (didn't get it .. just "signed for it") on the ACA website, but were diverted to Medicaid enrollment, BECAUSE THEIR INSURANCE WITH THE EMPLOYER WAS CANCELLED. That is why Obaminable signed an executive order authorizing a changing of the guidelines and an extension of the deadlines for filing ... even though HE CANNOT DICTATE A DAMN THING TO PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES ....

.. the basic question is: If the ACA is "SOOOOO GOOOOOOD" ...

...why all the extensions ... until AFTER ELECTIONS.

So he can tell some MORE LIES, that's why.

Old saying: "Bad facts make bad law." Obaminable is making "bad law"!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
"The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly" - Abraham Lincoln.

Which is precisely the reason Odumbo, et al, are postponing implementation of the full law until after the mid-term elections.
LexusLover's Avatar
I suppose no one posting in this thread took the time to listen to the Director of the CBO discussing THE REPORT today before Congress .... along the lines of some of the DENIALS on here he stated rather unequivocally that the projected loss of 2.5 million jobs would not be good for the economy.

He didn't appear to feel "uncomfortable" with that projection and

............ was actually ... ACTUALLY ............ affirming the reality of it during his discussion.

The liberals and want-a-be-communists on here who are raving and bragging about the ACA ..

... will probably exercise their liberal-communistic "intellectual" prowess and begin to "explain" what he really meant to say, like they do when Obaminable gets off the tele-prompter at times .... but ....

it's now on the Congressional record and the guy seems to be well in control of his mental faculties. He actually seemed intelligent. Like he knows what he is talking about.

In the meantime, if you don't like the TRUTH ... go to Barnes and Nobles, borrow a book, and sip some designer coffee and eat CAKE.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-11-2014, 12:06 PM
Again, you are lying about the pre-existing conditions. They could get insurance, they'd just have to pay more or get a job with a larger company.

? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Well then folks could keep their insurance like Obama said, they'd just have to pay more for it and it would be better insurance.

Look gnadfly, you were not changing jobs is you had a pre-existing condition. No other company wanted to insure you. The current way healthcare was set up was detrimental to folks changing jobs or starting their own business. We can argue if that is a good thing or not but that is a fact.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-11-2014, 12:14 PM
I suppose no one posting in this thread took the time to listen to the Director of the CBO discussing THE REPORT today before Congress .... along the lines of some of the DENIALS on here he stated rather unequivocally that the projected loss of 2.5 million jobs would not be good for the economy.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What is your point LL?

That people having more choice in working or not is a bad thing?

That that choice will not be good for the economy?

Would you prefer a law where we all had to work 80 hours a week to get health insurance to increase productivity?

You spin so much , your posts are making you dizzy. Take a break from the bashing of the President of the United States of America. You're starting to sound like the Tim McVeigh!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 02-11-2014, 01:59 PM
What is your point LL?

That people having more choice in working or not is a bad thing?

That that choice will not be good for the economy?

Would you prefer a law where we all had to work 80 hours a week to get health insurance to increase productivity?

You spin so much , your posts are making you dizzy. Take a break from the bashing of the President of the United States of America. You're starting to sound like the Tim McVeigh! Originally Posted by WTF

LL is conducting the Masters class ..
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-11-2014, 02:18 PM
You have any evidence of this happening on a widespread basis in the last 10 years?... Or is this another lie? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Damn, why didn't i think of this reply when Lustylad was telling us that people will be convincing their bosses to give them 6 months unpaid leave every year so they can qualify for an insurance subsidy?
lustylad's Avatar
Damn, why didn't i think of this reply when Lustylad was telling us that people will be convincing their bosses to give them 6 months unpaid leave every year so they can qualify for an insurance subsidy? Originally Posted by Doove
Well dimdoove, it's probably because you would have looked incredibly stupid. We don't have 10 years of evidence yet on the ACA's damage. We do have a report issued by the CBO projecting and quantifying some of the future damage (2.3 million full-time job equivalents). That's what this thread is all about, remember? Stay tuned, dumbfuck. There will be plenty more damage reports to come.
lustylad's Avatar
Well then folks could keep their insurance like Obama said, they'd just have to pay more for it and it would be better insurance. Originally Posted by WTF
See folks, no problem! Just reach into your wallet and pay 2-3 times more for your insurance than you used to! It's for your own good. Thanks to wise and caring Democrats who know what they're doing, your insurance now covers condoms and acupuncture and marriage counseling and pap smears for guys and a fuckload of other cool things you didn't want!

Isn't it amazing how libtards like WTFagboy are sooo concerned about the uninsured - yet they don't give a rat's ass about how they are screwing the insured folks? I can't wait until November when the Dems will get their asses trounced over Obamacare!
lustylad's Avatar
What is your point LL?

That people having more choice in working or not is a bad thing?

That that choice will not be good for the economy? Originally Posted by WTF
Well, let's see... if a whole bunch of people decide to quit working or work less, here are some of the things that will happen: Employment will drop, GNP growth will slow, there will be less demand in the economy, people will have less spendable income, tax revenues will decline, federal spending for ACA subsidies will go up, the budget deficit will soar...

Should I continue or do you get the picture, dipshit?

P.S. Don't worry too much about any of this. My analysis indicates it won't affect your customers' demand for tranny blowjobs.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... your posts are making you dizzy. Take a break from the bashing of the President of the United States of America. You're starting to sound like the Tim McVeigh! Originally Posted by WTF
You call it "spin" to mention the testimony of the CBO Director? You don't like him talking.

No wonder your head is spinning. Your bullshit is swirling around inside.

Try some Correctal..... I understand it does wonders for folks like you who are full of shit.

Interesting you would know what "Tim McVeigh" .. sounds like.

Did you pick up some of his tapes at Barns and Nobles?
LexusLover's Avatar
The current way healthcare was set up was detrimental to folks changing jobs or starting their own business. We can argue if that is a good thing or not but that is a fact. Originally Posted by WTF
It is "a fact" ... that the way insurance was set up it was "detrimental to folks changing jobs"!

Really? No shit?

How many jobs did you "change" while you were covered by an employer's insurance?

Or are you talking about "your company" .... when they leave you they don't get shit! Right?

How about this ..... quit "changing jobs" so friggin much ...

... or does that cause your little head to spin?