Liberals and conservatives....

atlcomedy's Avatar
Now that's funny!

. . .and no disrespect to your father. Mine was in the Army during WWII and did both theaters. His sailor phrase was heard often around the house, and I don't think is was out of disregard for the Navy, but more incredulity that they were able to spend money that way. In fact, i should probably avoid comparing the current administration to sailors or grunts as that is a slight to all that served in the military.

How do clowns spend money?

Originally Posted by ANONONE
(circus) Clowns don't have much money to spend....

Like any good joke or funny expession, "spending like a drunken sailor" (or variations), has a strong element of truth to it. I shouldn't have to spell it out to this crowd.

Unfortunately, some would rather be PC than tell jokes or stories that actually work or are funny. Too bad.

Just in case anyone rapidly skims this thread and misinterprets what I wrote, I was just kidding when I said it pained me to see drunken sailors insulted by the comparison! Dad has, in fact, used the "spending like drunken sailors" line numerous times over the years.

Be that as it may, there's no way drunken sailors can keep up with drunken SMU trust fund brats!
GW wasn't a conservative either. But everyone knows that right?
Oh yeah, neither was Theodore Roosevelt. Bully! Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
GW was not a conservative. He went against traditional conservative thought at nearly every turn. Heck, the government grew larger under him than any recent president since FDR--left or right. He spent money like a drunken sailor on liberty.

That is why I laugh at the notion of "CHANGE" with the folks sipping Obama's bathwater. His campaign should have been: "More of the Same."

Lastly, how dare you blaspheme the name of the greatest of all American Conservatives, Teddy Roosevelt?


What was it that Twain said about a pig's rump and politics?

Originally Posted by ANONONE
I'm confused. GW is George Washington, right? You know, our 1st prez. GWB was our last prez. Who are we talking about?
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