Most Americans want War with ISIS.

I B Hankering's Avatar
is a expert getting things rammed up his ass. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Read your fucking "sources", you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

ROTL. you are presuming he can read.
ROTL. you are presuming he can read. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Read better than you, dipstick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're right, could have been stopped a long time ago by us not invading Iraq. That's come back to haunt us. And now Obama has to deal with another bush cock up. If you honestly think he's going to declare martial law I need to tie half my brain around my back before we go on. See what I did there you ditto head Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Bush won the war in Iraq. Obama is losing the war in Iraq. Which part don't you understand?
LexusLover's Avatar
hopefully when they start the shit here

the cowards will be met with a somewhat armed public Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Hopefully "they" will hurry up before the Gruber in the White House starts signing Executive Orders with a fully funded DHS to begin collecting firearms.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you think we are blameless in all this? We do things, let's call them actions and those actions have equal and opposite reactions. We don't operate in a vacuum. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
If you want to accept responsibility for burnings and beheadings, so be it.

Don't project your responsibility on everyone else.
Bush won the war in Iraq. Obama is losing the war in Iraq. Which part don't you understand? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If he won it why are we still there? Didn't he broker the time for a withdrawal?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We are back in there (we left) because you elected an idiot for president. An idiot who couldn't negoiate himself into a hand job with hundred bills in his pocket. He failed on the status of forces agreement which spurred the growth of ISIS and here we are again.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-23-2015, 10:01 AM
We are back in there (we left) because you elected an idiot for president. An idiot who couldn't negoiate himself into a hand job with hundred bills in his pocket. He failed on the status of forces agreement which spurred the growth of ISIS and here we are again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush signed the SOFA. are you trying to rewrite history?
lustylad's Avatar
Translation, you're a dumbass. Norms of behavior that need to be followed? Slurping your food is considered rude here. In japan it's a sign that the food they're eating is delicious. Who decides these rules? You? Don't kill people, don't steal, etc., sure, those should be followed by everyone, but there are many others that are specific to region or culture. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Wow, undercunt! Such a deep, profound and intelligent observation! So we invaded Iraq to force our American culture down their throats and make sure they eat Big Macs and watch MTV, like you do all day down in your mommy's basement? Now it all makes sense! By the way, undercunt, did you bother to count how many of Saddam's mass graves we unearthed after we went into Iraq? Genocide was one of the first crimes proscribed by the UN back in 1948. Not quite the same as slurping your miso soup.

Come to think of it, undercunt, stopping genocide was the reason Obama cited when he launched a bombing campaign against Libya in 2011. Was he really trying to stop genocide or did he want to make Libyans stop slurping their food and be “just like us”? And how did that work out? Why does Odumbo get a pass for walking away from the mess he left behind in Libya while Bush is attacked for staying the course in Iraq?

I'm for blaming whoever deserves to be blamed. Do you think we are blameless in all this? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Do you think Saddam was blameless? How many UN resolutions did he thumb his nose at? We made mistakes in Iraq, but libtards like you aren't looking for an intelligent or objective post-mortem of what happened there. You're too busy jumping up and down screaming "Bush fucked it all up!" in order to distract everyone's attention from all of Odumbo's fuck-ups which are much worse and still unfolding as we watch.

We are back in there (we left) because you elected an idiot for president. An idiot who couldn't negoiate himself into a hand job with hundred bills in his pocket. He failed on the status of forces agreement which spurred the growth of ISIS and here we are again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your simple statement failed to mention that Iraq did not want any US forces there so denying a SOFA was the sticking point for none of our troops staying. Contrary to popular belief it takes two sides to reach a agreement. The growth of ISIS was when the Iraq army ran like rabbits when they crossed the border. If they had balls ISIS would still be in Syria.
We are back in there (we left) because you elected an idiot for president. An idiot who couldn't negoiate himself into a hand job with hundred bills in his pocket. He failed on the status of forces agreement which spurred the growth of ISIS and here we are again. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush won? That's delusional. We left that country a shell with a power vacuum.
Wow, undercunt! Such a deep, profound and intelligent observation! So we invaded Iraq to force our American culture down their throats and make sure they eat Big Macs and watch MTV, like you do all day down in your mommy's basement? Now it all makes sense! By the way, undercunt, did you bother to count how many of Saddam's mass graves we unearthed after we went into Iraq? Genocide was one of the first crimes proscribed by the UN back in 1948. Not quite the same as slurping your miso soup.

Come to think of it, undercunt, stopping genocide was the reason Obama cited when he launched a bombing campaign against Libya in 2011. Was he really trying to stop genocide or did he want to make Libyans stop slurping their food and be “just like us”? And how did that work out? Why does Odumbo get a pass for walking away from the mess he left behind in Libya while Bush is attacked for staying the course in Iraq?

Do you think Saddam was blameless? How many UN resolutions did he thumb his nose at? We made mistakes in Iraq, but libtards like you aren't looking for an intelligent or objective post-mortem of what happened there. You're too busy jumping up and down screaming "Bush fucked it all up!" in order to distract everyone's attention from all of Odumbo's fuck-ups which are much worse and still unfolding as we watch.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Obama wouldn't have to deal with it if Bush hadn't started it. That's the simple truth. I think it's not our job to play world police. We don't even have our own shit together and we're off telling everyone else how they should be doing it. That pisses people off. It would certainly piss us off if someone did that to us.
Wow, undercunt! Such a deep, profound and intelligent observation! So we invaded Iraq to force our American culture down their throats and make sure they eat Big Macs and watch MTV, like you do all day down in your mommy's basement? Now it all makes sense! By the way, undercunt, did you bother to count how many of Saddam's mass graves we unearthed after we went into Iraq? Genocide was one of the first crimes proscribed by the UN back in 1948. Not quite the same as slurping your miso soup.

Come to think of it, undercunt, stopping genocide was the reason Obama cited when he launched a bombing campaign against Libya in 2011. Was he really trying to stop genocide or did he want to make Libyans stop slurping their food and be “just like us”? And how did that work out? Why does Odumbo get a pass for walking away from the mess he left behind in Libya while Bush is attacked for staying the course in Iraq?

Do you think Saddam was blameless? How many UN resolutions did he thumb his nose at? We made mistakes in Iraq, but libtards like you aren't looking for an intelligent or objective post-mortem of what happened there. You're too busy jumping up and down screaming "Bush fucked it all up!" in order to distract everyone's attention from all of Odumbo's fuck-ups which are much worse and still unfolding as we watch.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Once again, you think I won't call Obama on his shit. He was wrong to leave a power vacuum in Libya. Every president has fuck ups.
lustylad's Avatar
Obama wouldn't have to deal with it if Bush hadn't started it. That's the simple truth. I think it's not our job to play world police. We don't even have our own shit together and we're off telling everyone else how they should be doing it. That pisses people off. It would certainly piss us off if someone did that to us. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

Your cluelessness goes up with every post you make. I'll tell you what pisses people off, undercunt. When you loudly and repeatedly say better not do x, or else you will cross a red line and force me to do something. Then the bad guys do x and you do nothing. That really, really pisses off a lot of people who were counting on you. And it really, really emboldens a lot of bad guys, undercunt.

Every president has fuck ups but I only bitch if they happened over a decade ago and can be blamed on Republicans. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
