House panel finds Obama and Clinton responsible for Benghazi errors

flghtr65's Avatar
The proper way to phrase the statement would be that he was impeached for lying under oath, to the American people, and encouraged others to lie on his behalf. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, you are right, I should have wrote "lying under oath" instead of just lying. However, you did get the point. COF was unable to comprehend. The senility is setting in quickly.
flghtr65's Avatar
Yes, let's be honest.

Under Bush's program "Wide Receiver" illegal sales were made. Since no one can say where the weapons from that program ended up, saying no weapons crossed the border is un-provable and nothing more than your opinion.

"A program similar to Fast and Furious did go forward under the Bush administration in 2006 and 2007. That program, called Operation Wide Receiver, also attempted to track suspicious weapons. Allowing gun sales to go forward even when the ATF had probable cause to believe the sales were unlawful has come to be known as "gun walking."

The two operations -- Fast and Furious and Wide Receiver -- had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems.

"The risk to public safety was immediately evident in both investigations," the inspector general’s report states."

Please post links to 2 times WTF has called for Bush to be impeached.

I'll wait until you fail to do so before I go into my usual rant about your constant lying, your failure to acknowledge your mistakes after you have been proven wrong, your constant mis-representing of facts, your constant lying by omission, your pussified habit of changing the subject when even you realize there is no place left to go and your seemingly complete lack of self respect and honor.

As for bitching and moaning, using your definition, I'd say you, whirly, and sog are the queens.

All of y'all constantly bitch about things you don't like.

Things you don't like that the Obama administration has done legally. Legally as defined by the U S Constitution and as defined by the SCOTUS.

Why do I say you 3 are the queens?

Because you have over 30,000 posts between the 3 of you. And while I'm sure there must be some positive Obama comments in there, finding them would be like searching for a needle in a hay field. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
IBH, did you read the link? The inspector general said both operations were ineffective and seriously flawed! This would seem to qualify as resembling in every relevant aspect. Since weapons were lost in operation wide receiver, how do you know that they did not end up of across the border? Also, both programs were started by the field. Holder did not even know about it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What the things are you talking about? The things that have been Supreme Court approved. Can you name them? You know, things that Obama has done legally (which means that some things he has done illegally...can you name them as well)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-04-2013, 09:26 AM
Hey WTF, it was you doing the bitching. If you were consistent then you would be shouting for the impeachment of both Obama and Hillary....but you aren't. Wonder why? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

As for Bush, you keep using the word "impeach" but that is not what we were talking about. We are talking about you're bitching and moaning. Now I think Obama has broken the law. You're just a bitcher because you didn't like what Bush did legally and you won't give credit to the democrats in Congress for supporting him. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, you brought up impeachment , not me. I respond to your lie and then you say that is not what you were talking about.

. Now I think Obama has broken the law. You're just a bitcher because you didn't like what Bush did legally and you won't give credit to the democrats in Congress for supporting him. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This whole forum is a bitchfest.....but I do not resort to lying. You lied about me saying that I wanted Bush impeached. You never acknowledge that lie. Why not JD? Why do you lie, get caught and then not admit you lied? Is it because some sailor fucked your brains out while you were in the Navy?

Bush massaged all the intelligence on Iraq and basically lied to Congress and the Amercian public. I find it horrific that congress did not look more into this faulty yellowcake bs amongist other lies.. What Bush and Co did was basically cherry pick faulty intel to fit into their invasion plans of Iraq. That cost at least 4k lives ....a tad more than one Border agent and four folks in Benfuckinggazi that you croc tears mofo's are crying about. .
flghtr65's Avatar
JD, you brought up impeachment , not me. I respond to your lie and then you say that is not what you were talking about.

This whole forum is a bitchfest.....but I do not resort to lying. You lied about me saying that I wanted Bush impeached. You never acknowledge that lie. Why not JD? Why do you lie, get caught and then not admit you lied? Is it because some sailor fucked your brains out while you were in the Navy?

Bush massaged all the intelligence on Iraq and basically lied to Congress and the Amercian public. I find it horrific that congress did not look more into this faulty yellowcake bs amongist other lies.. What Bush and Co did was basically cherry pick faulty intel to fit into their invasion plans of Iraq. That cost at least 4k lives ....a tad more than one Border agent and four folks in Benfuckinggazi that you croc tears mofo's are crying about. . Originally Posted by WTF
The information in Colin Powell's Powerpoint presentation before the United Nations was as fictional as "Dorthy in the Wizard of OZ". There was suppose to be "Warehouses full of WMD's in Irag. Eight years of searching and did not find one WMD. No link to Al-qaida was ever found either. What did they do for Bush? They built a library for him somewhere near SMU (Southern Methodist University).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-04-2013, 09:03 PM
The information in Colin Powell's Powerpoint presentation before the United Nations was as fictional as "Dorthy in the Wizard of OZ". There was suppose to be "Warehouses full of WMD's in Irag. Eight years of searching and did not find one WMD. No link to Al-qaida was ever found either. What did they do for Bush? They built a library for him somewhere near SMU (Southern Methodist University). Originally Posted by flghtr65
What I do not care for is all these folks that whine about one Border Patrol agent and four State Dept lives lost yet sat on their hands while 4k American soldiers lives were lost on a BS link of Saddam to 9/11.

It appears these are selective political tears.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LMAO... nice try at deflection or changing the subject. Bush (according to you) told the same lies that Clinton, Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, and Gore also said. So who did what that was illegal? You made a claim that I don't like what Obama did AND IT WAS SUPREME COURT APPROVED. Cough it up, tell us what that was.

Also, you low life piece of shit, though I am now too old for service in Iraq, I have two enlisted cousins and one commissioned cousin that have rotated in and out of both Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years. I have a second cousin currently in West Point and his sister is studying military medicine.
I have two enlisted cousins and one commissioned cousin that have rotated in and out of both Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years. I have a second cousin currently in West Point and his sister is studying military medicine. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Not bad for a school custodian!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-04-2013, 11:56 PM

Also, you low life piece of shit, though I am now too old for service in Iraq, I have two enlisted cousins and one commissioned cousin that have rotated in and out of both Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years. I have a second cousin currently in West Point and his sister is studying military medicine. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
My ex's brother was killed in Iraq. I hope your kin fares better than that.

LMAO... nice try at deflection or changing the subject. Bush (according to you) told the same lies that Clinton, Clinton, Kerry, Edwards, and Gore also said. So who did what that was illegal? You made a claim that I don't like what Obama did AND IT WAS SUPREME COURT APPROVED. Cough it up, tell us what that was.

. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bush's lies about Saddam and 9/11 got 4k soldiers killed. Compare that to one Border Patrol agent and four State Dept employees that you scream about and then ignore the 4k. What a joke with your fake outrage.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How many preventable deaths does it take to make an outrage?
flghtr65's Avatar
How many preventable deaths does it take to make an outrage? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Hillary made a mistake with a cable that she received from the ambasador. She did not commit a crime. Bush fabricated a war. Two entirely different things, no resembling in any relevant respect.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't you talk to FuckZup, he just posted about four students being killed in 1970.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-05-2013, 07:04 AM
How many preventable deaths does it take to make an outrage? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Evidently for JD and others one Border Patrol Agent or four State Dept employees but not over four thousand soldiers.

You make change at the voting booth, that is how we express our outrage in this country. As Al Gore siad in the video that that lying sac of shit JD is trying to pass off as Gore admitting the SC had it right...short of armed revolution, that is the only choice we have in this country. That or move.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why don't you talk to FuckZup, he just posted about four students being killed in 1970. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What about that domestic massacre carried out by US government forces on unarmed students do you have a problem with BSwine? That it was a Republican president who ordered the killings? That the students were unarmed? That you weren't smart enough to get into Kent State?

You'd rather rant and rave about an act of terror in a hostile country that will eventually be the death knell of your political party. Whine away, asshole.

You're beating the carcass of a horse you killed months ago.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
What about that domestic massacre carried out by US government forces on unarmed students do you have a problem with BSwine? That it was a Republican president who ordered the killings? That the students were unarmed? That you weren't smart enough to get into Kent State?

You'd rather rant and rave about an act of terror in a hostile country that will eventually be the death knell of your political party. Whine away, asshole.

You're beating the carcass of a horse you killed months ago. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You lieing sack of shit. President Nixon did not order the killings at Kent State. I really would like to see you try to back up that statement with some proof and not just the bullshit that comes out of your mouth on a regular basis.

Nixon did not order the guardsmen onto Kent State. Governor Rhodes did after being asked to do so by the Mayor of the city of Kent.