Who needs a White Knight?

simpleton's Avatar
250 for trampling.....not joking..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston

what goes on in a session like this? what happens if a testicle gets ruptured? Do you give the money back?
ANONONE's Avatar
I don't want to know why he has a picture like that. Originally Posted by metal_head
For threads just like this.
carkido45's Avatar
simpleton's Avatar
[QUOTE=simpleton;42175]what goes on in a session like this? what happens if a testicle gets ruptured? Do you give the money back?[/QUOTE

I'm still waiting. i need an answer.
boardman's Avatar
250 for trampling.....not joking..... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Shit, I can get trampled on at home for nothing!
notanewbie's Avatar
I'll laugh like it's an inside joke Originally Posted by Madison Towers
Lookin Good Madi
Okay i see this thread, i read it, laugh because its funny, i wanted to respond, but i was so busy laughing.

Wk = Takes up for a provider or hobbyist, uhh providers can be WK to. ( I THINK), if i knew a hobbyist was falsely accused of something and i knew first hand he did not do anything, i would speak up. Just saying. Occasionally the WK (male) may tip, bring gifts and always review the same gal. (Still figuring this part out) I say this because you have lurkers, are lurkers WK's if they tip or bring flowers on the first visit, afterall lurkers do not post, or review. Lurkers are practically invisible. They are not there to rescue his provider if she is getting slam in co-ed.

BK = A damn troublemaker, bashing a provider to make his favorite shine, stalking, being abusive when his favorite stops seeing him, BTW, a BK could also be a provider, pissed because her ATF found new meat, or just wants to make trouble for whatever reason.

I could be wrong, but i took a shot.
dearhunter's Avatar
You named elements of a WK.................you forgot about the smell of "manpussy".

lurkers cannot be white knights....................... .to be a WK, you have to say something.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I don't have a massive ego because I'm a mesomorph with natural 34DDD's and not BBW. As a matter of fact I'm terribly shy. Couldn't you tell at the parties? For goodness sake's I only danced on a pole ONCE!!! (at that party).

No seriously - You almost have to be psychic and be really good at reading body language to really know what people really want (hobbyist). Sometimes it can be addressed in emails if the guest is shy and probably has some fantasy he won't really tell the provider. It's like The Eurythmics (don't know if i spelled that correctly) Annie Lennox said "some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you". That song is about hobbyist.

Some men do the WK knight thing because they are totally smitten and secretly believe you are their one and only girlfriend, hence the GFE experience. Some want to get right down to business and focus totally on being pleased as they did pay for it. Then there are the ones that totally want you to feel like a queen and please you in every way. One gent likes to bathe the ladies and dry them off. One likes to be bathed by 2 women and then play as if he were king.

At the end of the day people generally like to be liked by others . They like to be around people who make them feel good. The secret is what "good" is to that particular person. A person in a position of power may like to be gently dominated and feel like he is not in control, that may be "good" to him. If your good at what you do and you truly hone your skills by watching and listening you will be a good provider and not need a WK but the person whom you made to feel like a king will certainly not let anyone step on his "queen". She may not be happy and may not do it again. Not the way he "liked" it........It truly is no easy task.

You think you just want to walk in and get laid, but how and why is what you may not know yourself. It seems so simple and to some providers it may be. I believe finding what a person truly wants to make it "good" is the challenge.

I do agree that kindness goes a long way in this industry. How hard is it to find something beautiful about someone and tell them. everyone has something about them unique. Even if it's something as simple as "I like your tie" or the gentlemen says, "you have beautiful eyes". the tone has changed and the mood is different. A simple kind smile can do wonders if it is genuine because you, inside your head have already found that one thing you like about that person and have not mentioned it yet but will be sure to do so!

The Line - you can't be so good at what you do that you become the object of someones obsession. That goes beyond a WK I think. You like what she does and put up a good review , great. You like it so much you keep at it, when it's not true LADIES BE CAREFUL. This person may help your business but is also now crossing the line and may have expectations of you....

This is a fine dance we all do.......If it is done well it is a ballet or a good Tango, something goes wrong and your playing spoons on a washboard by yourself in the middle of the dance floor.

Kindness is one thing. "Walk all over me because you're the most perfect woman ever, ever, ever." is completely different and its sets a bad precedent for the rest of us. Ever wonder where some providers get these massive egos and narcissistic attitudes? *cough*SOFIA*cough* There's your answer.

And also, dude, comparing providers to slaves and hobbyists to slave-masters is not only insulting, its also the one of dumbest fucking things I've read on any board. I don't need your help to examine my motives, pal. So what if a hobbyist wants to objectify a provider? If she's alright with it and is fairly compensated, and he's non-violent and legitimate, why should YOU care what their motives are?

If this doesn't piss you off to no end, then you either have no business here or YOU are a WK douchebag. The information exchange is intended to be helpful and level the playing field between hobbyists and providers. Lying about your experiences because you think a provider is just the tits and want her to have a great reputation and couldn't care less who you might be cheating is your right. And I encourage you to do it. Your true colors will come out faster and your credibility will be for shit and we will all know it.

I do agree with you that we all should go into any first session with no expectations; YMMV, as you say. But that's a looooong way from being deceived by some asshole passing off bunk information because it makes him "feel good".

I'd like to thank you for comparing what providers do to landscaping and fixing transmissions. That is so obtuse, I barely have words for it. The difference between bringing a landscaper lemonade and cow-towing to a provider should be obvious, but you don't seem to think so. Allow me to explain. If you bring a landscaper lemonade, he isn't likely to turn around and expect to get lemonade from every other customer he has. More to the point, he isn't likely to get attitude with his other customers when they don't give him lemonade.

However, since hobbying is a service based on personal relationships, how you treat someone IS likely to create a sense of entitlement to that treatment. In other words, a person can come to believe that they DESERVE to be treated that way by everyone, regardless if thats the type of personal relationship another person wants with them.

You're right kindness and respect will go a long way in this thing of ours. But putting a provider up on a pedestal because you're a fucking weenie isn't kindness and isn't respect. Its obsession and its creepy and it creates problems for the rest of us, hobbyists and providers alike. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
dearhunter's Avatar

Who stole sofia's keyboard?
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
shaddup.....you like the abuse.....i would trample you at no extra fee.......The secret is not to step on the testicle itself but the skin around it with a stiletto. If you use the pad of the shoe on the testicle do not apply too ,uch pressure and watch out for facial reactions. the best way is to agree to a secret code word to know when to stop. If you rupture it, you did ask for it......you got the abuse you so dearly wanted....
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'm not a dumbass but I played one on ASPD.....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Sofia, you go gurl!

simpleton's Avatar
I don't need a secret code word. I will never be trampled. Not my idea of fun. I'm trying to understand why a dude would like a kick in the balls. I don't get it. I prefer the soft licks of a hot lady. thank god that's not extra
blowpop's Avatar
Simpleton, if you're not into a particular kink, you may not understand how other folks could be. These differences in us are what keeps life interesting.