Terror Attack in Las Vegas

His father suffered from mental illness, it could have struck him later in life also.
Whatever it was he has covered the trail fairly well. Originally Posted by bamscram
Did his father ever kill anyone as a result of his Mental illness?

bamscram's Avatar
he is a snow flake, he uses all the terms that cannot be found thru google ie "lemmings"

and a big Trump hater Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Looks like LL'S "little boy" showed up. Try googling dipshit it is one of the lemmings favorite terms. No diff from disliking Trump then lemmings hating Clinton (both) Obama or anyone with D as their party .
bamscram's Avatar
Did his father ever kill anyone as a result of his Mental illness?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not that was reported, just carried firearms, and was suicidal.

been thinkin' 'bout paddock's motivation

mulling over all the aspects and fitting it in with what we know of past mass shootings

the common denominator with most of the prior mass shootings is liberalism or being a dimocrat or at least being related to one Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
That is true. If you look at it, with the exception of Dylan roof, damn near every other mass shooter in the modern era has been a Democrat, or socialist..
That is true. If you look at it, with the exception of Dylan roof, damn near every other mass shooter in the modern era has been a Democrat, or socialist.. Originally Posted by garhkal
hell most of the plain ole shootings, never mind mass shootings, are by dimocrats and/or their voters or sympathizers
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Looks like LL'S "little boy" showed up. Try googling dipshit it is one of the lemmings favorite terms. No diff from disliking Trump then lemmings hating Clinton (both) Obama or anyone with D as their party . Originally Posted by bamscram
babble babble

when are going to learn to speak the English language
Not that was reported, just carried firearms, and was suicidal.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...-a7979521.html Originally Posted by bamscram
That article doesn't make sense. First of all it stated the shooter's father's name was Patrick Benjamin Paddock and his fingerprint card identifies him as Benjamin Hoskin Paddock that's a red light right there. Then he was supposedly diagnosed as psychopathic and had suicidal tendencies, that doesn't even fit in well with what psychopath even is. Psychopaths typically have an inflated sense of self worth. They are often con artists and pathological liars, they lack remorse or guilt for their behavior. Where as a person who is suicidal is overwhelmed with self guilt and persecution. If he ever wanted to kill himself is wasn't because he was psychopathic that's for sure.

bamscram's Avatar
babble babble

when are going to learn to speak the English language Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
You couldn't read it as you can't speak anything but lemming.
bamscram's Avatar
That article doesn't make sense. First of all it stated the shooter's father's name was Patrick Benjamin Paddock and his fingerprint card identifies him as Benjamin Hoskin Paddock that's a red light right there. Then he was supposedly diagnosed as psychopathic and had suicidal tendencies, that doesn't even fit in well with what psychopath even is. Psychopaths typically have an inflated sense of self worth. They are often con artists and pathological liars, they lack remorse or guilt for their behavior. Where as a person who is suicidal is overwhelmed with self guilt and persecution. If he ever wanted to kill himself is wasn't because he was psychopathic that's for sure.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Ever hear about aliases?

Ever hear about aliases?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Hoskins_Paddock Originally Posted by bamscram
Yeah I know, but you would think he would be booked under his real name with "AKA" other names he's used since his real identity was known. But anyway this whole incident has the classic correlation between mental Illness and gun violence, we've seen it before. I think this incident was a Psy-op, although the numbers maybe exaggerated there may have been people killed and wounded. I think there was more than one shooter and I am not totally convinced Paddock was one of them.

bamscram's Avatar
Yeah I know, but you would think he would be booked under his real name with "AKA" other names he's used since his real identity was known. But anyway this whole incident has the classic correlation between mental Illness and gun violence, we've seen it before. I think this incident was a Psy-op, although the numbers maybe exaggerated there may have been people killed and wounded. I think there was more than one shooter and I am not totally convinced Paddock was one of them.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
ISIS would have left a flag.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You couldn't read it as you can't speak anything but lemming. Originally Posted by bamscram
babble babble

did the light weight snuffy say something?
bamscram's Avatar
babble babble < lemming speak.

did the light weight snuffy say something? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
No snuffy, you never say anything. Just show up ever so often shit in the forum then crawl back to whoever you came from.
Just another stupid fucking lemming.
ISIS would have left a flag. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yeah, I bet nobody would be willing to burn that one.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok new theory...

I believe this is a false flag op.

I didn't come up with this theory. It is a acutally an expasnion of my previous theory.

the theory is found in the comment section where a bunch of people have noticed a number of discrepancies with the photo of Paddocks death.

a suicide note was supposedly found.

1 rifle is missing, a $600 .308 Ruger bolt rifle is not in the room.


the theory:

The Mayor Guest15 hours ago
My favorite theory i have heard so far.

The LVMPD knows the motive behind the attack, but the FBI will not allow us
to release the motive because it implicates the FBI in illegal arms deals and
supplying arms to ISIS terrorists within U.S. borders.

Stephen Paddock was an undercover FBI agent who participated in multiple
illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area in a gun running entrapment scheme
similar to Fast and Furious. Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine
arms transfer, but ISIS had learned about the entrapment scheme and Paddock’s
true identity. They killed him and carried out the massacre, and then fled the

Everything is being kept under extreme wraps because 1) armed ISIS
terrorists are still at large and 2) this is very embarrassing to the FBI and
they don’t want their scheme to become public knowledge.