!VI! Pimp Update (If not interested DON'T READ)

sean rider's Avatar
Obsessed? I spend a few minutes a day checking for any news. If I find any I post it here. It's hardly an obsession. Get on with my life? I've never stopped.

And with 11,300+ views at this point, higher than all but a handful of current threads, I'm obviously not the only interested one.

In fact I'd say it's more interesting to ask why discussion of this topic should bother those who post how disinterested they are. 95% of those who commented on this story early on got it totally wrong. It was the Pimp, not !VI!, who outed !VI!. It was the Pimp making some (most? all?) of the !VI! posts trolling for customers. And it was the Pimp operating the phone texts supposedly from !VI!.

Rather than whine about this thread, maybe these same posters should try a little introspection and ask themselves what kind of assumptions and stereotypes led to the entirely wrong interpretation they clung to...that some perhaps *still* cling to despite the legal confession document that lays this all out with specificity and finality.
sean rider's Avatar
Meanwhile it looks like the prosecution made their case that the Pimp represents a flight risk and public danger. His plea for bail or release pending sentencing was denied. Sentencing is apparently in May, but I've not seen the date established in a federal document yet.
sean rider's Avatar
More federal papers filed today. The sentencing hearing is confirmed to be mid-May. (An exact time and place is noted, but I'm leaving that out as it might contribute to outing The Pimp's real world name.) It takes that long because there are two rounds of pre sentencing investigation and objections before the actual sentencing.

Also filed was acceptance of The Pimp's guilty plea to all three charges. The Pimp filed a motion that the sentences for all three charges be allowed to run concurrently rather than consecutively. The penalty for each of the three is the same, up to 5 years in prison and/or $250,000.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Fucks given = 0.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 02-06-2017, 11:33 PM
They both should be brought up on charges for fucking in that disgusting shitpile dorm room. That place was a felony. Ida broken parole to keep handguns, too, so if I ever woke up in that room I could blast my brains and be free.

And the guys who fucked her there should be charged as accessories to a shit palace.

Hey thanks OP for your diligence to this ongoing issue. I feel certain, as I'm sure you do, that some day you will look back and know your time was well spent monitoring, and keeping us up to speed.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-07-2017, 07:46 AM
Fucks given = 0. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
11,000+ views lol, I'm here checking how many times the OP gets made fun off NOT for whatever he's posting up, nobody reads that stuff or cares what happened that day.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
jeez, will this f'n guy go away!
IMN2U's Avatar
  • IMN2U
  • 02-07-2017, 03:31 PM
I kinda like being kept up to date on this on going news story. . Hey, there is no polical drama or any claims of "fake news".
Sean, thanks for the updates.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I don't mind the updates neither Sean. I don't care about your motives. Me and Tinman exchanged ideas about VI in the past. We were both attracted by the "moth and the flame" symdrome. I'm glad I never pulled the trigger, I'm sure Tinman thinks the same.

In my case, that's a girl I once lusted (and resisted), so I like the news.

Don't shoot the messenger has always been my moto.
sean rider's Avatar
News update:

The Pimp's sentencing hearing has been moved from mid-May to early July.

Meanwhile he continues to post to his Facebook account about how although he is guilty of what he is charged with and confessed to, he is not guilty of what !VI! initially reported to the police.

He spends no time expressing remorse for buying guns illegally, or for posting online impersonating !VI! and acting as !VI!'s pimp, or for outing !VI! and posting videos of her and clients and sending would be clients to her parents address. He has plead guilty to all of these. Instead he threatens various folks he perceives as having gotten him into this mess...exactly the kind of thing he is already being sentenced for!

But of course he is the one who created his own problems. And everything he has confessed to happened *before* !VI! went to the police. So he initiated all of this by freely made really bad choices.

Meanwhile the court has rejected virtually all of his obviously lame motions. The court admonished him to remember that he has already plead guilty to the only charges that have been made, and that he can't use the sentencing hearing to question witnesses or otherwise argue that he isn't guilty of the crimes charged, or especially accusations not charged.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
News update:

The Pimp's sentencing hearing has been moved from mid-May to early July.

Meanwhile he continues to post to his Facebook account about how although he is guilty of what he is charged with and confessed to, he is not guilty of what !VI! initially reported to the police.

He spends no time expressing remorse for buying guns illegally, or for posting online impersonating !VI! and acting as !VI!'s pimp, or for outing !VI! and posting videos of her and clients and sending would be clients to her parents address. He has plead guilty to all of these. Instead he threatens various folks he perceives as having gotten him into this mess...exactly the kind of thing he is already being sentenced for!

But of course he is the one who created his own problems. And everything he has confessed to happened *before* !VI! went to the police. So he initiated all of this by freely made really bad choices.

Meanwhile the court has rejected virtually all of his obviously lame motions. The court admonished him to remember that he has already plead guilty to the only charges that have been made, and that he can't use the sentencing hearing to question witnesses or otherwise argue that he isn't guilty of the crimes charged, or especially accusations not charged. Originally Posted by sean rider
Who actually gives a shit but you??? She's done here.....

mrredcat43's Avatar
Bitch is old news, move on
chicagoboy's Avatar
I thinck it would be festive if her handle were changed to ¡VI! for Cinco de Mayo.
Thank you for the update Sean. This continues to prove that !VI! is 110% not responsible for anything that she has allegedly done over the past 4 years.

When this trial of the century is finally over and done, she can go on with her life as it should be.