Still Looking's Avatar
The boys needed adjustment, who was I to deny them that! Originally Posted by surcher

This thread has turned more corners than ...................

No... that call never happened. So it turns out you were right! One thing I've noticed, you don't need to be here very long before you realize that the ignore button is used for more than one reason!

Notice my new avatar? It’s hot but will double as my bull shit warning sign!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I’ve seen this over and over and over. While looks and physical attraction are important, second to that might be a sense of humor as a sought after quality in a guy. That’s worked very well for me. But what is it with the guys that treat woman like crap. No job, no car, no money, they don't take care of themselves; they're rude selfish and just treat woman like crap. And that’s the guy you almost always chase. You do so blowing by one nice guy after another. It’s like an addiction.

Example: I have two employees. One is on the verge of getting fired on a regular basis. He is late, forgetful, lazy and treats woman like crap. I've seen it. He dresses like a bum. Not sure if he has ever combed his hair. Seldom does he shave. And I'm not sure he baths every day. His car looks like a trash can. He's always broke. His boss, about the same age, they are friends. They have known each other for years. The boss makes more money and has been promoted. He is responsible. Always on time. He owns a Mustang hot rod. Not sure if it’s ever been dirty. Always has money in his pocket. Super nice guy. Now guess which one the lady's chase. You guess it.

Can one of you lady’s explain this phenomena to me? The only thing I can think of is that woman, have this built in motherly thing that tells them they can fix the guy! Woman then go on to marring these guys and are caught up in these abusive relationships we hear so much about.

Love some insight and a lady’s prospective! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Guy #1 must be better in bed We can put up with a lot of shit for that. IMO
Understood but not the issue at hand I'm afraid. I can see once someone makes a life long commitment to do everything in their power to make it work. The real issue is why do gals CHOOSE to have a relationship, cohabitate and marry these bad boys? There is a thought process that states people don't change. Totally incorrect. I'll prove it! When you are 20 do you have all the same needs, wants and desires as when you 30, 40 or 50. No way! If you look back at the landscape of your life, about every five years things just seem to change. Once they do we become different people. Originally Posted by Still Looking

its EXACTLY the issue,, re-read what you just wrote... ..she married this bad boy and she knew she should not have!!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Guy #1 must be better in bed We can put up with a lot of shit for that. IMO Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I bet there's alot of shit you won't put up with even if they are good in bed....
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I bet there's alot of shit you won't put up with even if they are good in bed.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Lucky for me I dont have too I get the good sans shit
Life's to short for anything less
surcher's Avatar
Guy #1 must be better in bed We can put up with a lot of shit for that. IMO Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I've heard this assumption a lot, but that's all it's been, an assumption. EA said it, "I bet there's alot of shit you won't put up with even if they are good in bed...."

Would you fuck guy #2 to find out who's really better? If so, would that make you a slut, or just promiscuous?

Do good guys want good girls? I want a good girl with naughty touch!
Still Looking's Avatar
its EXACTLY the issue,, re-read what you just wrote... ..she married this bad boy and she knew she should not have!!! Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
its not just Providers, one of my dear friends an A+ College graduate came from a good family of no drugs or any type of abuse and she was in 7 year marriage that was doomed from day one yet she kept in it...she told me she knew it was bad but yet she kept trying to make it work..

Ah, I'm tracking ya now! When I read your post it wasn't clear that SHE realized from day one things were bad! I understood 7 years down the road she realized it, but is still trying to make it work! If she NEW IT WAS WRONG then WHY did she do it? Isn't that the original question? I guess I have it in my head, that if you decide to marry someone, that you’re doing it because you feel its the right thing to do and your willing to make every effort to have it be a life long commitment. Relationship is one thing... marriage another. Several providers have weighed in on why the attraction, but most come to terms with who these guys really are and start looking for the Good Boys!

Still Looking can you explain why women do any of the things they do?? ...ponder that one...
Still Looking's Avatar
Still Looking can you explain why women do any of the things they do?? ...ponder that one... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Not a chance! I blame the whole thing on Adam (Adam & Eve) Adam was complaining about being lonely. So he asked... hey I sure would like some company? I want someone I can talk to, have sex with, big boobs, keeps her mouth shut, let’s me watch football without complaining and looks like Gia Carangi! Well, your going to have to give up, one leg, one arm, one eye, one ear, one testicle and one kidney! Adam asked what I get for one rib? And the rest is history!
Jesus Christ! Reading this thread has been like watching a battle of wits between unarmed people. The "ugly truth", as a poster said, is this: the girls that chase the so-called "bad boys" are, in fact, damaged goods themselves. The fatal flaw in this entire thread is the assumption that all women want the "bad boy". Sorry, but it just isn't true. Birds of a feather flock together, and the damaged goods will pursue damaged goods. Period. If you look deep into her past you will invariably find something that drives her in that direction. Many times they are from broken homes, or they don't know who their father is at all, or they were abused as children, one parent (or both) were druggies/alcoholics, or any combination thereof....the list goes on and on. The bottom line is, somewhere in their past, there is an underlying reason for this lack of character, low self esteem, and consistently poor judgement. Sorry, but these simpleminded explanations about talent in bed, etc., just don't cut it. OK, break, break...another subject. Don't know who this "Isis" person is, and I don't care. But SL, PLEASE drop it and move on. Why anyone in Austin would give a crap about someone in Philly whom they've never met and really have no concept of their identity is puzzling and, frankly, a little creepy. Give it up dude! You're coming off looking a little (OK, a lot) desperate. Peace.
Still Looking's Avatar
Jesus Christ! Reading this thread has been like watching a battle of wits between unarmed people. The "ugly truth", as a poster said, is this: the girls that chase the so-called "bad boys" are, in fact, damaged goods themselves. The fatal flaw in this entire thread is the assumption that all women want the "bad boy". As you see it. Sorry, but it just isn't true. Birds of a feather flock together, and the damaged goods will pursue damaged goods. Period. Oh well you didn't say period before! If you look deep into her past you will invariably find something that drives her in that direction. Many times they are from broken homes, or they don't know who their father is at all, or they were abused as children, one parent (or both) were druggies/alcoholics, or any combination thereof....the list goes on and on. OK, so you narrowed this
Phenomena down to, it could be most anything, great! The bottom line is, somewhere in their past, there is an underlying reason for this lack of character, low self esteem, and consistently poor judgement. Sorry, but these simpleminded explanations about talent in bed, etc., just don't cut it. Acording to who... you? OK, break, break...another subject. Don't know who this "Isis" person is, perhaps you can look deep into her past, so you will know. and I don't care. Hummm why are you posting this if you don't care? Bored, Personal Attack? I don't know where to ignore button is located? But SL, PLEASE drop it and move on. Why anyone in Austin would give a crap about someone in Philly whom they've never met and really have no concept of their identity is puzzling and, frankly, a little creepy. Give it up dude! You're coming off looking a little (OK, a lot) desperate. Peace. Originally Posted by Energy
I see, while I'm a full time hobbyist, there are tons of providers I have not met yet. Are there any others I should not persue as it might look "Creepy"? It would seem this might be a wonderful time to install the ECCIE provided orange icon, but instead I'll just say, "I appreacte your input and the thought that went with it! And since you're obviously a religious man as you started your post with: "Jesus Christ", well may you have a blessed day!

Gaining momentum? Perhaps... very easy to do when your going down hill!