I never considered the mention of my education "bragging", just stating facts to make a point. Duh. If something like my education causes you to roll your eyes, then you have some serious issues and need to re-evaluate things in your life. I am very proud of all that I have accomplished. Plus, shouldn't education rightfully earn "bragging rights"? Goodness. I agree that it shouldn't be overused, but I never felt I did.
This snotty thread of "what constitutes a diamond and tuxedo" was created by NB. I thought the word "christen" related to diamond was self-righteous and unintelligent since it was her intent to keep girls like myself away from this particular board via a "christening" process. Who is she to make that remark? I took it personally. I contributed to this post using myself and experiences as an example and I believe it rubbed you the wrong way, I apologize.
You might be turned off by my attitude and arguments, but I was turned off by the initiator of this thread. I don't care for her attitude, either. I am not afraid to stand up to anyone and have survived many things which have made me stronger. It just sucks that so many have to gang up on one person, like a superficial high-school clique. I just can't seem to say anything right. I can go to sleep knowing that I am not pretending to be anyone else or someone who uses "fluffy" vocabulary and pretention in their marketing. I am
me. That's liberating. I have nothing to prove to you. I was only making points relative to "diamond".
I don't think many of you ladies care for me much. I am my own competition and in a different league - that's refreshing. This board makes me really sad. Sad for women, especially when women of substance are shunned. I have nothing to prove to you ladies.
My time is better used elswhere, not participating on these boards.
Good day,
(Replying to this is useless since I will not respond and I will never participate in HDH/Diamonds ever again, not exactly my cup of tea. Mission Accomplished, NB - your "christening" worked)
This can be very true. I always find myself rolling my eyes when I hear someone repeatedly bragging about his/her degrees on numerous occasions. Showing your intelligence is much more effective than telling people how educated you are. Plus, modesty is always a very attractive trait.
Originally Posted by Eliza