How many of the average Americans here have used a gun for protection?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, AssupLiar. Your level of integrity is the pinnacle to which we all aspire. When I hear the name "Assup" the first thing that comes to mind is "Dipsh . . .", oops, sorry, I mean "Assho . . ." Dammit, I meant "Integrity"! Yeah. That's the ticket!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Really? You'd put a ringing in your ears above getting shot? I think I'll take the ringing but then, maybe the dems can pass some new law that everyone has to use a supressor when they shoot.
Too expensive? Originally Posted by DSK
It is where the queers are, you would like it JL.
LexusLover's Avatar
It is where the queers are, you would like it JL. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I thought you didn't go to Luby's?
Damn I get tired of listing to you kids go on. You need a thread that you can go to so you can argue your teen age bull shit. This thread had a direction to go that may have brought out some vital information.
You won't catch me in Lubys , and LL answered your other questions. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I thought you didn't go to Luby's? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Reading isn't your strong suite is it ?
Damn I get tired of listing to you kids go on. You need a thread that you can go to so you can argue your teen age bull shit. This thread had a direction to go that may have brought out some vital information. Originally Posted by tucson
They all go that way eventually. Usually thanks to LustyJizzBucket or IBSuckingdong or one of their minions.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Damn I get tired of listing to you kids go on. You need a thread that you can go to so you can argue your teen age bull shit. This thread had a direction to go that may have brought out some vital information. Originally Posted by tucson
are you new to the internet?
this is how threads rolll.

Ok, that's funny....
RedLeg505's Avatar
Geez, I hate to say it but I agree 100% with this post and your previous one.

I do commend those law-abiding people who carry a concealed handgun and go well above the requirements to obtain a CHL (where required) with their training. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yep, definitely have to agree that if one thinks the training they got as part of their CCL "requirement" is sufficient and they can stop there because "I'm licensed".. they are sadly mistaken... and will probably end up getting themselves or others, often innocent bystanders shot.

Its why I go at least once a month to a friend's farm where he has the space and backstop area for a safe shooting/training area and practice. Practice seated draws. Practice standing draws. Practice movement from cover to cover, along with magazine changes/reloads. To me, one of the key things is, the person has to be mentally prepared to actually shoot. If they think just drawing and "showing' the gun will take care of it but aren't ready to shoot.. they shouldn't carry.

20 years in the military with both rifle and pistol marksmanship training/qualification and I still need to practice on a regular basis. Thinking you are trained and don't need anything else because you attended CCL class.. will just get you hurt.
Yep, definitely have to agree that if one thinks the training they got as part of their CCL "requirement" is sufficient and they can stop there because "I'm licensed".. they are sadly mistaken... and will probably end up getting themselves or others, often innocent bystanders shot.

Its why I go at least once a month to a friend's farm where he has the space and backstop area for a safe shooting/training area and practice. Practice seated draws. Practice standing draws. Practice movement from cover to cover, along with magazine changes/reloads. To me, one of the key things is, the person has to be mentally prepared to actually shoot. If they think just drawing and "showing' the gun will take care of it but aren't ready to shoot.. they shouldn't carry.

20 years in the military with both rifle and pistol marksmanship training/qualification and I still need to practice on a regular basis. Thinking you are trained and don't need anything else because you attended CCL class.. will just get you hurt. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
We agree completely. Now tell that to JD Cornballer. He thinks you're ready after an afternoon class. Of course he also probably sees himself as John Rambo. By those who know much more than I do about guns, I was always told don't draw it if you aren't willing to fire it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We agree completely. Now tell that to JD Cornballer. He thinks you're ready after an afternoon class. Of course he also probably sees himself as John Rambo. By those who know much more than I do about guns, I was always told don't draw it if you aren't willing to fire it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I don't know whether you are stupid or just a bad liar. Where did you come up with this stuff? I have never said that a single afternoon class makes anyone ready for the responsibility. The first part of this thread is about the law and not the training if you didn't notice with your head stuck up your own ass so far. I posted that I approve of Kansas getting out of the way of a freedom but there anyone who chooses to carry should avail themselves of the necessary training. What an ass you are...

As for John Rambo, once again I have never claimed any special status or abilities that you yourself could not obtain (except for maybe telling the truth). Besides, Rambo died in the book. Shot in the head by Colonel Trautman.

You did get one thing right, don't fire if you not WILLING to fire. That is not the same thing as firing moron but you have to be willing.
LexusLover's Avatar
20 years in the military with both rifle and pistol marksmanship training/qualification and I still need to practice on a regular basis. Thinking you are trained and don't need anything else because you attended CCL class.. will just get you hurt. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
With all due respect military training does not substitute for the training appropriate/necessary for a tactical, instinctive close quarters, split second, indoor response in a crowded environment requires/demands in the most likely scenario for a confrontation involving a CHL carrier.

Do you all train in the barn without "ears" on with "shoot" or "don't shoot" images?

More than likely any confrontation will be within 2-3 meters, which means less than 1 second to un-ass your weapon and discharge 2 rounds into center mass of a target coming at you, who is already on top of you. 2-3 meters away. You don't have time to "mull it over" and fumble around, and pulling it up to "aim" is off the table. "Target practice" and "running for cover" drills are not generally helpful in the usual confrontation in which a CHL carrier will encounter. There ARE civilian schools who provide the drills for "instinctive, tactical" shooting and can accommodate "shoot" and "don't shoot" decision making with "picture" targets, and many of those same instructors TEACH LE the same.

Another consideration is "loads" ....

Remember you are close and in a crowded building. Luby's cafeteria? Theater. Mall.
JCM800's Avatar
Damn I get tired of listing to you kids go on. You need a thread that you can go to so you can argue your teen age bull shit. This thread had a direction to go that may have brought out some vital information. Originally Posted by tucson
Well the threads here all have some potential at the start.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well the threads here all have some potential at the start. Originally Posted by JCM800
Same with the "review threads"!