Dr_Womanyzer's Avatar
That is true ..... but when they "move up in American society" Originally Posted by 00 gauge
They will not be stripping when they move up. I know one who was studying engineering in Cuba. I asked why she defected, and she told me that her engineering degree was not going to do her any good in Cuba, where the outcomes are managed and equalised for all by the society. She does hope to resume her engineering training here in the US. Another was doing biochemistry, and left the country because she too felt as if there is no future for her there. The sanctions imposed by Trump, and the decimation of the Venezuelan economy have pauperised Cuba, and hence the huge exodus of young Cubans to the US. Many of these girls will end up in fields like nursing when they regularise their status and learn English, as they are physically and mentally demanding, but financially rewarding. The Cuban girls are smart and have a very strong drive.

They will also take with them their inflated prices,. Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The price of a lap dance is $20. I have never heard of a Cuban ask for more. On the other hand, somewhere in this thread, I have recounted the experience my friend had, with a Bangladeshi (formerly a part of India in Asia), who disdainfully and indignantly told him that "I am not a Cuban, I am a Desi (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) girl.." as she laid down her rules for a lap dance. When he said that he would give one dance to see if she was as good as she claimed, she retorted that she had a 2 dance minimum.

inflated egos, ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
The hobbying business is all about posturing. Relatively unattractive men, who have no women that might detain their attention at home, pay money to prostitutes, who for the most part set aside any esteem they might have, to do "things" in order to get money out those men's pockets. If you get yourself in a situation where you are looking for love or validation in a strip club, you are asking for disappointment. Fully 90% of the women there already have men at home or watching them in the clubs; these men are either subdued cucks, or are pimping them, or have such a low self-esteem that they do not mind their women working in a club where they rub their vulvas on the erect dicks of strange men. The affecting of an ego by the patron or the stripper is therefore nothing more than a negotiating tactic. .. Example given: If you walk into any car dealership, you will notice that salesmen try to dress as neatly as possible, because this projects an impression of the economic prosperity that in most instances does not exist. But by purveying the impression that they can do without your business, the salesmen are able to have the upper hand in the negotiations so that you accept less for your Mercedes or Lexus trade in, and agree to pay more for the crappy Dodge Sebring or Ford Probe they are selling you. That is the psychology of face to face selling. The most egotistical women in a club will sit by themselves upstairs in BDD, making no money and hoping that a sucker will ask them for dances, in which they will do little, but make a lot of money. You have to go into such a club with a mission..: One or two test dances max; if she is not letting you play, you bounce. That is how you establish your own self-worth in this business. The money is the same, whether it comes from you or from a millionaire; and whether its going to a dancer who is a 10 or a 1... Do not be oversold, or beguiled by bullshit. This business is nothing but prostitution without penetration. And all of them have the same kind of pussies..

..inflated egos ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
No one grinding dick, or being fondled on her clit by a man she does not know can honestly claim to have an ego, much less a self-esteem. They know it, but they just do not want you to know it.

.. shitty dancing ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
This is a matter of personal opinion. To be honest, if I was interested in dancing skills, I might watch ballet, waltz, a YouTube music video or something else. I am in a strip club to exact as much sexual joy as I can for the amount of time I pay for. I am not in a strip club to see the moves of Janet Jackson...

.. excessive song counting, ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
Every stripper I have ever known has counted songs. I do have one extremely lovely young one that I see in a club, that I get my way with, that pretends to not count. At the end, when I ask her how much I owe her, she will I say "No se, no cuenta" meaning "I do not know, I have not counted"... I still pay her generously because she gives me what I want. So that is her game; and that is my game. I have also met many who promise and then do not deliver. I never go more than 2 songs with them, and I never let them dance for me again. This can be an expensive business, and you have to use good judgement. This last week was a loss for me because all but one of the strippers I encountered, were a waste of my time and money.

.. and refusal to learn English ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
They do not refuse to learn English. All 100% of them desperately would love to learn English. However, it is hard to learn a language when you are already grown, and it is a very expensive process to do it in this country. The teachers typically charge them a lot of money that they barely have. These people arrive in the US beset by enormous immigration bills that they must pay their attorneys for, to say nothihg of rent, car notes, and remittances to their suffering families back in Cuba. Life is extremely hard for them. If they tend to gravitate to Spanish speaking customers, it is because this is the path of least resistance for them. They impediment of language does not exist, so you find them spending more time with Mexican customers, because they can hustle money faster that way. How do I know this? Because I have asked them.

.. and no more deal breakers like the first words she says to you five seconds after sitting down "you want dance?" or "hello papi" ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
This is all the English they know. Give them credit for trying. Also, attribute this to the relative desperation of their circumstances. They have bills to pay, and must try to extract that money from men speaking a language they do not.. Can you imagine that? Of course this works to the advantage of the likes of me, who want to get directly to business without listening to the bullshit personal stories of strippers recently escaped from the Amish community in Pennsylvania, or a polygamous Mormon camp in Arizona...(***and I did encounter 2 strippers with exactly those claims in Cabaret Royale, all those years ago**)

..... actually clubs "plummeting to the levels they were before the Cubans showed up" would be a most welcome and refreshing change and take away so much of the hassle and headache of dealing with the Cubans ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
When there were no Cubans, the clubs were dying. The ones which subsisted on that od Model, such as The Club House, are completely out of business. However, I am sure that Spearmint Rhino and The Mens Club might still be able to meet your needs.
Rick's mgmt is probably laughing at all the free publicity they are getting on ECCIE. A 4 page thread on a club BDFW which has been closed for over 3 years. No insight or real substance in that thread, other than guys reporting on every instance when they see any vendor vehicles on premises.
And then this 11 page thread, also worthless. Guys debating if Cuban dancers are good or bad.
Have to wonder if a few of the frequent posters in this thread are in fact employees of Rick's ? Only other alternative is they just don't have a life.
Just let these 2 threads die already. And keep the focus of this forum on actual reviews of visits to strip clubs.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Good points ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

All you have to do is take a look at the poster who started the threads. It is the same guy. No need to say anything more.
^^^ Or look at the guy who has posted ZERO in helpfull information and nothing but negative

This is an Information Exchange board. If you don't like the topic, ignore it. No one is making you read the posts or respond.

Thou I do agree the thread has drifted WAY off topic. But, that happens sometimes
Wile E Coyote's Avatar

you are 100% right, this is an information exchange board, and a sometimes, that information is going to be in the negative variety. The problem is, most of the information that you have provided through the years has been false. The two have for aforementioned baby doll threads are perfect examples.

I would rather post my opinion on a subject that I do have an informed through experience opinion about, then give false information calling it insider intel. Or worse yet what you are widely known for, speculative theories told as fact based upon your agenda.

To keep on topic, let's hope that RCI makes the clubs better for the customers as well as the dancers.

you are 100% right, this is an information exchange board, and a lot of those times, that information is in the negative variety. The problem is, most of the information that you have provided through the years has been false. The two have for aforementioned baby doll threads are the perfect examples.
I would rather post my opinion on a subject that I do have an informed through experience opinion about, then give false information calling it insider intel. Or worse yet what you are widely known for, speculative theories told as fact based upon your agenda.

To keep on topic, let's hope that RCI makes the clubs better for the customers as well as the dancers. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
False? Really? All I, and others, BTY, have done is pass on information as we have come across it. I, at least, made nothing up, provided sources, and as far as this thread goes,I have been correct. Almost all the negitive, unfounded, no basis, information has come from you. As is typical. But then, you are the self proclaimed expert on all things strip club. I think you're upset because you did not know about the pruchase before I and others did.

This thread started as anouncement of the purchase of the Birch Clubs by Ricks. That happened. What false information is that? Also, false implies knowingly providing fake inforation. Being in error, or incorrect does not. Neither applies here.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Shall I post the links of the post where you said BDFW would definitely be open? and then whenever that didn't happen you decided to post again stating a later month, and you did that several times. Of course, nothing ever comes from you whenever it is proven not to be true it is always from other sources, but whenever you do throw something out there that happens to stick, which is rare, then you are the man who needs accolades thrown his way.

I do get a kick out of your speculative assumptive theories, which a lot of guys do on this site to try to stir up drama or whatever, but most of the time, you say you're speculation as fact, as do the multiple providers who I see for sessions regularly roll their eyes whenever they see your posts talking about how bad of a person I am. One thing I do know about you is that you will never ever quit following my posts, no matter where I post them, just so you can find something wrong with them, and if there is nothing wrong, like always, you will make something up to insult me. What kind of person does that? There is a guideline on this site which is supposed to deter that from happening, but you've done it for so long, I guess it's just normally expected. So is your ability to not be able to spell!

Do I really care about RCI purchasing baby dolls or who found out about it first? Are you kidding me? I am the self-proclaimed expert of all things on strip clubs? Checking your post history, I believe that you are the one who always gets on strip club threads to give your advice and start discussion threads in this forum so that you can relay your vast knowledge. What is that term where someone accuses someone of doing exactly what they do?

Again, let's hope that Rick's will not change much and realize that the Baby Dolls model for a strip club works.
That's not this thread. Try again. Being wrong or the info not panning out is not posting false info. (Lying is what you really mean). Thats why I try to give my sources. We all speculate. Sometimes we are right, sometimes wrong. And dude, you are the one stalking my threads. And we will see about bdfw. You are the one who said it will never reopen. Time will tell
Come on people now. Smile on your brothers and this info exchange is not about who's swinging the biggest/smallest dick. It ain't about you. It's about how the rickes will operate BDFW if they can and will actually open it up. No gain no loss for that long ago treasure in a great $$$ making location.
Maybe a license issue? Maybe they can't afford cash registers? Anyway...
Ricky has some big shoes to fill to bring back the BDFW as it was in its glory days
Kiss and things will be banking. Fuck it,up not so much.

Anyway again...Looking like Ricky is making no effort for BDFW. They maybe have to much bank to fuck with this raining green location

Or maybe they are still trying to cash in on that little piece of prime real-estate
  • mb60
  • 04-10-2023, 08:33 PM
Tsmoke is right if and when BDFW opens. That little shit hole building and the land it sits on will pay off sooner then later. The car wash is nearly done and looks like storage units are going in behind it. I think it's only a matter of time before all 3 clubs will be bull dozed to make way for strip centers.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Tsmoke is right if and when BDFW opens. That little shit hole building and the land it sits on will pay off sooner then later. The car wash is nearly done and looks like storage units are going in behind it. I think it's only a matter of time before all 3 clubs will be bull dozed to make way for strip centers. Originally Posted by mb60
100% totally agree. Rick's makes plenty of money at their other established clubs, hence having enough money to buy baby dolls.

Baby Dolls Dallas is a total Cash Cow and they don't need the Fort Worth location to make money, and considering it is in competition with the other club that's right up the street, it's very well could be about selling that prime real estate to the city or whoever, maybe even to make even more apartments, especially considering the multiple strip centers that are close by anyway.
Dr_Womanyzer's Avatar
100% totally agree. Rick's makes plenty of money at their other established clubs, hence having enough money to buy baby dolls.

Baby Dolls Dallas is a total Cash Cow and they don't need the Fort Worth location to make money, and considering it is in competition with the other club that's right up the street, it's very well could be about selling that prime real estate to the city or whoever, maybe even to make even more apartments, especially considering the multiple strip centers that are close by anyway. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Years ago, perhaps even as far back as 20 years ago, there was a story, in the Dallas Observer, I think, averring that Baby Dolls Dallas was making $860, 000 a year in profit, on alcohol sales alone.. The Baby Dolls Dolls model is pure genius- low entry costs; low pressure sales tactics; have a lot beautiful women, and let the tyranny of numbers fill up the pockets of the owners as hordes upon hordes of young horny men each leave a small amount of their net worth in the cash registers of the establishment.. The question I have is of the viability of the model on an ongoing basis, though. As the clientele is changing, and becoming more and more Indian, and I wonder whether these people love Budweiser, Miller and Coors enough to retain the profitability of the establishment at the highest level among all the competition. Indians are generally speaking Donald Trump like teetotalers
Dr, I think as the clientele changes, the customers that don't fit, migrate to the remaining clubs that cater to them
. I personally don't see this huge influx of SE Asians you have mentioned several times. and they are a very tiny % of the overall clientele. If they are the teetotlers you suggest, they are a non-factor at clubs that sell drinks
CG2014's Avatar
Cuban girl approached me as I was walking toward the exit.

I politely told her

"No thanks, I am actually leaving."

She rudely snapped at me:

Leave! And don't come back!

My experience with Cuban girls is they are ALL PUSHY RUDE ARROGANT STUCK UP UPPITY ENTITLED BITCHES!
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