Respect ...

Time to get back on track with the intent of the OP and show some respect!..... Originally Posted by Celso
Fuck that respect shit.
You want this section to be as boring as Vermont??
Oh that's right..... nobody posts in Vermont.... or NYC
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fuck that respect shit.
You want this section to be as boring as Vermont??
Oh that's right..... nobody posts in Vermont.... or NYC Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

save the krill
save the krill
save the krill
save the krill
save the krill

and some of us have posted there, one asked about Alaska modtardship
you go 6
got for Alaska mod
got for Alaska mod
delete one, "for" krill more important ya know

Paulie girl, how about just a little respect
mmmm two of the four nope, on target and on topic imho
other two, I need to think about some more Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling, this whole 'Thread Hijack rule' is pretty ambiguous and with a little imagination could be applied to practically EVERY thread on this board, depending on how loosely it is interpreted....and by who is doing the best bellyaching and whining about it....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling, this whole 'Thread Hijack rule' is pretty ambiguous and with a little imagination could be applied to practically EVERY thread on this board, depending on how loosely it is interpreted....and by who is doing the best bellyaching and whining about it.... Originally Posted by Celso
y --u--p
offshoredrilling, this whole 'Thread Hijack rule' is pretty ambiguous and with a little imagination could be applied to practically EVERY thread on this board, depending on how loosely it is interpreted....and by who is doing the best bellyaching and whining about it.... Originally Posted by Celso
y --u--p Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Plus One.
And guess who gets flagged???
And who doesn't.
Having been the victim of point stacking in the past.....
I can respectfully say that that is what is being done here....
Same ol' same ol' Upset.....
C'mon gman.... straighten it out....
Actually YOU JB were the one doing Thread Hijack on posts #108, #110, #111 and #113 and should have been pointed for all 4 of them!!!

Time to get back on track with the intent of the OP and show some respect!..... Originally Posted by Celso
they all were on topic

i came back from a hook in a good mood

so i gave him one for free.. just this time

let him vent some of that pent up animosity

im ok with letting alittle trickle out

after all

he did finlly land mod and to be able to actually apply something towards me.....

. far be it from me to take that nut away. it was a long way to

it took me over 3 years to even consider hitting the rtm buttom

had to hold my nose still to do it but ill get accustomed to it

today is really more just me starting to pay attention

i mean , we all have room to grow... when applying respect

unintended consequences
Respect is like modtarding.... less is more
Wakeup's Avatar
The problem that any mod has when it comes to issuing points for "hijacking" threads is that it has nothing to do with respect for the moderator's wishes. A huge percentage of all posts on any thread are off topic, ranging from jokes, to innocent tangents, and the posters, who may have respect for the rules, have no realization they're doing it.

The moderator now has a conundrum. Does he issue points for every hijack, or does he issue no points for any hijack? Where moderators epic fail, is when they try to make their own judgement calls on when to issue points for a hijack. Inevitably, this leads to unequal application of the points...and the downfall of the moderator.

As soon as moderators realize that the rule is pointless, unenforceable, and is only a pitfall for them to fall into, the sooner they realize the only course of action is to ignore the guideline entirely...

This isn't about respect for one another, the thread, or the's about guidelines that cannot be enforced...
DDarkness's Avatar
Paul lets flip that around a bit ... err no you are right! Oh and I probably picked Vermont because of the few posts and the fact that it is minimally active ... NYC is MUCH more civil but again the tie in is the number of posts ... but I'll get to that with JC!

AG, I presented a position, that is all. I stated that many threads/posts are disrespectful or uncivil! That is true. But the intention was to have a civil dialogue about an issue that effects all of us! As a MOD do I enjoy listening to negativity? No! Nor do many members who are either too timid or don't want to get lambasted for speaking out! This thread has brought some of those folks out and that is positive!

JC, Thank you for the analysis! I would be interested in how you did the actual break down though, but my position is NOT that one word is at the crux of civility or respectful dialogues! The issue really is the number of posts and I think that if you use the word 'Whore' as a benchmark that you may be right but I think you will find that if we expand that to include general disrespect, name calling, threats to out, etc. Upstate is much more negative!

Throughout this thread individuals have taken it off topic and it has come back and been hijacked again!

The sole intent was to discuss and respond. Some individuals, true to form, responded as might have been expected! and those same individuals as well as others made insightful comments.

This is a Board that allows us to learn, laugh and commiserate! We can do that respectfully/civilly!

There is no legislating morality ... HOLY SHIT WHAT AM I FUCKING SAYING ... Thats what the extreme right wants to do. This is not the forum for that and I am the LAST person to try ... I do know that negativity, name calling, thread hijacking, and a bunch of other things are violations of board policy! THAT being said if we could be more civil it will go along way to helping more people enjoy the board!

DDarkness's Avatar

THAT is very true ... but when it goes so far off the topic then it is fairly obvious! But you're right in that part of it is a judgement call and it has a great deal to do with past experiences ... It is a challenge!

Wakeup's Avatar
... but when it goes so far off the topic then it is fairly obvious! Originally Posted by DDarkness

You're making a judgement call on "how far" a topic has to go off topic before you issue points...again, leading to unequal application of the infraction. If the thread is benign and far off topic, you may not issue points, but if it's negative and just "as far" off topic, you may issue points...

There's nothing obvious about the guideline, or enforcing it. The quicker y'all realize that it's unenforceable, the quicker you realize what your only course of action is...

Go back to modTARDville and continue the'll see what your fellow moderators in the more active forums have done to deal with it...

We're bouncing back and forth and this is turning into ... less then civil.

On TOPIC Please!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

then we have

JB in his suspenders.....
Originally Posted by Celso

THAT is very true ... but when it goes so far off the topic then it is fairly obvious! But you're right in that part of it is a judgement call and it has a great deal to do with past experiences ... It is a challenge!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
sure seems so

is that "judgement call"

or selective call?
Wakeup's Avatar
I don't quite know how moderators fall into the trap of thinking that "negativity" and disrespect" hurt the board, or drive people off from posting.

The vast majority of people who use this board are not posters in the first place. If someone decides to leave the board because of the negativity (which I've never seen any evidence of), it has absolutely no impact on the board.

There is no negative impact of disrespect. There is no negative impact to negativity. I would actually argue that there is more benefit to the board due to both of these things. Trying to enforce "civility" and "respect" does absolutely nothing except expose the failings of the moderator that tries to do it.

Nothing in the guidelines gives you a full proof way to enforce any such thing, and trying to do so just gets you an Ambassadorship...or not...

You'll also find that as soon as a "drama" thread pops up, the views go up, the page clicks go up, the replies go up, and the people who supposedly hate drama and negativity are always eager to post, often becoming involved in an extended back and forth, thereby contributing to the very drama they hate so much.

Stop trying to enforce what you cannot enforce and let the forums make themselves into what they want. Your job is to enforce the nuclear rules...anything else is futile...

THAT'S how respect is earned...
Wakeup's Avatar
Public service announcement:

Be glad I'm actually discussing this in a respectful way...some of your fellow modTARDS haven't been so lucky, and the consequences have been blatantly obvious in this forum...