Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?

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  • 01-11-2014, 01:28 PM
She never has to work again and is the final judge on right and wrong....and if you do not believe me , just wait around and let her tell you herself in every fucking other posts she submits.
WTF, you are just utterly fucking stupid. The word whore, no matter how you slice it, is a derogatory term. Period the end............And ya do care what I people say about your mama on the internets. I've melted you down before with just the utterance of your mama. Get over yourself. you sound like some idiot white boy trying to say the N word is fine to use because....................... .fill in whatever lame ass excuse you want.
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  • 01-11-2014, 04:03 PM
you sound like some idiot white boy trying to say the N word is fine to use because....................... .fill in whatever lame ass excuse you want. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Why do you always lie? What I compared it to was say a group of blacks using the N word toward each other. Kinda fucking like using whore on a whore board. You make my point for me and are to ignorant to even realize it. Go to any rap concert and start batchingabout the n word. They will laugh there just like you are getting laughed at here.
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I used the word whore once on a escort board out of the UK a while back, they took a great offense to that word, for them it was a terrible insult, they called me out on it, and that any self respecting escort didn't call their self that.
Once I explained that I was from the U.S. and that it was common to hear escort in the US referred to themselves that way they gave some leeway, but I never used them word again when talking about sex workers on any board based out of the UK.
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Why do you always lie? What I compared it to was say a group of blacks using the N word toward each other. Kinda fucking like using whore on a whore board. You make my point for me and are to ignorant to even realize it. Go to any rap concert and start batchingabout the n word. They will laugh there just like you are getting laughed at here. Originally Posted by WTF
depends on who's doing the talking.
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  • 01-11-2014, 06:19 PM
depends on who's doing the talking. Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
Yes, that was LD's point. She worded the question in such a manner that stated that on a whore board, is it offensive? Here in the States , generally , it is not, despite wtf Olivia would like. That is the point she is having trouble with.

This was LD's question: Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB?
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Yes, that was LD's point. She worded the question in such a manner that stated that on a whore board, is it offensive? Here in the States , generally , it is not, despite wtf Olivia would like. That is the point she is having trouble with.

This was LD's question: Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB? Originally Posted by WTF
Really what i meant was that sure you can go to a rap concert and start saying N-Word this or that but it depends on where that rap concert is at and who's in attendance, and who YOU are, not every white guy or girl can get away with it if you're at a concert that has mostly a black crowd, and they don't think you're real and they don't know you. I wouldn't recommend going around addressing people in the rap concert generally like that.

The same as here it depends who you are talking to, anyone that uses the term as a general descriptor of the all the ladies just because they are on this board would be plain wrong in doing so. I don't think most of the ladies call it a whore board, and not all ladies don't regard themselves as whores, if a lady is ok with it then fine call them a whore, if they are not don't, it would be considered offensive. it should be used only on a individual basis
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I'm confused of what happened...maybe I should read from page 1
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  • 01-12-2014, 09:02 AM
Really what i meant was that sure you can go to a rap concert and start saying N-Word this or that but it depends on where that rap concert is at and who's in attendance, and who YOU are, not every white guy or girl can get away with it if you're at a concert that has mostly a black crowd, and they don't think you're real and they don't know you. I wouldn't recommend going around addressing people in the rap concert generally like that.

The same as here it depends who you are talking to, anyone that uses the term as a general descriptor of the all the ladies just because they are on this board would be plain wrong in doing so. I don't think most of the ladies call it a whore board, and not all ladies don't regard themselves as whores, if a lady is ok with it then fine call them a whore, if they are not don't, it would be considered offensive. it should be used only on a individual basis Originally Posted by dreamvacationdates
God damn, if you go to a rap concert the rappers will be using the word! Are you going to be offended? You post on a whore board and the word whore will be used. As LD's poll suggest very few people find it offensive. Why don't you just admit that the word if not offensive on a hooker board just like the n word isn't at a rap concert. So your assertion that it is always offensive is just plain false. You really owe LD an apology imho.
Why do you always lie? What I compared it to was say a group of blacks using the N word toward each other. Originally Posted by WTF
I wasn't concerning myself with your bullshit comparison. I was making mine.

Kinda fucking like using whore on a whore board. You make my point for me and are to ignorant to even realize it. Originally Posted by WTF
How about I call you a pimp. It's just a word and this is a sexually oriented business / board after all So pimp it is. But wait, you didn't like that did you? DeD didn't like it either. And low and be-fucking-hold you didn't like me calling DeD a pimp did you? Why is that?

Go to any rap concert and start batchingabout the n word. They will laugh there just like you are getting laughed at here. Originally Posted by WTF
Utterly irrelevant Pimp-Daddy.
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God damn, if you go to a rap concert the rappers will be using the word! Are you going to be offended? You post on a whore board and the word whore will be used. As LD's poll suggest very few people find it offensive. Why don't you just admit that the word if not offensive on a hooker board just like the n word isn't at a rap concert. So your assertion that it is always offensive is just plain false. Originally Posted by WTF
My god man are you that incredibly obtuse, you don't have a clue what i'm talking about do you. just because the rappers are using the word in a concert doesn't mean every and anyone can use the word.
let me ask you a question, are you willing to bet your safety by putting it to a test.
Also I didn't say it was always offensive, just better know who you're talking to before you use it or you'll find out the hard way.
Maybe you need to reread my post I think you're having one of those selected comprehension moments.
Yes, that was LD's point. She worded the question in such a manner that stated that on a whore board, is it offensive? Here in the States , generally , it is not, despite wtf Olivia would like. That is the point she is having trouble with.

This was LD's question: Do you take offense to being called a whore on a SHMB? Originally Posted by WTF
If LD wants to degrade herself by calling herself a whore, I think that by all means.....................she should carry on. I have no problems with that being I don't think much of her.
God damn, if you go to a rap concert the rappers will be using the word! Are you going to be offended? You post on a whore board and the word whore will be used. As LD's poll suggest very few people find it offensive. Why don't you just admit that the word if not offensive on a hooker board just like the n word isn't at a rap concert. So your assertion that it is always offensive is just plain false. You really owe LD an apology imho. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, a better analogy is "If you go to a rap concert, are you offended by a black person calling another black person, a Ni**a?"

A black person might be more prone to be offended by some random white dude dropping the N-Bomb.

So, you're both right. It depends on the situation AND who is saying it. Just like we might be offended here if someone from the outside came in and used it in an attempt to be rude and degrading. So, that makes Olivia partially correct, too.

However, I stand by my original point that Luxury Daphne did not mean her original comment as an insult. In its context, it was purely factual and accurate.
In its context, referring to 12 prostitutes appearing on a "calendar" as "whores" really should have been a non-issue, IMHO. A little snarky, perhaps, intentionally pejorative, not really.
In my opinion and in the context of "johns and escorts" if a man calls a woman a whore then he might as well call himself one as well for even being in her presence. Similar to women having pimps it's outdated and is a yesteryear term used by the overly righteous or those who are still hurting at the loss of a girlfriend or wife.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
Actually, a better analogy is "If you go to a rap concert, are you offended by a black person calling another black person, a Ni**a?"

A black person might be more prone to be offended by some random white dude dropping the N-Bomb.

So, you're both right. It depends on the situation AND who is saying it. Just like we might be offended here if someone from the outside came in and used it in an attempt to be rude and degrading. So, that makes Olivia partially correct, too.

However, I stand by my original point that Luxury Daphne did not mean here original comment as an insult. In it's context, it was purely factual and accurate.
In its context, referring to 12 prostitutes appearing on a "calendar" as "whores" really should have been a non-issue, IMHO. Originally Posted by LilMynx69
True LD did not use it in the negative, but to some ladies it's a negative no matter which way it's used, like the word Bitch, some women wear it like a badge, other will cut your balls off if you call them that, as far as the calender would you prefer it be called a courtesan calender or a whore calender. which one gives the more positive image in a business where image is everything.

LD question was a more of a individual feeling to the use of the term, not should the group as a whole should be called that by being on this type of board.
Some women like calling themselves Sluts on these types of boards, should we refer to all ladies who use these board as sluts also.