Georgia Election Problems - Continued...

  • pxmcc
  • 10-17-2024, 09:52 PM
Salty, the "libtard" judge ruled as he did so we can actually know who won Georgia on election night, not a month later. Trump is just a sore loser. Anything he doesn't win means there must be fraud.

in fact, the only way this election could be "free and fair" is if Trump wins. see a pattern?

and if he loses, overturning the will of the people by violence-see e.g. Jan 6th- and fraud-see e.g. the fake electors scheme-are on the table.

this country will be better off when the Orange Clown is dead and gone. he's a perennial threat to democracy.
... Geoff Duncan?? ... Ask him where the missing ballots are.
But, no matter - Federal Investigation coming next year.
No doubt Mr. Duncan AND Mr. Raffensperger will need to
answer questions. ... But one thing at a time.

... Fulton County Superior Court Judge Thomas Cox has ruled that
the new ballot counting requirement by the Georga Board of
Elections will NOT be enforced. ... Not sure WHY the liberal
Georgia politicians - some Judges included - keep fighting
the simple idea of Transparency.

We already KNOW that Fulton County mis-counted ballots in the
2020 election... The Board of Elections surely agreed once
they saw "our" EVIDENCE of that.

Yet, a liberal Judge wants to force election officials to
certify the election even IF they find mis-countings or fraud.

As I mention - a Federal Investigation with Special counsel
will no doubt clear everything up.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Precious_b's Avatar
That's it! Thanks salty for saying that the Fed will handle it.

So much for States Rights. But....

We'll see
Salty, the "libtard" judge ruled as he did so we can actually know who won Georgia on election night, not a month later. Trump is just a sore loser. Anything he doesn't win means there must be fraud.

in fact, the only way this election could be "free and fair" is if Trump wins. see a pattern?

and if he loses, overturning the will of the people by violence-see e.g. Jan 6th- and fraud-see e.g. the fake electors scheme-are on the table.

this country will be better off when the Orange Clown is dead and gone. he's a perennial threat to democracy. Originally Posted by pxmcc

No, mate - the counting at precinct might take 15 minutes,
not all day. ... You've counted 478 ballots? How many are
on the machine counter? ... 478? ... Good. ... Now, note
that and sign it. ... All done.

As I mentioned - we KNOW that Fulton County has counting
problems - double-counting of votes - WRONG machine totals
- and ballots and images that they won't produce for
proper examination.

... Just trying to avoid those same issues This Time.
And it may take a Federal Investigation after the
election to ensure it was fair and honest.

#### Salty
... And HERE WE GO - Election "Dirty Tricks" already with the
Dominion machines!

... Heard from Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
concerning a situation in Whitfield County, where a constituent
of hers noticed that their printed ballot DID NOT reflect the
selections they made on the voting machine! Particularly CHANGING
the vote away-from the candidates they had chosen.

The issue reportedly PERSISTED after multiple attempts to correct
the ballot. The voter was eventually forced to Void the ballot
and use a different machine.

As the voters in GA make their selections on a (Dominion) machine
- then the machine sends out a paper copy of those selections
and the paper copy is turned in. ... And in THIS case, the voter
noticed that the paper copy was NOT the selections made on the
machine - and thus Complained.

The Whitfield County Board of Elections and Registrar's Office
surely confirmed that the printed ballot DID NOT reflect the
voter's selections. And that the issue WAS corrected while
the voter was there on-site.

... But, as MTG pointed out - THIS was ONE issue where the
voter took the time to re-check the printed paper ballot
to ensure it was correct - and it wasn't. ... And whether
the machine error was Intentional or not, perhaps we'll
never know. ... But how many people never check or are
NOT able to check their paper ballot - before the vote
is counted??

... And WE are supposed to believe that the Dominion machines
are accurate and reliable?? ...

... See? ... Once Again - MORE voting problems in Georgia! ...

#### Salty
  • pxmcc
  • 10-19-2024, 12:03 PM
Salty, Fox News paid 700 million$ to settle a defamation lawsuit brought by Dominion for intentional deception concerning alleged defects in its voting machines. and MTG as a reliable source? tell me you're joking, sir..
... And HERE WE GO - Election "Dirty Tricks" already with the
Dominion machines!

... Heard from Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
concerning a situation in Whitfield County, where a constituent
of hers noticed that their printed ballot DID NOT reflect the
selections they made on the voting machine! Particularly CHANGING
the vote away-from the candidates they had chosen.

The issue reportedly PERSISTED after multiple attempts to correct
the ballot. The voter was eventually forced to Void the ballot
and use a different machine.

As the voters in GA make their selections on a (Dominion) machine
- then the machine sends out a paper copy of those selections
and the paper copy is turned in. ... And in THIS case, the voter
noticed that the paper copy was NOT the selections made on the
machine - and thus Complained.

The Whitfield County Board of Elections and Registrar's Office
surely confirmed that the printed ballot DID NOT reflect the
voter's selections. And that the issue WAS corrected while
the voter was there on-site.

... But, as MTG pointed out - THIS was ONE issue where the
voter took the time to re-check the printed paper ballot
to ensure it was correct - and it wasn't. ... And whether
the machine error was Intentional or not, perhaps we'll
never know. ... But how many people never check or are
NOT able to check their paper ballot - before the vote
is counted??

... And WE are supposed to believe that the Dominion machines
are accurate and reliable?? ...

... See? ... Once Again - MORE voting problems in Georgia! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
eyecu2's Avatar
Of course.....-

MTG got the information from someone who survived that last blast from a Jewish Space Laser, and then it was echoed by the "new-order" of Rothchild's banking conscripts. THe same place funk-n-wagner kept the secret ballots for Johnny Carson.- Underneath the front porch.

So that's how you know these political insiders are legit. It doesn't get more legit than that!
Precious_b's Avatar
I often wonder why salty ain't rubbing our noses in all the cash he could get with insider connections and proof of all these ramblings.
VitaMan's Avatar
Any post that has MTG as a source of information doesn't need to be read.

It sure is odd that when Trump loses, something is wrong with the equipment used. Voting rachines, routers, etc., etc. And everywhere he wins, the equipment seems to work fine.

Rigged and fraud......2 words Mr. Trump writes on the blackboard every day
  • pxmcc
  • 10-19-2024, 09:12 PM
i heard that MTG got her inside intel from Nessy. or wait, was it the chupacabra..
Of course.....-

MTG got the information from someone who survived that last blast from a Jewish Space Laser, and then it was echoed by the "new-order" of Rothchild's banking conscripts. THe same place funk-n-wagner kept the secret ballots for Johnny Carson.- Underneath the front porch.

So that's how you know these political insiders are legit. It doesn't get more legit than that! Originally Posted by eyecu2
... The Whitfield County Board of Elections have VERIFIED
the claim there, mate. ... As FACT.

No need for you and the others to wander off-topic...

#### Salty
  • pxmcc
  • 10-19-2024, 11:05 PM
can you provide evidence of that sir..
... The Whitfield County Board of Elections have VERIFIED
the claim there, mate. ... As FACT.

No need for you and the others to wander off-topic...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
can you provide evidence of that sir.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Of course he can't. Does The National Enquirer provide evidence of their made-up information sources for their fictional stories? LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
No reason for this thread to continue. It is full of unverified, fake reports by 1 poster.
txdot-guy's Avatar
No reason for this thread to continue. It is full of unverified, fake reports by 1 poster. Originally Posted by VitaMan
+1,000,000. Shut down this thread.
HDGristle's Avatar
Of course he can't. Does The National Enquirer provide evidence of their made-up information sources for their fictional stories? LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Only if they're caught in a catch-and-kill