Still don't believe he's a muslim?

You can argue whether Bush should have liberated Iraq in the first place, but there can be no doubt that BHO precipitous withdrawal against military advice (the same advice he is now ignoring as a savage islamic death cult overtakes the region) was the worst US military blunder since Vietnam, as predicted by people who were actually paying attention when he did it. And honestly the only thing I see BHO doing to rectify what he has done (sarcasm) is let more GITMO terrorists back into the battlefield.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero
You can argue whether Bush should have liberated Iraq in the first place, but there can be no doubt that BHO precipitous withdrawal against military advice (the same advice he is now ignoring as a savage islamic death cult overtakes the region) was the worst US military blunder since Vietnam, as predicted by people who were actually paying attention when he did it. And honestly the only thing I see BHO doing to rectify what he has done (sarcasm) is let more GITMO terrorists back into the battlefield.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through...all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” - Marcus Tullius Cicero Originally Posted by Cherie
No you can't. The premise for invasion was false. They had no WMD and they had nothing to do with 9/11. As for Gitmo, there are men there who have been there over 10 years without ever being tried or told what their crime is. That's not right. It's also much more expensive to keep them over there but Republicans lose their shit when the prospect of bringing them to the US for holding is brought up. They're fiscally conservative when it serves them, otherwise they're spending money like drunken sailors at port. As for ISIS, I've already pointed out what's being done. Do you want more young men to go over there and die? We are bombing the shit out of them. It's not our neighborhood. Why not let those that live in the neighborhood take care of them?
You want to see this dildo in full slavering hysteria, UnderConstruction?

Just ask IBIdiot about the Confederacy.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The only way he can win an argument is to change the rules halfway through. He and his buddy started out saying that Obama didn't condemn present day muslim atrocities. I provided copious evidence that was a bullshit assertion. Then they come back with 'so he's the only one who gets to exert his moral authority and call these people out?'. It's fucking ridiculous and completely transparent. I think this guy is sitting in his underwear in his mother's basement.
lustylad's Avatar
When the fuck did I say that? You've been arguing the whole time that he never condemned them, I provide proof he had condemned them and you turn it around and say he is the only one allowed to make such statements? Where did I say that? He can't win with you Motherfuckers. He doesn't say it, you bitch. He says it, you bitch. I've proven you're full of shit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
No, you fool. This thread is about Odumbo's ill-timed and ill-advised remarks at a prayer breakfast and your faltering lame-ass attempts to explain them away. He specifically admonished us not to get up on our high horse. My question is simple and straightforward - why is it ok for him to do this all the time (get up on his high horse) but not for the rest of us? Your inability to answer my simple and straightforward question proves you are the one who is full of shit.
No, you fool. This thread is about Odumbo's ill-timed and ill-advised remarks at a prayer breakfast and your faltering lame-ass attempts to explain them away. He specifically admonished us not to get up on our high horse. My question is simple and straightforward - why is it ok for him to do this all the time (get up on his high horse) but not for the rest of us? Your inability to answer my simple and straightforward question proves you are the one who is full of shit. Originally Posted by lustylad
Listen fucktard, at first you said he didn't even condemn their acts. Then I shot that full of holes and you came with this new angle. You don't like Obama. You will twist and find fault with anything he does. I reject your entire argument. I don't think he was getting on his high horse. He even said in the speech, let's not get on our high horse. Who is saying that what radical muslims are doing is a good thing? I'm not sure how you can get that from what he said, unless that's what you want to hear, in which case, you can pretty much twist anything he says.
No, you fool. This thread is about Odumbo's ill-timed and ill-advised remarks at a prayer breakfast and your faltering lame-ass attempts to explain them away. He specifically admonished us not to get up on our high horse. My question is simple and straightforward - why is it ok for him to do this all the time (get up on his high horse) but not for the rest of us? Your inability to answer my simple and straightforward question proves you are the one who is full of shit. Originally Posted by lustylad
Because he's the President of the United States of America and nobody gives a shit what you think on the subject

That's like asking why the centerfielder for the Yankees gets to be a major league baseball player. Because you're a talentless hack and throw like a girl, that's why.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What do social norms have to do with anything? Murder is murder. Regardless of which time period it occurred in. Your entire argument is based on shit. He wasn't comparing the two. I know in your simple mind that anytime someone mentions two distinct things, he must be comparing them but as I've said before he was saying that no religion or country has the market cornered on being upstanding all the time. You WANT to hear that he's excusing their present day actions, so that's exactly what you hear. The problem is that when someone says something, what they actually meant is what matters, not your idiotic interpretation of it. As bad as you wish it were true, it's just not. Good morning, dipshit. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Social norms have everything to do with everything, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion! Slaughter in the wake of a military victory WAS acceptable behavior for that period, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. You and Odumbo are too stupid to understand that simple fact; hence, you and Odumbo are too simple-mindedly stupid to comprehend the inherent ignorance of the comparison, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

No you can't. The premise for invasion was false. They had no WMD and they had nothing to do with 9/11. As for Gitmo, there are men there who have been there over 10 years without ever being tried or told what their crime is. That's not right. It's also much more expensive to keep them over there but Republicans lose their shit when the prospect of bringing them to the US for holding is brought up. They're fiscally conservative when it serves them, otherwise they're spending money like drunken sailors at port. As for ISIS, I've already pointed out what's being done. Do you want more young men to go over there and die? We are bombing the shit out of them. It's not our neighborhood. Why not let those that live in the neighborhood take care of them? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
The prisoners at GITMO are POWs, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. When are you fucking Kool Aid sotted lib-retards going to acknowledge that the rights guaranteed POWs are to be found in the Geneva Conventions and not the Constitution, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion? BTW, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, Bush43's objectives for invading Iraq were almost exactly the same as those cited by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator in 1998 when he invaded Iraq.

The only way he can win an argument is to change the rules halfway through. He and his buddy started out saying that Obama didn't condemn present day muslim atrocities. I provided copious evidence that was a bullshit assertion. Then they come back with 'so he's the only one who gets to exert his moral authority and call these people out?'. It's fucking ridiculous and completely transparent. I think this guy is sitting in his underwear in his mother's basement. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're a liar, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Odumbo's comparison propagated a lie, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion, and you lie when you attempt to defend Odumbo's lies, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

You want to see this dildo in full slavering hysteria, UnderConstruction?

Just ask IBIdiot about the Confederacy.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Just ask the Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM about his favorite faggoty Broadway play.
the phrase "don't get on our high horse" is one of the more disgusting phrases an ambiguous, equivocating, disbeliever in right or wrong or good and evil, all cultures are equal, pontius pilate (what is truth?), America has been consistently wrong, man of the world, president of the united states has ever said in the context in which Obama said it

is he afraid to upset anyone one so he sees the beginning and the end, the good in all, the speck in our own eye?

no he's not afraid to upset anyone, for he continues to upset me

he is a believer in all that he does

the obvious thing is he's not all that smart

he gives fuel to the jihadists, while misrepresenting history and placing his prejudicial thumb on the balancing scales to somehow equate ancient attempts at self protection with modern caged immolation of a human being

the idiocy displayed by Obama is either convenient or true
Sickpuppy's Avatar
Wow, I check back a few days later and this thread has taken on a life of its own since I started it. I admit, I’ve only had time to skim the additions since my last post (#39) to this thread, but they are generally far afield of my original point. If I remember right, one poster just told me “Fuck You” -- now that was intelligent and speaks well of his depth of understanding the real issue. I was wrong to play the Muslim card in post #1 since I really don’t care what religion he is. Frankly, I don’t give a shit about his religion. He’s supposed to represent all of us, not just those that voted for him in the elections. Isn’t that taking the moral high ground? Shouldn’t he be the one to get on THAT high horse? Instead, his horse has blinders on, he’s dropped the reins and we’re heading for the rail at the far turn. That aside, I repeat post #39 -- it explains my concerns about where this nation has gone, whether it be run by liberals, conservatives, independents, communists, socialists or our current president.

#39 - The irony is Obama frequently uses the phrase “because it’s the right thing to do” to try to justify his agenda, such as open borders, free college, free health care, lower rates on student loans, etc, etc. But when it comes to stopping the current murders of innocent women, children and men, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, he forgets his own edict. I could have searched and watched the beheading videos on the net but chose not to. This time, I found and watched the incineration of a live human being and I admit, I cried for him and his family. If you haven’t seen it, your comments here lack support because you don’t know what they endured and what we’re up against. If you have seen it and can still defend Obama’s inaction, I feel sorry for you.

It is time to end the censorship of the ISIS murder videos on national TV. Americans can no longer choose to divert their eyes from the horror, hoping it will magically go away. Censorship promotes ignorance and ignorance allows the atrocities to continue and attain new heights of depravity. Most of us have seen the shocking photos and the films of the Holocaust. Some may dismiss them as surreal acts committed by monsters from the past. Yet, had we seen those images when the Nazis were torturing and murdering innocents, we might have acted sooner. Enough is enough. I believe we as a people are better than that. I believe God is watching and waiting, again.
lustylad's Avatar
Listen fucktard, at first you said he didn't even condemn their acts. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I never said that. You're making stuff up. You must be desperate.

I don't think he was getting on his high horse. He even said in the speech, let's not get on our high horse. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Was Odumbo excluding himself when he said “we” shouldn't get on "our" high horse? Is he exempt from following his own advice? And if not, do you really want to argue that calling ISIS “pure evil” is not getting on his high horse? And to return to my original question which you failed to answer - why is it ok for John Kerry to get on his high horse and lecture the Russians about Ukraine but it's not ok for the average American to feel moral revulsion when ISIS decapitates and burns captives alive?

Wow, I check back a few days later and this thread has taken on a life of its own since I started it. I admit, I’ve only had time to skim the additions since my last post (#39) to this thread, but they are generally far afield of my original point. If I remember right, one poster just told me “Fuck You” -- now that was intelligent and speaks well of his depth of understanding the real issue. I was wrong to play the Muslim card in post #1 since I really don’t care what religion he is. Frankly, I don’t give a shit about his religion. He’s supposed to represent all of us, not just those that voted for him in the elections. Isn’t that taking the moral high ground? Shouldn’t he be the one to get on THAT high horse? Instead, his horse has blinders on, he’s dropped the reins and we’re heading for the rail at the far turn. That aside, I repeat post #39 -- it explains my concerns about where this nation has gone, whether it be run by liberals, conservatives, independents, communists, socialists or our current president.

#39 - The irony is Obama frequently uses the phrase “because it’s the right thing to do” to try to justify his agenda, such as open borders, free college, free health care, lower rates on student loans, etc, etc. But when it comes to stopping the current murders of innocent women, children and men, regardless of race, color, creed or religion, he forgets his own edict. I could have searched and watched the beheading videos on the net but chose not to. This time, I found and watched the incineration of a live human being and I admit, I cried for him and his family. If you haven’t seen it, your comments here lack support because you don’t know what they endured and what we’re up against. If you have seen it and can still defend Obama’s inaction, I feel sorry for you.

It is time to end the censorship of the ISIS murder videos on national TV. Americans can no longer choose to divert their eyes from the horror, hoping it will magically go away. Censorship promotes ignorance and ignorance allows the atrocities to continue and attain new heights of depravity. Most of us have seen the shocking photos and the films of the Holocaust. Some may dismiss them as surreal acts committed by monsters from the past. Yet, had we seen those images when the Nazis were torturing and murdering innocents, we might have acted sooner. Enough is enough. I believe we as a people are better than that. I believe God is watching and waiting, again. Originally Posted by Sickpuppy
God? That's a good one. You wait on your fairy godmother... see what that gets you. What more would you have him do?

Here's an article from your beloved Fox News where they pontificate, because of his attitude towards the war on terror, if he's becoming more like Bush.

Here's another article detailing how he has EXTENDED Bush's terror policies.

Here's another article detailing how targeted killings of terrorist have actually increased under Obama versus Bush. Instead of putting them in CIA prisons, like Bush, Obama has chosen to just kill them outright.

So what the fuck are you actually talking about? He's not doing anything? You must be nuts.
I never said that. You're making stuff up. You must be desperate.

Was Odumbo excluding himself when he said “we” shouldn't get on "our" high horse? Is he exempt from following his own advice? And if not, do you really want to argue that calling ISIS “pure evil” is not getting on his high horse? And to return to my original question which you failed to answer - why is it ok for John Kerry to get on his high horse and lecture the Russians about Ukraine but it's not ok for the average American to feel moral revulsion when ISIS decapitates and burns captives alive?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Who said it wasn't ok to be repelled by the acts of ISIS. Who said that. You're just making stuff up as you go. The russians and the ukraine is an entirely different geopolitical situation. Should we apply the same tactics to everything? Then you'd complain about that. Let me get this straight; you want to be revolted by the acts of ISIS, he calls them pure evil and that's not ok with you? That doesn't even make sense.
I never said that. You're making stuff up. You must be desperate.

Was Odumbo excluding himself when he said “we” shouldn't get on "our" high horse? Is he exempt from following his own advice? And if not, do you really want to argue that calling ISIS “pure evil” is not getting on his high horse? And to return to my original question which you failed to answer - why is it ok for John Kerry to get on his high horse and lecture the Russians about Ukraine but it's not ok for the average American to feel moral revulsion when ISIS decapitates and burns captives alive?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
He wasn't giving advice, firstly. He was making a point. For you dum dums, that isn't the same thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
He wasn't giving advice, firstly. He was making a point. For you dum dums, that isn't the same thing. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
His point was to propagate a lie, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
lustylad's Avatar
Because he's the President of the United States of America and nobody gives a shit what you think on the subject.

That's like asking why the centerfielder for the Yankees gets to be a major league baseball player. Because you're a talentless hack and throw like a girl, that's why. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your analogy sucks. If Odumbo's political skills are superior it means his moral compass is more likely to be inferior. Lying, dissembling, ducking responsibility, lacking real convictions, saying whatever it takes to get elected - Odumbo is unusually talented in those areas but that certainly doesn't give him moral authority.