Sending prayers for Israel

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Why did Netanyahu let this happen? He knew it was coming. I mean, the IDF and the Moussad know when a coackroach crosses the boarder. Egypt told them 10 days before the hang gliders invaded!!! Something is very fishy here. I pray for innocent civilians both sides. They’re just pawns. But Bibi and the Hamas leaders are pretty cozy. Yeah?

The Rothchilds set up the state of Israel. The US was brought in as the muscle to keep it that way. It started well before 1946.

The Israeli government is corrupt. Just like ours. They don’t represent the people.

But hey, WW3 is right around the corner. It’s happening right in front of our eyes. Hopefully, there are other forces that will stop it. Originally Posted by bambino
bibi may have been having issues with the IDF generals who maybe slow walking this and not informing bibi.

the issues I refer to have to do with the fight over the supreme court's powers and Knesset wishes to rein in the court.

several officers and soldiers have threatened to not serve if the reform passes.

I find this attitude very puzzling. the Israeli public who are apparently liberal appear to be ok with the supreme court being mini-legislatures ruling from the bench..
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
its a terrible map design two separate countries. i'm not sure why they cross split the country like that. ur essentially giving both parties half a loaf.

it would have been better to split it along a horizontal/vertical parallel line; North/south line or east/west line. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

blame the brits. they drew it. also blame the arab Palestinians. they should have taken the deal.

look what happened after 1947 in the middle east. all because of arab hatred of the jews.

now the arabs gonna pay. the hard way.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You're close keep digging. Originally Posted by Levianon17
saw that the backstabber kissinger admits that multiculturalism and high immigration was a mistake. they're not assimilating.

looks like the Kalergi plan is failing; all that due to an excessive high crime rate.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
its a terrible map design two separate countries. i'm not sure why they cross split the country like that. ur essentially giving both parties half a loaf.

it would have been better to split it along a horizontal/vertical parallel line; North/south line or east/west line. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Small but mighty. Here is a different (perspective) map. Find the players: 1) Israel, 2) all the Muslim countries.

So why does anyone need to assist the Mussies?!?
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Well... seems we survived Friday the 13th. In numerology, 13 seems to repeat a lot.
For example:

blame the brits. they drew it. also blame the arab Palestinians. they should have taken the deal.

look what happened after 1947 in the middle east. all because of arab hatred of the jews.

now the arabs gonna pay. the hard way. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Before 1947 Arabs, Jews and even Christians lived in relative harmony in Palestine. In 1947 when the Zionist started moving in they became bolder and bolder and occupied more Land that was once Palestine. That is the main reason for the years of on going squabbles. What we are witnessing now is the beginning of the end. It's been well documented that World War Three will start in the Middle East, so here it is. It will get much worse before it gets better.
bambino's Avatar

Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, says the quiet part out loud!

He claims Israel are operating under international law, because the “entire nation” of Palestine “is responsible”.

“This rhetoric that civilians are not aware, not informed, it’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime.”

HOLY SHIT… Israel are comfortable slaughtering civilians because they, quite literally, according to their President, view the Palestinian civilians as military combatants who are also responsible for the Hamas attacks. Israel says Palestinian civilians don’t exist…

Let me say that again. The Israeli President just blamed 5+ million civilians, half of which are children, for the Hamas attacks, and feels it’s their fault and they are worthy to be exterminated…

Folks… this is a genocide.

I can now say, unequivocally, that I not only do not support Israel, but denounce them fully.
winn dixie's Avatar
Some don't know what they're talking about.
I pray for them also.
Some don't know what they're talking about.
I pray for them also. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Who are you going to pray too?
KosherCowboy's Avatar
“When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.
― Golda Meir, A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Jan. 26 -- The radical Islamic movement Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian parliament, according to official election results announced Thursday, trouncing the governing Fatah party in a contest that could dramatically reshape the Palestinians' relations with Israel and the rest of the world.

Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Complicating Peace Efforts in Mideast
By Scott WilsonJanuary 27, 2006
RAMALLAH, West Bank, Jan. 26 -- The radical Islamic movement Hamas won a large majority in the new Palestinian parliament, according to official election results announced Thursday, trouncing the governing Fatah party in a contest that could dramatically reshape the Palestinians' relations with Israel and the rest of the world.

In Wednesday's voting, Hamas claimed 76 of the 132 parliamentary seats, giving the party at war with Israel the right to form the next cabinet under the Palestinian Authority's president, Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of Fatah.

Fatah, which has dominated the legislature since the previous elections a decade ago and the Palestinian cause for far longer, won 43 seats. A collection of nationalist, leftist and independent parties claimed the rest.

Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia, another Fatah leader, resigned his post along with his cabinet early Thursday, as reports of Hamas's victory began to circulate. Although the cabinet would have been required to step aside even if Fatah had retained its majority, Qureia acknowledged in submitting his resignation that Hamas had earned the right to form the next cabinet.

"This is the choice of the people," Qureia, a member of the party's discredited old guard who did not run for reelection, told reporters here. "It should be respected."

These people were offered a path to a state but chose to push for Jerusalem and to kill us. The Egyptians don't want them, the Saudis and Jordanians refuse them. They are simply an aggressive people who support a charter that calls for Israel to be pushed in to the sea and these folks chose Hamas; they aren't innocent. Their children have already learned to hate, their mothers who will hold their arms in the air for the TV's are adults who look the other way..The Arab nations do not give a shit about them except they are pawns to toy with as a common issue w other countries to hate on the Jews.

Those who turn a blind eye are as guilty as those who committ the crimes; the Germans tried the same bullshit in WWII; how did that work out for them? Guilty, death by hanging the others who escaped were hunted down, broughth back to Israel and tried, convicted and sentenced to death..The 1972 Olympic killers were also tracked down and killed.

This time there will be no trial , only death. The Palestinians do not know justice; they only know death. They are are society that if they are not guilty of killing than they want us to be killed or simply turn a blind eye to Hamas, support them knowingly knowing full well their charter, their mission and the fact they chose to support murderers.

So did those folks who attended ' Rallies for Palestine' which was a front for showing up for Jihad Day as called for by a Hamas former leader. To answer the call of Hamas is to support terror. There is no Palestine. It is a city in TX however but there is no country. It is a territory that stages evil and murder. Not by force; by support of the people. Those women can hold their arms in the air this time cry all they want to the media propoganda it will not work this time.

There will be no more Gaza as the world knows it soon but maybe just maybe if the next generation ( as Netanyahu referred to) after dealing w the current folks with ill intentions it is possible the very young will learn and perhaps decide to love THEIR children more than they hate the Jews.

These current mothers chose Hamas and/or chose to look the other way; they not the Israelis are guilty of killing their own children. It was their choice. When you choose evil, you make your children' bed.

I am sad this will happen but it is the only way. The only genocide here is the Charter of Hamas the very folks these ' innocent' folks haven't by choice risen up against.

The Palestinian Flag is the flag of Hamas by virtue of their elections. It is a flag of terror.
Some don't know what they're talking about.
I pray for them also. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Listen here, Winn... Don't let the odd lads here
offend you. ... There's a GREAT NUMBER of people
surely praying for Israel also.

#### Salty
... Listen here, Winn... Don't let the odd lads here
offend you. ... There's a GREAT NUMBER of people
surely praying for Israel also.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Praying for Israel because they are the victims of Terrorism? I've never heard of a victim that could instantly cut off it's oppressor's access to food, water, fuel and electricity. Yes pray, pray for repentance for Israel.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Those people did nothing but dance around or wait at a bus stop. It’s pretty clear who the bad guy is here and it’s not Israel. I don’t think the US should be involved, and idiots like Lindsey Graham who want to bomb anyone not carrying a Torah should be nowhere near levers of power, but have no problem with the IDF shredding the entire region.

Just like Ukraine, this isn’t our fight and we should stay out of it.
Precious_b's Avatar

The only way to stop this is for one group to break the other... to kill enough civilians and armed forces, so that the will to fight is gone. (see CSA @1865 or Japan @1945 for examples) Probably 30-40% killed might do it... but these aare religious fundamentalists... it might take 60-70% ... Originally Posted by texassapper
I disagree. Only way to stop it is to either lay waste to ALL THE AREA of Israel and of the Palestinians OR have them drop everything and start the talks. The latter is preferable. And if they can't, than the former since it will knock the old school of thinking/values from both sides. There are enough of both sides around the world that can come back IF they set up a plan to get along with each other before taking one step back in the recently cleared land.


THE FULL WEIGHT OF THE IDF IS FIXING TO punish these terrorists. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I don't pay attention to those push button topics. Unless you can show how it makes you unbiasedly objective. Both sides commit atrocities. What good does it do to try and outdo one atrocity with another? You're already there.


it's on. it's begun. the obama conspiracy is in play. how many illegals who crossed Biden's open borders are terrorist agents?
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Oh. Please define and show us this Obama conspiracy with documented policy while he was in office. I'll be particularly be interested where the State Dept outlaws Israel.

Is this an intelligence failure? Mossad and Israel military intelligence is pretty good.

I think the israelis knew this was coming.. but to know the extent of Operation Al Alqsa Flood. I'm not so sure that this was an intelligence failure.

Egypt govt. reportedly told them that something big was going to happen in gaza. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This was their October Surprise. "Surprise". Originally Posted by Levianon17
Oh this was definitely a failure, as I have stated on my initial(?) post here. All those that stated their beliefs of a conspiracy with our intel for 9/11, I haven't hear y'all chime in here on this yet.

Figures CNN is always up for giving out a Narrative. The cold hard truth is Hamas is a creation of Israel. So these atrocities being reported are just fables. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Levi is a holocaust denier, conspiracy theorist and anti-semite. It's insane that he’s blaming the Zionists, the US government and shadow governments for this I predicted pages ago that the martial law claim was coming. Next there will be claims that this is all being done to keep Trump from getting in office. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1BM1, *I* feel he is correct. Without one putting their boot on the other, you couldn't have what is happening today. Regardless the reason why a people doesn't have a homeland (disregarding Hamas goal), the way the Palestinians have been treated, I can understand actions they do out of frustration of their situation.

Israel won't match the level of vile crap HAMAS perpetrated because they are Israel.

they will eradicate HAMAS but they'll do it without the indiscriminate terrorist bullshit of HAMAS. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
It's not a matter of outdoing vile crap. They've already done their fair share in the past. Unfortunately, they could probably do what old man Assad (Hafez) did in Hama. But without a plan that both sides fairly deal with their neighbor, it will happen again.

What will the Israelite Defense Force do if, when they roll in with their armor, they are met with Javeline Anti Tank Missiles. ?
... Originally Posted by Jackie S
"If" ...biggest word in the English language.
After their wakeup call, ima sure Bibi will already have had his intelligence organ in overdrive with the possibility of other threats.


let's remember that the stated goal of Hamas is not a state of Palestine. they couldn't care less about having their own nation. they exist for one purpose only. to destroy Israel. it's their stated mission.
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Sadly, this is the reason why the Palestinians are in their current predicament. Seems they unerringly always choose a goverment (they've only had that luxury for a short time of late) that doesn't serve them well. Arafat sure as hell didn't benefit them well. And Israelis were bent on not signing a deal with him. Even though info shows that Arafat gave up alot more than the Israelis did with their agreement (I would have to look that up since I heard it years later with what reporters discovered on back channel deals.)


... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
its a terrible map design two separate countries. i'm not sure why they cross split the country like that. ur essentially giving both parties half a loaf.

it would have been better to split it along a horizontal/vertical parallel line; North/south line or east/west line. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
blame the brits. they drew it. also blame the arab Palestinians. they should have taken the deal.
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Always easy to blame.
As the map you've posted, and ones offered to Arafat, they've partitioned the lands they would let the Palestians have into nothing more than confinement zones that would have let them at the whim of Israel if they wanted to go to another zone. Worse than Lesotho.
Precious_b's Avatar
Please no anti Semitic rhetoric. Start a thread praising the aggressors if that's the topic you/yall want to discuss.

I've defended Israel while in the marines beside the Idf in the early nineties. Very proud to have served protecting the holy land.

Bone spurs sided with development in an unstable part of Israel that has allowed Hamas to continue its terror.
Netanyahu knew the outcome years ago. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Curious. While there, did you happen to spend any time in the "lovely" lands of the Palestinian territories?