Kentucky county clerk in contempt of court, in custody of KY Marshals

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  • 09-07-2015, 01:15 PM
Because he hasn't done anything. And the slippery slope analogy is completely applicable here. Christians assume they are the only ones who will require this special dispensation but just wait till everyone else comes out of the woodwork expecting the same treatment. They think they want this, but that's because they think it should only apply to them. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Let's see how are fucking religious nuts defend this! I think this woman got what she deserved. If you can no longer do the job you were hired for , either quit or be fired. God Damn simple ass shit if you ask me.

Muslim flight attendant 'suspended by ExpressJet for refusing to serve alcohol because it is against her faith'

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  • 09-07-2015, 01:19 PM
Where will it land him? Congress isn't going to impeach him. The DOJ will do nothing.

The only place Obama will land is on the DNC dais announcing Joe Biden's nomination for the 2016 Presidency.

BTW, is "apples to oranges" your new debating meme? Kinda dated. Also in conflict with your "nuanced argument" meme and more stupid than your "slippery slope" meme.

. Originally Posted by gnadfly
An apple to oranges argument is steeped in nuance. I can't help it if you do not understand that fact.

A slippery slope just mean you need to wipe better.
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  • 09-07-2015, 01:40 PM
Let's see how are fucking religious nuts defend this! I think this woman got what she deserved. If you can no longer do the job you were hired for , either quit or be fired. God Damn simple ass shit if you ask me.

Muslim flight attendant 'suspended by ExpressJet for refusing to serve alcohol because it is against her faith'

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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook Originally Posted by WTF
I hope the Muslims raise shit over this one!!
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Muslim flight attendant 'suspended by ExpressJet for refusing to serve alcohol because it is against her faith'

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Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook Originally Posted by WTF
"Look at this shiny little object over here!"

If you can no longer do the job you were hired for , either quit or be fired. Originally Posted by WTF
BHO hasn't done his job either. He hasn't upheld immigration law.
According to your logic he should quit or be fired as well.
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  • 09-07-2015, 03:25 PM
"Look at this shiny little object over here!"

BHO hasn't done his job either. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
I find that funny on a thread about this woman not complying with a Court order ....YOU bring up Obama. I bring up this and now it is a "Look at this shiny little object over here!"

The Court ordered her to comply...if she wants out of jail she can comply, quit or stay in jail.


BHO hasn't done his job either. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Look at this shiny little object over here!

If the people thought Obama was not doing his job , they could have voted him out of office. If this clerk is not doing her job, she should be fired IMHO , not jailed. Just like the Muslim flight attendant should be imho.
I find that funny on a thread about this woman not complying with a Court order ....YOU bring up Obama. I bring up this and now it is a "Look at this shiny little object over here!"

The Court ordered her to comply...if she wants out of jail she can comply, quit or stay in jail.

Look at this shiny little object over here!

If the people thought Obama was not doing his job , they could have voted him out of office. If this clerk is not doing her job, she should be fired IMHO , not jailed. Just like the Muslim flight attendant should be imho. Originally Posted by WTF
You are trying to get serious, seriously? ...
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  • 09-07-2015, 06:27 PM
You are trying to get serious, seriously? ... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I thought i made a pretty damn good point but I'm not going to sic my lawyer on any of you numbnuts that can not follow along!
"Look at this shiny little object over here!"

BHO hasn't done his job either. He hasn't upheld immigration law.
According to your logic he should quit or be fired as well. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yeah, you keep bleating about this like the fucking bitch sheep you are....but, you get that President Obama isn't sitting down at the border letting every undocumented person in that swims the river, right? As opposed to this clerk who sits there and looks every applicant in the eye and refuses to comply with direct orders from the SCOTUS and a United States District Court judge? Right? You understand? Fucking moron.
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Fucking moron. Originally Posted by timpage
You're right. There are a lot of "fucking morons" around here...

The ones that are a bunch of whiners boo-hooing on behalf of a group of faggots (which doesn't surprise me at all because you must be faggots too) that didn't get their marriage licenses in a timely manner. Boo fuckin' hoo!

There are bigger fish to fry in this country. Like the criminal element here that is killing decent Americans and we don't seem to have any way to get rid of them.
Yeah, you keep bleating about this like the fucking bitch sheep you are....but, you get that President Obama isn't sitting down at the border letting every undocumented person in that swims the river, right? As opposed to this clerk who sits there and looks every applicant in the eye and refuses to comply with direct orders from the SCOTUS and a United States District Court judge? Right? You understand? Fucking moron. Originally Posted by timpage

Timmy, your boyfriend will love you even if the SCOTUS hadn't broke the law...

Timmy, your boyfriend will love you even if the SCOTUS hadn't broke the law...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And if his boyfriend doesn't, woomby's always available for "rent" down at the 'holes !
You know she's a Democrat, right?
You know she's a Democrat, right? Originally Posted by phunterabq

And she holds an elected office.

That's why she can't simply be fired.
Shooting blanks whiffy?