How many of you are actually worried about being deported?

wildething's Avatar
Where did you see him doing that? Originally Posted by LexusLover
He's apparently considering it:

Nothing new. Under Obama, females were detained in certain facilities and men in others. Young children and older daughters could stay with their mothers, as soon as a son turned 15, he would be sent to a male detention facility. That's still the case under Trump. Maybe that's what SC was referring to?
  • iquit
  • 03-03-2017, 04:55 PM
Oh, boo hoo. Cry me a fuckin' river.

Q: Are you in the United States via illegal means? If so, WHY did you think the immigration laws did not pertain to you? WHAT made you the Exception-to-the-Rule?

Q: Did you commit a crime while you were on USA soil? If so, will there be consequences for such actions? Of course there will be....duhhhh. Had you committed that same crime (while illegally breaching Saudi Arabia's borders) what do you think woulda happened to you there?

But, I digress. Of course you wouldn't have crossed the borders of an Islamic nation such as S.A. Laws broken there...because of their system of punishment...would have been extremely hazardous to your health, right? Damn...that "Sharia Law" thing can be such a deterrent....

Point is, (not all but) too many illegals have been bending / breaking the laws of our land for far too long. Time has come to rein things in. Sorry the felons, murderers and drug lords, spoiled it for those who basically have towed the mark while on US soil (other than sneaking into our country....illegally, of course.) Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
First, undocumented does not equal illegal and yeah, tell me the last time an illegal immigrant came through the airport. Last I checked, being on US soil without authorization is not a crime.

Second, comparing us to Saudi Arabia in treatment of immigrants. I'd be damned if our human rights record was similar to theirs. Immigrants commit less crime than US citizens, go look it up. Repeating alternative facts don't make them true. I could keep going but this ain't the right forum.

Now leave my Latinas Alone.
SweetDulce's Avatar
Yes I am very scared of being deported.
Anyone willing to marry me ?
LexusLover's Avatar
Yes I am very scared of being deported.
Anyone willing to marry me ? Originally Posted by SweetDulce
If this is remotely serious, you should consult a LEGITIMATE immigration attorney before complicating your life even more.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Finding a "wife" on a hooker board is probably the quickest path back to finding a girlfiend on said hooker board. Everyone knows the blowjobs end once she says "I do" ... for the groom, that is.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-04-2017, 08:36 AM
Yes I am very scared of being deported.
Anyone willing to marry me ? Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Sure I will do it. Sign a prenuptial and i get free sex 2 times a week till divorce. I also want a meal cooked for me at least one of those times each week i come over. Dems da rules.
TryWeakly's Avatar
There's always a loophole.....
SweetDulce's Avatar
Sure I will do it. Sign a prenuptial and i get free sex 2 times a week till divorce Originally Posted by Trey
Boooo. You are already talking about divorce!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Yeah, but many ways to get into a marriage, only two ways out.
LexusLover's Avatar
First, undocumented does not equal illegal and yeah, tell me the last time an illegal immigrant came through the airport. Last I checked, being on US soil without authorization is not a crime.

Second, comparing us to Saudi Arabia in treatment of immigrants. I'd be damned if our human rights record was similar to theirs. Immigrants commit less crime than US citizens, go look it up. Repeating alternative facts don't make them true. I could keep going but this ain't the right forum.

Now leave my Latinas Alone. Originally Posted by iquit
Speaking of "alternative facts" .... how may "Latinas" do you own?
LexusLover's Avatar
Everyone knows the blowjobs end once she says "I do" ... for the groom, that is. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Those are the perks for the "best man"!
LexusLover's Avatar
Boooo. You are already talking about divorce! Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Giving the statistics I would say that's probably a good idea, most especially for second marriages involving hookers and hobbyists!
LexusLover's Avatar
He's apparently considering it:

Nothing new. Under Obama, females were detained in certain facilities and men in others. Young children and older daughters could stay with their mothers, as soon as a son turned 15, he would be sent to a male detention facility. That's still the case under Trump. Maybe that's what SC was referring to? Originally Posted by wildething
Chasing ghosts. These goofballs take "could possibly happen" and in 24 hours IT IS!