Eccie members that have served in the military

atxdrew's Avatar
US Army 1999-2006. 1 ID, 2 ID, and 1st Cav. M1A1 and M1A2 tank crewman.
Mr_LongStick's Avatar
I love this site and everyone on it.
thanks to all the young nurses out there taking care of us guys.
sorry I should say Provider's I guess, I like the nurses better....

Tongue Sponge Bath.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-17-2012, 02:38 PM
I love this site and everyone on it.
thanks to all the young nurses out there taking care of us guys.
sorry I should say Provider's I guess, I like the nurses better....

Tongue Sponge Bath. Originally Posted by Mr_LongStick
Then by all means use nurses. I strongly suspect they won't object!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Your presumptuousness is remarkable, and not in a good way at all. You failed to answer my question as to "peace dividend" equaling a reduction in military spending. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"The cuts (below) during the Clinton admin were the "peace dividend" which were mandated by Congress...."
The red text answered your question before you asked it and the blue text shows who put the cuts into the budget.Based on your immature level of posting I have no doubt that I passed through Bergstrom before you were born, ass wipe. It was a SAC base then. And your point about having been there means what? Since you didn't know it was being closed as a result of the accepted term, peace dividend, your point is added tripe

And I sit at whatever table I chose to occupy. You are neither qualified nor old enough to give me direction or education as to location or process.You must have your big boy pants on today.

You have a nice day now, and tomorrow also. "Peace-nik" ass wipe....unless you are one of those Austin-Maggots that became Austinites a month after they arrived from arm-pit USA. Then you don't even qualify for "ass wipe."

Just to refresh your recollection from "studying" history:

Carter = 1977-1980*

Clinton = 1993-2000*

* I didn't count the 20 days of "January" after the elections.
77 to 81 covers fiscal years and term years. Since it goes up all 5 of those, and there is no mention of converting to a common year dollar value, my original statement is true whether you use terms or fiscal years.

If you are having a struggle with reading a bar graph when the bar gets shorter that means there is less spending as the bar gets shorter and then as the bar gets taller that means that there was more SPENDING ...
A bar graph is a representation of an exact number. It helps some people compare and comprehend number groups. Bar graphs show scale. The scale was inappropriate to make my point and inappropriate for you to see the increase in the number.
That's why I supplied the number. Easily read by me, by them, by.....well obviously not you.

... to help you out there was less spending during the Carter years and Clinton years in comparison to other programs ... like the "entitlements" and even though those two guys failed to improve the financial condition of Social Security (even though Clinton had a "surplus" on the books) they did not improve the condition of the military* ... Carter because he was driving submersibles which is of little use in freeing hostages and Clinton because he was treating assaults on the U.S. as a "law enforcement" matter ... and neither one of them needed a military ... they had a "peace dividend" Just your simple view of the world combined with an incorrect use of the term as I used it or wiki described... or in Clinton's case a "PIECE DIVIDEND"....

... don't bother to get up out of the high chair chld.

*The lack of preparedness on both their parts was documented by the utter failure of Carter to employ and orchestrate a freeing of the hostages, Clinton's failure to stop the consistent attacks on the U.S., You are a simple tool.and the admitted inability to launch an attack into a foreign country without a "beach" upon which to drop off "boots"! (Putting aside the FACT that Bush II was able to deploy "boots" on the ground in Afghanistan without a "beach" and Bush I was able to invade Iraq without a "beach" before Clinton arrived). Saudi Arabia is one big fucking beach. The US had opposition forces invite them into Afghanistan.

"peace dividend" ... a dismantling of the military by allowing repairs, upgrades, and replacement materiel to degenerate and become outdated and out of service. Ala a lack of adequate protective plating on vehicles and no equipment to "de-mine" roadways and detect phone-radio controlled explosive devices.Just because you rename a common use term doesn't change it's meaning as used.

... just remain the high-chair's safer for you there. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just let me know if you have any questions.

Questions not answered by the post that is.

Getting back to the original subject of this thread: U.S. Army - 1st Armored Division, Erlangen Germany; 2nd Armored Division, Ft. Hood; plus various schools. Airborne and Nuclear Weapons Target Analysis qualified, though thank god I didn't have to use either.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out the above post. What it had to do with the topic and what it had to do with the intended question. The Peace dividend started under George H W Bush and originated in the Congress. Forces were cut before Clinton won his election and things did speed up under Clinton and the Democratic/Liberal/Progressive/Socialist (DLPS) Congress.
LexusLover's Avatar

Just let me know if you have any questions.

Questions not answered by the post that is. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
And it took you how long to put together that bullshit to respond? What a joke, if you weren't so sad it would be humorous.

Expenditures vs. Budgets ... Also, I know why Bergstrom was closed. And some dipshit, mindless bullshitter on an SOB who has to look up shit for days to cut and paste in an attempt to look intellectually superior falls short of informing me or anyone else, unless they are impressed with Big Chief tablet print.

You're not a douche bag ... you are the douche.
oldseadaddy's Avatar
US Navy 24 years active duty. Retired.
[QUOTE=LovingKayla;1051790200]I can always count on you for crazy, wdf

I find it incredibly fascinating those that have served are all democrats. That's something to think about. Maybe you all really are right.[/QUOTE
airborne bunch of pussy's 3rd Marines 1967 to 1971 Kah Sahn 1968 Semper Fi
and l'm not a demacrap
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I can always count on you for crazy, wdf

I find it incredibly fascinating those that have served are all democrats. That's something to think about. Maybe you all really are right.[/QUOTE
airborne bunch of pussy's 3rd Marines 1967 to 1971 Kah Sahn 1968 Semper Fi
and l'm not a demacrap Originally Posted by LovingKayla
and I am not either, that is the last thing I would be after reading the donkey dipshit post on this board
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are a dipshit of a different color...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I served and have never been a democrat. My uncle served and is not a democrat. Though democrats were different in the 50s and 60s. Not the progressive/liberal/socialists of today. My cousins served and are not democrats. Sigh... my sister was in the guard and she may have voted for Obama. I guess that is the problem with the non combat part of the guard.

Do take notice that I did not say that any of us are republicans.
Getting back to the original subject of this thread: U.S. Army - 1st Armored Division, Erlangen Germany; 2nd Armored Division, Ft. Hood; plus various schools. Airborne and Nuclear Weapons Target Analysis qualified, though thank god I didn't have to use either. Originally Posted by davec.0121
Hey Dave, after my stint in 'Nam, they patched me up and sent me to Erlangan to finish out my two years. Got to go to Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels, (sp) to play war games. Since we were a Infrantry Batallion, (1st of the 19th), we also guarded Nato Sites.

How many trips to "The Wall" did you take. That just might be the biggest whorehouse in the world.
And all the Ladies there had one thing in common, they ALL wanted to get to America.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And it took you how long to put together that bullshit to respond? What a joke, if you weren't so sad it would be humorous.

Expenditures vs. Budgets ... Also, I know why Bergstrom was closed. And some dipshit, mindless bullshitter on an SOB who has to look up shit for days to cut and paste in an attempt to look intellectually superior falls short of informing me or anyone else, unless they are impressed with Big Chief tablet print.

You're not a douche bag ... you are the douche. Originally Posted by LexusLover
None of my response was cut and pasted, ass-wipe. I hit the "quote" button on your post.

And of course you didn't address any of my answers other than to dismiss them. But then what else can you do when you have just shit yourself and have nothing to say?
I inform you as a courtesy given by me.

And talk about sad responses. Yours covers everything from big print to you screaming "look at me!"

Too bad it doesn't address what we were talking about.

Oh wait. You did say you knew why Bergstrom closed. But I noticed you didn't say why because you would have to admit I was right about that. And your house of cards starts to fall down and that makes you mad. And it makes you pout and cry, neither of which you should do this month.
my now ex did not want to see the world. To this day I wonder what if. Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
I can relate CPT, I served on active duty (Army, 13th Sig Brigade, 1-5 Cav) from 85-89. Made CPT but my then fiance now ex did not want to live the military life so I got out. One of my biggest regrets.