JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you are not "drafted" you sign up at a recruiting office, where they are supposed to check you out to see if you are fit for military duty. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Actually a "recruiting office" is only the first step. You have to go to an AFEES station to take a physical and a mental evaluation. You sign some paperwork at the recruiting office but the main contract takes place at the AFEES station when you enlist. That is usually where you give your oath to not run away, to not endanger your fellow soldiers, to not give yourself to the enemy, and to not get your fellow soldiers killed.

I will point out that sometimes exceptions can be made if you have a parent in the hospital, the oath can be administered there, or if you want to take it at the Liberty Memorial, then arrangements can be made but these are exceptions to the rule. I took my oath on Pearl Harbor Day.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The destruction of evidence under subpoena is itself a crime. We only have Hillary's word that she only destroyed "personal emails. Her history of lies and corruption does not make her word worth a damn. I have no idea why people are defending this criminal. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If the server is wiped as she has said then why won't she give it up for examination?

Yes, destroying evidence (tampering) is a criminal act punishable by imprisonment or fine. By her statement, she has admitted her guilt.
No she didn't, your 55,000 emails number is your own link source. It was 55,000 pages.....NOT emails.

Why do you try to exaggerate in this manner?

Your defense of Hillary is pathetic.

Where are you getting that number? She turned over 55K emails, could that be what you're referencing?

You really should take the time to read this timeline. There is no benghazi lie loop for christ sake. Just read it. It's not as cut and dry as you would no doubt like it to be. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Well Hillary admitted she deleted 30,000 emails and you claim she turned over 55,000 ( which I don't think is correct, since she said the number was 30,000), so by your accounting Hillary shield more than 85,000 emails from FOIA and Congressional investigators.

That doesn't include emails between parties that were likely using non-governmental systems (personal email to personal email).

We really are just beginning to understand the Benghazi lies and cover up. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are really thick. She admitted deleting personal emails. That number was not included in the 55K she turned over, which you incorrectly stated didn't happen, as the link below will show you. All you had to do was google 'hillary email' and it came right up. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

c. Just as you have a responsibility to your country under the Code of Conduct, the United States government has an equal responsibility—to keep faith with you and stand by you as you fight for your country. If you are unfortunate enough to become a prisoner of war, you may rest assured that your government will care for your dependents and will never forget you. Furthermore, the government will use every practical means to contact, support and gain release for you and for all other prisoners of war.
There is no "No man left behind" clause. There is no "The US will do everything in it's power" clause.

The US military has left men behind before. We've consciously have shelled or bombed many times enemy positions that we knew had American POWs.

It was a bad deal. The "after party" was even worse. I am glad Bergdahl has been repatriated. Barely.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No she didn't, your 55,000 emails number is your own link source. It was 55,000 pages.....NOT emails.

Why do you try to exaggerate in this manner?

Your defense of Hillary is pathetic. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
UnderAverage's defense of Hillary is not pathetic, he defends Hillary because HE is pathetic.
No she didn't, your 55,000 emails number is your own link source. It was 55,000 pages.....NOT emails.

Why do you try to exaggerate in this manner?

Your defense of Hillary is pathetic. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I wasn't exaggerating. I'm trying to get to the truth, whichever number it is. Initially it was reported as 55k pages of emails. See the link.

Hillary delivered those 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department a full two years after having left the office of Secretary.
UnderAverage's defense of Hillary is not pathetic, he defends Hillary because HE is pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Jesus Christ. I'm not defending her you trolling cocksucker. If she fucked up, she deserves the punishment. Is that clear enough for you? Do I need to shout it in your earhole at close range? I'm simply saying let's see what the fuck plays out. Innocent until proven guilty is STILL the way we do things here. Yes?
Actually a "recruiting office" is only the first step. You have to go to an AFEES station to take a physical and a mental evaluation. You sign some paperwork at the recruiting office but the main contract takes place at the AFEES station when you enlist. That is usually where you give your oath to not run away, to not endanger your fellow soldiers, to not give yourself to the enemy, and to not get your fellow soldiers killed.

I will point out that sometimes exceptions can be made if you have a parent in the hospital, the oath can be administered there, or if you want to take it at the Liberty Memorial, then arrangements can be made but these are exceptions to the rule. I took my oath on Pearl Harbor Day. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So this is your LONG ass way of saying they should have found out he was lacking in mental fortitude
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus Christ. I'm not defending her you trolling cocksucker. If she fucked up, she deserves the punishment. Is that clear enough for you? Do I need to shout it in your earhole at close range? I'm simply saying let's see what the fuck plays out. Innocent until proven guilty is STILL the way we do things here. Yes? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You are defending her. You are pathetic. She committed a crime. You are defending her. You remain pathetic.
You are defending her. You are pathetic. She committed a crime. You are defending her. You remain pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I just said if she committed a crime, she should be punished for it. We don't even have the whole story yet for fucks sake.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We don't have the whole story because she destroyed evidence. You are going to vote for her knowing she is a liar and corrupt. You are pathetic.
We don't have the whole story because she destroyed evidence. You are going to vote for her knowing she is a liar and corrupt. You are pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Have I voted yet? Has she even secured the nomination yet? You're jumping the gun shitstain. We aren't there yet. We don't know what she destroyed yet. I know you're old and could kick off at anytime but I'm sure you'll live to see the outcome. Just have a little patience.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You defend her like a junkyard dog. It's pathetic.
UnderAverage's defense of Hillary is not pathetic, he defends Hillary because HE is pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are defending her. You are pathetic. She committed a crime. You are defending her. You remain pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We don't have the whole story because she destroyed evidence. You are going to vote for her knowing she is a liar and corrupt. You are pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You defend her like a junkyard dog. It's pathetic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are repeating yourself dull knife. Freshen up.
  • shanm
  • 03-28-2015, 01:53 PM
You are repeating yourself dull knife. Freshen up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He forgets everything he writes in 10 seconds.

It's like Memento, except that he's just an asswipe with nothing going on.