1 hundo THOUSAND!

Flair4Drama's Avatar
Thanks. I did. What I read is called back pedaling, Quite a skill!
Originally Posted by Gdubya110
If you say so.... you weren't able to read it anyways.....

My only remaining mission...before my upcoming bancation...is ta get this turd of a threAd shut down...

. Originally Posted by rooster
its still open coco

do you pretend its something you did

like all your posts?
Gdubya110's Avatar
If you say so.... you weren't able to read it anyways..... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Hardly.... I exposed you as a liar.....

edit add -- for my next magical trick I'll expose you as a douche as well.....
elghund's Avatar

Gdubya110's Avatar
Hardly.... I exposed you as a liar.....

edit add -- for my next magical trick I'll expose you as a douche as well..... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
How about you just write me an encounter review for the spanking I gave you, and save yourself from further embarrassment? I mean, most of the ladies on here would require at least a couple Benjamin’s for what I gave you on the house!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How about you just write me an encounter review for the spanking I gave you, and save yourself from further embarrassment? I mean, most of the ladies on here would require at least a couple Benjamin’s for what I gave you on the house! Originally Posted by Gdubya110

good thing I have no PA
Alla y'all who thinck that the "Brandon" schtick is still kewl and sexy...are the same type o' folk whut thinck it was kewl to be part of the "swinger lifestyle" back in yer glory days. Whew. Nuthin sez friendship like sharin a common NGU bug....or makin a cuck watch you from the corner while you plow his skank after you OD'd on blue pills.....

But....lemme digress a bit....I gotta correct a previous oversite....

I plum fergot to thanck you for your "Service" in the other threAd, FB! Cuz when it comes down to it....there ain't NUTHIN kewler than an ex service member who pulls that almighty "I served my country and you didn't" crock of shit.

You know nothing about me. Nor anything that I've done. I don't talk about it with anyone. And cuzza cucks like you... I'm damn glad of it.

Yet yer boy....good ol' Draft Dodger Don....openly mocks Vets as losers and suckers. He said it. Not me. I only dislike braggarts, not Veterans.

But....Enuff!! Let's get back on topic! Cuz this NJ rally was a mighty important event! Some might say it was "the greatest rally ever" and that it was attended by "a great many very fine and patriotic people." Not me. But some.

Here's my fav thing about this: the guy had another amazingly fucked-up breakdown in public. Praised Al Capone. Again. Praised a fictional movie character. Called Joe Biden the worst leader in history (I mean...my personal fav was Stalin...what with 25 Million attributed deaths and all...but I might have to re-thinck this!).

And you all thought this was fuggin great!


(actually...here's my real fav thing bout that rally: it don't mean nuthin. NJ gonna vote as blue as yer old balls. Always have, always will)

. Originally Posted by rooster
Damnnnn. A hero rises! Friend, I'm new here and was put off a bit by the whole political posts on a hooker board, but no more! This is the content I signed up for.

I wish we could award points on here. Keep doing the work of jeezus, allah, satan or whoever.

I feel like we should all pitch in and get you a bodyguard so nothing happens to you. lol
Flair4Drama's Avatar
How about you just write me an encounter review for the spanking I gave you, and save yourself from further embarrassment? I mean, most of the ladies on here would require at least a couple Benjamin’s for what I gave you on the house! Originally Posted by Gdubya110
Well now you are just sounding as confused, disoriented and befuddled as your hero Brandon.....
without Projection the marxists

wouldn't be able to wipe their ass
rooster's Avatar
without Projection the marxists

wouldn't be able to wipe their ass Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Ah stillo stekolovite! Inchi-no naw raka. Godzilla!!!

(Is this the "reply anything you want" threAd?)

rooster's Avatar
1 hundo THOUSAND!...times Trump insulted service members, Law Enforcement professionals, teachers, doctors, scientists, and judiciary personnel.

rooster's Avatar
1 hundo THOUSAND!....stains in the Orange boy'z shorts after bein told he wuz now to be known as a...convicted felon

(that doesn't count the stains from farting in court....oh, did they not tell ya 'bout that on FOX?)


My only remaining mission...before my upcoming bancation...is ta get this turd of a threAd shut down...

. Originally Posted by rooster
rooster's Avatar
impotent Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Vlan skleeven schlomezel? Wooken da meetlicken!!
