Clark County (Vegas) commissioner tells lawful Americans to make funeral plans

You are an idiot. Now you are tripling down on stupid.

I asked you to answer a SIMPLE question:

"What RIGHT of Cliven Bundy is being violated when the federal government prevents him from grazing his cattle - free of charge - on land owned by the federal government?"

You have avoided answering the question, because you can't. You KNOW he is in the wrong, but you can't bring yourself to admit it because of your hatred of the federal government.

Instead, you post more posters with slogans on them. That is not a substitute for an argument. Originally Posted by ExNYer

Patriots stand tall for liberty!! Never give-in, never give-up, never surrender!! [Freepathon XV]
Click here to pledge your support via secure server ^ | April 18, 2014 | Jim Robinson
Posted on 4/18/2014 11:47:06 AM by Jim Robinson

Dear FRiends:

Our unelected, unaccountable, unconstitutional law making government agencies have been taken over by politicized, militarized environmental fascists who, aided and abetted by unaccountable black-robed progressive rulers, have devised plans to reduce the people who settled and worked the land to the status of second class citizens, depriving them of their God-given rights and ultimately driving them off the land.

These unelected, unaccountable agencies and judges now serve a higher master. The un-American Marxist/progressive movement. People like Obama/Reid/Pelosi have designs for the land and ultimately for all of us. They’re using environmentalism and junk science and corrupt politicians and judges to subvert the Constitution, destroy free-enterprise and insert themselves as controllers and rulers. Can’t have ordinary people deciding what’s best for themselves, their families, their communities, their states or even their countries. The progressive Marxist movement controls all.

The proof is in the pudding. They’ve driven off or are driving off the miners, loggers, drillers, ranchers, farmers, manufacturers, even recreational users from the land they wish to use for their higher purposes—which at this time appears to be “green energy,” Obama has even announced his intentions of bankrupting the entire coal, gas and oil industries.

And as always, the all powerful become powerfully corrupt.

Cliven Bundy of Bunkerville saw this happening early on and decided to stand his ground. He is standing tall for the American dream, for his family, for his state, for his (and our) liberty!

But what he's doing is illegal. Well, all kinds of things were “illegal” when the fascists ruled Germany. The government could take your land, your business, even your life for just about any reason whatsoever and they were backed to the hilt by the “law” and the judges. It was legalized theft. even legalized mass murder.

Can’t happen here. We have a constitution with checks and balances.

Well, it has.

Now is the time to defend God, Family, Country.

We must strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts to defend liberty!!

Free Republic stands for God and Country. We defend God, Life, Family, Country, Constitution, Liberty--always have and always will. And we defend our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms TO THE HILT!!

The Battle of Bunkerville is an excellent example of why. Without an armed citizen militia present, the Battle of Bunkerville had the potential of being known as the Bunkerville Massacre. Cliven Bundy reminds us that the Founders included the second amendment so that we the people have the right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves and our neighbors from an overstepping central government using force to deprive us of life, property, liberty!!

Defending God, Country, Liberty also means defending our BORDERS!! Without borders we have no country!! The Gang of Eight are a gang of traitors!! McCain, McConnell, McGrahamnesty, McRubio, McPaul, et al, are shameful disgraces to our Senate, to our Rebublic and to our chances of continued Liberty!!

Dear Senators and Congressmen: Do your sworn duty!! Secure the nation!! Secure our Borders!! Tighten up our immigration policies!! Defend the Constitution, defend our God-given Rights!! Use your constitutional power to force the president and the high officials of the executive branch to ENFORCE THE LAW!! And if they can't do it or refuse to do it IMPEACH THEM!! No more BOSTON massacres of 2013!! No more Bunkervilles of 2014!!

The government cannot and will not secure your family or your property. In fact, if left to their own devices, they'll TAKE them from you!! Never give up your rights, never give up your guns!! If they want my gun, they'll have to come and take it!!

Never surrender!! Never retreat!! Never give up your guns!! Never give up your God-given right to keep and bear arms and to be well supplied with all the ammo you feel you need and the means to deliver it as required. Remember the BOSTON massacre of one year ago!! And that it took hundreds and hundreds of heavily armed cops to bring down just TWO determined perpetrators!! One bullet won't do. Two, three or even seven won't do. It sometimes requires all the lead you can possibly throw at them!! Don't let them infringe on your God-given right to defend your life, your family, your property, your freedom!!

Also Remember Bunkerville!! Just a few hundred armed and determined citizen patriots made the heavier armed fascist federal government back down to avoid slaughter.

Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. --Ronald Reagan

The Marxists/fascists jackbooted goons will not be allowed to stamp out freedom!! NOT ON MY WATCH!!

We shall defend our freedom, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the deserts, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender our island of sanity and freedom!!

And we're going to need FR now more than ever to combat the current crop of Marxists, fascists, ISLAMISTS, progressives and RINOs who have infested our government and public institutions and who are dead set on destroying the final remnants of our cherished constitution and our precious God-given Liberty!!

FR is funded solely by contributions made by like-minded liberty loving people who enjoy and use it.

We are beholden to no political party. No outsiders, no sugar daddies, no advertisers, no corporate string pullers. No government grants and no tax subsidies. Just you and me, baby, and we need each other.

We are self-funded, fiercely independent and enjoy our freedom to protest tyranny and speak plainly and forcefully in the defense of liberty, armed when necessary!!

But we cannot do it without your support.

If you have not yet made your donation this quarter, today would be an excellent day to do so.

Every donation counts no matter how big or small. If you can donate $5, $10, $20, $100 or more, it would be greatly appreciated.

Your loyal support makes Free Republic possible and your continuing participation makes FR the leading INDEPENDENT, pro-life, pro-family, pro-small government, pro-defense, pro-gun, pro-borders, grassroots conservative forum on the Net!!

Click the link above to donate via secure server or by mail to: Free Republic, LLC - PO Box 9771 - Fresno, CA 93794

Monthly Challenge:

Make it a monthly if you can. We currently have some very generous FReeper sponsors contributing an extra ten dollars for each new monthly signed up, so here's a chance to get a little extra bang for your buck!! We have 21 new monthly donors so far this quarter!!

I_be_tc's "300 Club" Challenge:

FR is looking for 300 loyal FReepers to donate $100 or more per quarter. We have 67 donations this quarter of $100 or more!! If we do get 300 FReepers donating $100 or more per quarter, these FReepathons will run much quicker. Join the "300 Club" today!!

Thank you all very much!!

Your loyal support and continuing participation is greatly appreciated!!

God bless you and God bless America!!

Remember Bunkerville!!
Dear FRiends:

Our unelected, unaccountable, unconstitutional law making government agencies have been taken over by politicized, militarized environmental fascists who, aided and abetted by unaccountable black-robed progressive rulers, have devised plans to reduce the people who settled and worked the land to the status of second class citizens, depriving them of their God-given rights and ultimately driving them off the land. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IT IS NOT HIS FUCKING LAND. And it never was. Just like Yosemite is NOT his land. Or the Grand Canyon.

It is OUR land. That land belongs to ALL of us. And the US government protects it on our behalf.

And the BLM did not make any unconstitutional laws. The law was made by an elected, accountable Congress. And Bundy had his day in court and the constitutionality of the law was upheld. He LOST - fair and square.

Dear FRiends:

These unelected, unaccountable agencies and judges now serve a higher master. The un-American Marxist/progressive movement. People like Obama/Reid/Pelosi have designs for the land and ultimately for all of us. They’re using environmentalism and junk science and corrupt politicians and judges to subvert the Constitution, destroy free-enterprise and insert themselves as controllers and rulers. Can’t have ordinary people deciding what’s best for themselves, their families, their communities, their states or even their countries. The progressive Marxist movement controls all.

The proof is in the pudding. They’ve driven off or are driving off the miners, loggers, drillers, ranchers, farmers, manufacturers, even recreational users from the land they wish to use for their higher purposes—which at this time appears to be “green energy,” Obama has even announced his intentions of bankrupting the entire coal, gas and oil industries.

And as always, the all powerful become powerfully corrupt.

Cliven Bundy of Bunkerville saw this happening early on and decided to stand his ground. He is standing tall for the American dream, for his family, for his state, for his (and our) liberty!

But what he's doing is illegal. Well, all kinds of things were “illegal” when the fascists ruled Germany. The government could take your land, your business, even your life for just about any reason whatsoever and they were backed to the hilt by the “law” and the judges. It was legalized theft. even legalized mass murder.

Can’t happen here. We have a constitution with checks and balances.

Well, it has.

Now is the time to defend God, Family, Country.

We must strengthen our resolve and redouble our efforts to defend liberty!!

Free Republic stands for God and Country. We defend God, Life, Family, Country, Constitution, Liberty--always have and always will. And we defend our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms TO THE HILT!!

The Battle of Bunkerville is an excellent example of why. Without an armed citizen militia present, the Battle of Bunkerville had the potential of being known as the Bunkerville Massacre. Cliven Bundy reminds us that the Founders included the second amendment so that we the people have the right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves and our neighbors from an overstepping central government using force to deprive us of life, property, liberty!!

Defending God, Country, Liberty also means defending our BORDERS!! Without borders we have no country!! The Gang of Eight are a gang of traitors!! McCain, McConnell, McGrahamnesty, McRubio, McPaul, et al, are shameful disgraces to our Senate, to our Rebublic and to our chances of continued Liberty!!

Dear Senators and Congressmen: Do your sworn duty!! Secure the nation!! Secure our Borders!! Tighten up our immigration policies!! Defend the Constitution, defend our God-given Rights!! Use your constitutional power to force the president and the high officials of the executive branch to ENFORCE THE LAW!! And if they can't do it or refuse to do it IMPEACH THEM!! No more BOSTON massacres of 2013!! No more Bunkervilles of 2014!!

The government cannot and will not secure your family or your property. In fact, if left to their own devices, they'll TAKE them from you!! Never give up your rights, never give up your guns!! If they want my gun, they'll have to come and take it!!

Never surrender!! Never retreat!! Never give up your guns!! Never give up your God-given right to keep and bear arms and to be well supplied with all the ammo you feel you need and the means to deliver it as required. Remember the BOSTON massacre of one year ago!! And that it took hundreds and hundreds of heavily armed cops to bring down just TWO determined perpetrators!! One bullet won't do. Two, three or even seven won't do. It sometimes requires all the lead you can possibly throw at them!! Don't let them infringe on your God-given right to defend your life, your family, your property, your freedom!!

Also Remember Bunkerville!! Just a few hundred armed and determined citizen patriots made the heavier armed fascist federal government back down to avoid slaughter.

Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. --Ronald Reagan

The Marxists/fascists jackbooted goons will not be allowed to stamp out freedom!! NOT ON MY WATCH!!

We shall defend our freedom, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the deserts, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender our island of sanity and freedom!!

And we're going to need FR now more than ever to combat the current crop of Marxists, fascists, ISLAMISTS, progressives and RINOs who have infested our government and public institutions and who are dead set on destroying the final remnants of our cherished constitution and our precious God-given Liberty!!

FR is funded solely by contributions made by like-minded liberty loving people who enjoy and use it.

We are beholden to no political party. No outsiders, no sugar daddies, no advertisers, no corporate string pullers. No government grants and no tax subsidies. Just you and me, baby, and we need each other.

We are self-funded, fiercely independent and enjoy our freedom to protest tyranny and speak plainly and forcefully in the defense of liberty, armed when necessary!!

But we cannot do it without your support.

If you have not yet made your donation this quarter, today would be an excellent day to do so.

Every donation counts no matter how big or small. If you can donate $5, $10, $20, $100 or more, it would be greatly appreciated.

Your loyal support makes Free Republic possible and your continuing participation makes FR the leading INDEPENDENT, pro-life, pro-family, pro-small government, pro-defense, pro-gun, pro-borders, grassroots conservative forum on the Net!!

Click the link above to donate via secure server or by mail to: Free Republic, LLC - PO Box 9771 - Fresno, CA 93794

Monthly Challenge:

Make it a monthly if you can. We currently have some very generous FReeper sponsors contributing an extra ten dollars for each new monthly signed up, so here's a chance to get a little extra bang for your buck!! We have 21 new monthly donors so far this quarter!!

I_be_tc's "300 Club" Challenge:

FR is looking for 300 loyal FReepers to donate $100 or more per quarter. We have 67 donations this quarter of $100 or more!! If we do get 300 FReepers donating $100 or more per quarter, these FReepathons will run much quicker. Join the "300 Club" today!!

Thank you all very much!!

Your loyal support and continuing participation is greatly appreciated!!

God bless you and God bless America!!

Remember Bunkerville!! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
What are ridiculously stupid screed. Filled with lies and distortions and ending with an appeal for money from the mouth-breathers like you.


Now ANSWER the question:

"What RIGHT of Cliven Bundy is being violated when the federal government prevents him from grazing his cattle - free of charge - on land owned by the federal government?"

And answer it in your OWN words and supply links to where you got your "facts" from.

However, I predict that you will NOT answer the question and will instead post another off-topic article full of phony propaganda.
Fucking right wingers will defend anything that goes against the law or the government.
IT IS NOT HIS FUCKING LAND. And it never was. Just like Yosemite is NOT his land. Or the Grand Canyon.

It is OUR land. That land belongs to ALL of us. And the US government protects it on our behalf.

And the BLM did not make any unconstitutional laws. The law was made by an elected, accountable Congress. And Bundy had his day in court and the constitutionality of the law was upheld. He LOST - fair and square.

What are ridiculously stupid screed. Filled with lies and distortions and ending with an appeal for money from the mouth-breathers like you.


Now ANSWER the question:

"What RIGHT of Cliven Bundy is being violated when the federal government prevents him from grazing his cattle - free of charge - on land owned by the federal government?"

And answer it in your OWN words and supply links to where you got your "facts" from.

However, I predict that you will NOT answer the question and will instead post another off-topic article full of phony propaganda. Originally Posted by ExNYer
He did not sign the contract & Prescriptive Rights...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2014, 03:48 PM
Fucking right wingers will defend anything that goes against the law or the government. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

and those stupid bastards want to rule this country ?

Remember Bunkerville!!

and those stupid bastards want to rule this country ?

Remember Bunkerville!!

Originally Posted by CJ7
You better get a bunch of bracelets, Oboyboy...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2014, 04:00 PM
You better get a bunch of bracelets, Oboyboy... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

revolution, rule the country ???

what the fuck are you planning on ruling after a revolution destroys the country?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
He did not sign the contract & Prescriptive Rights... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iffy, the same mouth breathing ferocity ExNyer's great-grandpappy applied to the mud mucking in the caissons of New York bridges 100 years ago, fueled by cheap Irish whiskey, propel him to never give up in cases like this...

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
revolution, rule the country ???

what the fuck are you planning on ruling after a revolution destroys the country? Originally Posted by CJ7
A Jeffersonian Democracy of farmers?
revolution, rule the country ???

what the fuck are you planning on ruling after a revolution destroys the country? Originally Posted by CJ7

Typical response from the "Cult of Personality"...
Iffy, the same mouth breathing ferocity ExNyer's great-grandpappy applied to the mud mucking in the caissons of New York bridges 100 years ago, fueled by cheap Irish whiskey, propel him to never give up in cases like this...

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Hey, remember that time they sat out WWII? ... and I am one of them... but like you, a patriot... fuckem
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fucking right wingers will defend anything that goes against the law or the government. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are so right...

Yeah, it must be some sort of right wing conspiracy.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Seriously, when did government buy the land that Bundy wants to graze on? They didn't. They "own" the land because they said so. Whereas Bundy's family has a claim going back over a hundred years. So NYRK, you support a government that steals land (and cattle) and then charges people to use what they have used for years. That sounds insane you know. Sounds more like some banana republic than the country I grew up in. Besides douche, there names for people such as yourself; stooge. Usually called a useful stooge. Maybe a bit harsh but how about "dupe".
Here "Harry tax evader" lies again... see the video...
Here "Harry tax evader" lies again... see the video... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It was funny for a while, then bizarre, now it's just getting bonkers and sad. He sounds just like the hardcore socialists on this site.