Some Thoughts On Hunter Biden, “The Big Guy”, and Those that Dismissed This…..

bambino's Avatar
Thanks for posting the interview. I should have saved myself the 7 minutes it took to read. As I thought though there is alot of Hunter said and I believe and ZERO Joe said or Joe did.

For someone that pontificates for paragraphs on end, your understanding is not worth shit. Bubbles is relaying what he thinks, not what he knows. Those are two totally different things. He claims that he was told by Hunter things, which is exactly what we call hearsay. some of it is hearsay of hearsay. but who cares about the legal and evidentiary value, lets look at the reality of it.

Hunter says "Big Guy gets 10%"
Bubbles says "Big Guy is Joe" How does he know. Well, "because I was there and everyone, meaning Hunter, says I have to meet Joe. He interviewed me. I met him on several occasions."
Nonetheless, there was no conversation between Bubbles and Joe that had anything to do with the business, any business. But Bubbles felt a vibe evidently.

How you read any of the extensive interview and got the idea that Bubbles was conveying something direct to Joe just further supports my thoughts that you dont know shit from shinola. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You just pontificated for paragraphs on end. But HF’s grammar and punctuation are far better than yours. And a more coherent read. I’m betting you weren’t the editor of the law review at the “state institution” that you attended Law school.

What Bubbles said that can be attributed to Joe Biden in some way. Ignoring the hearsay and what he "thinks" and commentary from Tucks

CARLSON: At this point, Joe Biden was the sitting Vice President of the
United States.

BOBULINSKI: Yes, that's correct.

CARLSON: Okay, so I want to fast forward to 2017, early May, 2017. And, at
this point, you've agreed to become part of this deal. Hunter Biden, Jim
Biden, the Vice President's brother, James Gilliar, and they are asking you
to meet with the former Vice President in Los Angeles. Describe the
context. Describe why they wanted you to meet with him.

BOBULINSKI: Okay. Across those days in Los Angeles, in May of 2017 that
you're referencing, I met with Hunter Biden multiple times at the Chateau
Marmont, and Rob Walker. And the discussion was they wanted me to sit down
with their father, just to meet him and at a high level, discuss the Biden
family and how they approached things.

CARLSON: So they wanted you to meet with the former Vice President in LA.
How did that play out?

BOBULINSKI: Yes. That's correct. The former Vice President was flying in
and we were to meet at the Beverly Hilton. The Milken Conference was going
on, obviously, one of the top three conferences in the world for anybody
that is a global investor or developing different humanitarian causes and a
variety of things.

BOBULINSKI: And he was -- Joe was flying in to speak about the cancer
moonshot stuff he was working on, and Hunter and everyone was in town, and
they wanted to coordinate me meeting with Joe.

And so it was set up for the night of May 2nd at the Beverly Hilton. I
first met with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden, and just had a -- you know,
light discussion where they briefed me that, listen, you know, my dad is on
the way. And, you know, we won't go into too much detail on the business
front. But we'll just spend time talking at a high level about you, your
background, the Biden family,

CARLSON: So this was at night, the Vice President just flown across the
country. He is an older man. He has got work to do.


CARLSON: But they carved out a piece of his schedule for you to meet with
him. Why would they do that?

BOBULINSKI: Because they were sort of wining and dining me and presenting
the strength of the Biden family to get me more engaged and want to take on
this CEO role, and you know, developed Sinohawk both in the United States
and around the world, in partnership with CEFC.

CARLSON: So Joe Biden has not denied meeting with you in Los Angeles,


CARLSON: Tell us about the conversation that you had with him.

BOBULINSKI: So I initially was sitting, because I got there a little
earlier, I was sitting with Jim Biden and Hunter Biden, and Joe came
through the lobby with his security. And Hunter basically said, hey, give
me a second. I'll go over and give me 10 minutes to brief my dad and read
him in on things.

And so then Hunter and his father and security came through the bar, and
obviously, I stood up out of respect to shake his hand and Hunter
introduced me as, "This is Tony, dad, the individual I told you about
that's helping us with the business that we're working on and the Chinese."

CARLSON: So it was clear to you that Joe Biden's son had told him about
this business.

BOBULINSKI: Crystal clear.

BOBULINSKI: And then he walked through sort of his family. You know, obviously, some of
the tragedies they've dealt with, his political career at a high level. You
know, we didn't go into too much detail on business, because prior to Joe
showing up, Hunter and Jim had coached me, listen, we won't go into too
much detail here, so just a high level discussion and meeting.

So it's not like I was drilling down with Joe about cap tables and details.

CARLSON: So you've said that they wanted you to meet Joe Biden, as a way
to induce you to participate in this deal. You were the actual business guy
here who had management experience, deal experience. But it also sounds
like Joe Biden was vetting you to some extent.

BOBULINSKI: Yes, of course, like, I didn't request to meet with Joe. They
requested that I meet with Joe. And, you know, he is putting his -- and
Hunter says this in writing that was referenced multiple times, they were
putting their entire family legacy on the line. They knew exactly what they
were doing.

CARLSON: They being Gilliar and Hunter Biden?

BOBULINSKI: They being Hunter Biden, who was very proud of that and taking
credit for it when I sat with him for two hours on the patio of the Chateau
Marmont in LA.

CARLSON: You've seen a number of journalists and reporters covering the
story, including some who should know better, declare triumphantly that no
document you've released connects the former Vice President to this deal.
How do you react to that? What's your answer to it?

BOBULINSKI: I want to simplify this for the American people as much as I can. On May
13th, that e-mail was sent from James Gilliar to me. I didn't generate that
email, James Gilliar generated that e-mail.

And in that e-mail, James Gilliar goes through intimate detail of what each
individual's requests were from a compensation perspective, and how the
equity in the enterprise would be divvied up. Very important. May 13th.
That e-mail was generated by somebody else to me.

In that e-mail, there's a statement where they go through the equity Jim
Biden has referenced as you know, 10 percent, it doesn't say Biden, it says
Jim, and then it has 10 percent for the big guy held by H.

I a thousand percent sit here and know that the big guy is referencing Joe
Biden. That's crystal clear to me because I lived it. I met with the former
Vice President in person multiple times, and I had been meeting and talking
with Hunter Biden and Jim Biden and Rob Walker and James Gilliar.

What the media has tried to hide and I personally feel it's disgusting, is
between that May 13th e-mail and the final document that was executed
called Oneida Holdings, LLC.

In Oneida Holdings, LLC, the equity is broken up 20 percent Hunter Biden
and 20 percent Jim Biden -- well, there are LLCs that represented them.

Twenty percent James Gilliar, 20 percent Rob Walker and 20
percent me and my investment entity. What I'd ask the American people to
read and look at is how from May 13th to the final night, a document that
got executed, did Jim Biden go from a 10 percent owner to a 20 percent

CARLSON: So was it clear to you from the beginning that what Jim Biden was bringing to this deal was his
relationship with Joe Biden?

BOBULINSKI: Yes, a thousand percent. Crystal clear.

After I met with Joe Biden, the morning of May 3rd at the Milken Conference
and then was taken backstage after Joe had spoken. You know, we joked
around for about 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and then I walked him out to his

CARLSON: This is Joe Biden.

BOBULINSKI: Joe Biden, yes. And then after that, I went over to the
Peninsula Hotel and I sat with Jim Biden for two hours where Jim Biden
walked through his history and his own words stating all the work and
effort he did to get Joe Biden elected

I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, "How are you guys getting away with this?" Like,
"Aren't you concerned?" And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a
little bit and said, "Plausible deniability."

CARLSON: He said that out loud?

BOBULINSKI: Yes. He said it directly to me,

CARLSON: That's remarkable. So I just want to back up a second, just to be
clear, you met with Joe Biden twice?

BOBULINSKI: Yes, that's correct.

CARLSON: What did he say to you after he gives his speech at the Milken
Conference? And by the way, this is all checkable. Right?


CARLSON: I mean, that was a public event. You can Google it.

BOBULINSKI: Well, you can go to Milken. They had to issue me -- I didn't -
- I wasn't attending Milken, so they had to issue me special credentials. A
whole team walked out into the valet of the Beverly Hilton and walked me
into that speech that he gave and sat me at the head table on front of

So this is more than checkable. I'm sure there's photos or documentation
and stuff.

CARLSON: Tell me what the conversation that you had with Joe Biden, what
did he say to you?

BOBULINSKI: You mean, the morning after we spoke?

CARLSON: That's right.

BOBULINSKI: They just -- it was -- there was 10 people running around
giving him something to drink and we were backstage in a cramped space and
he asked me to walk with him out to the car. And he just asked, you know,
how I did and what I thought of his speech. And I thought you did a great
job in the speech. And obviously, cancer is a very serious thing that we
should all be working together to solve. I just lost a sister in law within
the last two weeks, sadly to cancer, and then he just sort of asked me to
keep an eye on his son and his brother.

CARLSON: Give us a sense of your contacts with Hunter Biden. I just -- a
lot of this is complex. There's a lot that we're not -- and this is
television, so we're not putting, you know, everything that we have on the
screen because we can't.

But for those who might suspect that you don't -- didn't really have a lot
of contact with Hunter Biden, give us a sense of some of the places where
you had conversations with him, and over what time frame?

BOBULINSKI: So, obviously, as we already discussed throughout 2015 and
2016 while Joe was still the sitting Vice President of the United States,
these guys had been doing extensive work around the world, in places like
Oman, Luxembourg, Romania, that I was being made aware of, but I obviously
hadn't come off the bench and agreed to be part of this.

BOBULINSKI: Because they have relationships and they have the Biden name
that they are able to set up meetings and get people to jump through hoops
in an interest to garner favor with the sitting Vice President Joe Biden.

CARLSON: Hunter Biden and Jim Biden Did you get any
sense that either one of these guys was qualified to be conducting this
kind of business?

BOBULINSKI: The only qualification they had was the Biden name.

CARLSON: But they seemed to have parlayed that into quite a few deals in
quite a few countries.

BOBULINSKI: Absolutely nothing. The only thing that he had was the Biden
family name and the fact that his father, at one point, he was a sitting
Vice President and potentially would run as a future President.

CARLSON: It sounds like a remarkably ambitious international business
program they had running.

BOBULINSKI: Extensive.

CARLSON: He and his uncle.

BOBULINSKI: Extensive.

CARLSON: When he said -- when Hunter Biden said his Chairman, he was talking about
his dad.

BOBULINSKI: Correct. There's two chairmen in the story. There's Chairman
Yi, who is the Chairman of CEFC.


BOBULINSKI: And that text from Hunter Biden, he was not talking about the
Chairman of CEFC and what Hunter is referencing there is he spoke with his
father, and his father is giving an emphatic no to the ask that I had,
which was putting proper governance in place around Oneida Holdings.

CARLSON: So Joe Biden is vetoing your plan for putting stricter governance
in the company. I mean, it's right here in the e-mail.

BOBULINSKI: Yes, Tucker, I want to be very careful in front of the
American people. That is not me writing that. That is not me claiming that.
That is Hunter Biden writing on his own phone typing in that I spoke with
my Chairman, referencing his father.

BOBULINSKI: So documents were all executed, you know, after this back and
forth and the Chinese CEFC Director Zang, who is number three at the
company worked directly for Chairman Yi and the way it was presented to me
as a very senior Chinese Communist Party member was assuring me that $10
million was being sent to our bank account that was set up at JPMorgan
Chase to basically fund operations and grow the business and that of that
$10 million, we were capitalizing the business.

So $5 million of that $10 million was being loaned to Oneida Holdings as a
non-recourse loan from CEFC, and the other $5 million was coming in CEFC as
their capitalization of the business because we owned 50/50 in the

The Chinese and CEFC never viewed me -- I'm insignificant and irrelevant in
this discussion. To them, it was always the Biden family. It wasn't Hunter
Biden, it wasn't Jim Biden. It was the Biden family who has obviously led
and operated by Joe Biden.

And in a document that you guys have, and I think that has been provided to
the world, the Chinese reference that because of their trust in the Biden
family, that Chairman YI and Director Zang are excited about moving forward
in this, and in that document, they referenced loaning $5 million to the BD

BOBULINSKI: The BD family is the Biden family. And notice, they didn't say
we're loaning that money to Oneida Holdings or we're loaning that money to
Tony Bobulinski or we are loaning that money to James Gilliar or Rob
Walker. They, once again, not a document generated by me, a document
generated by CEFC that they are loaning that money to the Biden family.

As those of us that actually have sense have noted, Bubbles does not have any proof, He only has what he thinks. Which is fine, I think the lot of you are idiots, and both of our opinions carry the exact same weight on the subject. Bubbles told alot about how Hunter and supposedly Jim, had a great grift going by stating that Joe (by multiple names Big Guy, Chairman, etc) was the power and they were just doing the collecting. Perfect con. except nothing Bubbles said actually implicated Joe in doing anything. Except meeting with Bubbles and asking him how his speech was.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What Bubbles said that can be attributed to Joe Biden in some way. Ignoring the hearsay and what he "thinks" and commentary from Tucks

As those of us that actually have sense have noted, Bubbles does not have any proof, He only has what he thinks. Which is fine, I think the lot of you are idiots, and both of our opinions carry the exact same weight on the subject. Bubbles told alot about how Hunter and supposedly Jim, had a great grift going by stating that Joe (by multiple names Big Guy, Chairman, etc) was the power and they were just doing the collecting. Perfect con. except nothing Bubbles said actually implicated Joe in doing anything. Except meeting with Bubbles and asking him how his speech was. Originally Posted by NiorMan

if you say so NiorMan
The Biden's banked millions and millions and millions. So what. THEY have executive privilege and pardon powers. So keep beating your meat cartel losers

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The Biden's banked millions and millions and millions. So what. THEY have executive privilege and pardon powers. So keep beating your meat cartel losers

Dah Originally Posted by Tsmokies

  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2022, 08:30 PM
What Bubbles said that can be attributed to Joe Biden in some way. Ignoring the hearsay and what he "thinks" and commentary from Tucks Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You hit the nail on the head. I saw the Bobulinski interview on Tucker Carlson, and don't remember him saying anything damning about Joe Biden that didn't involve rank speculation. The thing though is that Bobulinski speaks with lots of gusto. And Carlson's right there to provide the earnest, incredulous, "in the know" commentary. So if you're persuaded by presentation instead of substance, maybe you fall for this.

Hunter Biden's a crack head. My limited experience with crack heads is they lie a lot. The 10% for the Big Guy doesn't mean anything.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Thanks for posting the interview. I should have saved myself the 7 minutes it took to read. As I thought though there is alot of Hunter said and I believe and ZERO Joe said or Joe did.

For someone that pontificates for paragraphs on end, your understanding is not worth shit. Bubbles is relaying what he thinks, not what he knows.

He doesn't know he is talking to Joe Biden? Damn, you get even dumber when you get backed into a corner. He knows why he is being introduced but I'll ask you, why did Hunter feel the need to introduce his father who knows nothing about his business, to a new business partner? What Joe "did" was show up for a meeting between Hunter and Hunter's business partners. Why? In your experience, can that question be asked?

Those are two totally different things. He claims that he was told by Hunter things, which is exactly what we call hearsay.

The rule prohibiting hearsay (out of court statements offered as proof of that statement) from being admitted as evidence because of the inability of the other party to cross-examine the maker of the statement.

I assume that both Hunter and Bobulinski would be available for cross examination in this case. They would both be giving in-court statements as to what was said and what conclusions were drawn from what was said.

some of it is hearsay of hearsay. but who cares about the legal and evidentiary value, lets look at the reality of it.

I care but OK, let's look at your reality of it.

Hunter says "Big Guy gets 10%"
Bubbles says "Big Guy is Joe" How does he know. Well, "because I was there and everyone, meaning Hunter, says I have to meet Joe. He interviewed me. I met him on several occasions."

And every single person involved will be called to the stand and asked "who is the Big Guy"? What you seem to keep failing to understand is all the e-mail evidence that will be introduced all leading to the fact that Joe Biden was the BIG GUY and literally everybody knew it? Hunter will be forced to answer the question, "who is the big guy"? What will he say, what can he say?

Nonetheless, there was no conversation between Bubbles and Joe that had anything to do with the business, any business. But Bubbles felt a vibe evidently.

Bobulinski is a world renown business man who can give expert testimony on what he believes happened in that meeting regardless of what Joe said or didn't say. Somebody is going to have to explain why Joe was at that meeting. Somebody is going to have to explain who the Big Guy is. Then it will be up to a jury to connect the dots and that won't be hard to do. You are insulating your argument but you must know it will expand to more than what you have just mentioned.

How you read any of the extensive interview and got the idea that Bubbles was conveying something direct to Joe just further supports my thoughts that you dont know shit from shinola. I think you told me that once before. What was it? AH! Yes, I remember, "I don't know shit from shinola as to what "self defense" means in the Rittenhouse case. Remember that outcome counselor? Remember how you didn't know shit from shinola? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Conveying something to Joe? Where did that come from and what would it have to do with anything? That's your argument, that Joe sat there stone faced and said nothing, there fore everything else we know about the meeting through Hunter's e-mails is irrelevant? I don't think so.

Preponderance of evidence counselor, preponderance of evidence. And I'll say again, you may be right that all this would fail in a court of law but in an impeachment?
bambino's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head. I saw the Bobulinski interview on Tucker Carlson, and don't remember him saying anything damning about Joe Biden that didn't involve rank speculation. The thing though is that Bobulinski speaks with lots of gusto. And Carlson's right there to provide the earnest, incredulous, "in the know" commentary. So if you're persuaded by presentation instead of substance, maybe you fall for this.

Hunter Biden's a crack head. My limited experience with crack heads is they lie a lot. The 10% for the Big Guy doesn't mean anything. Originally Posted by Tiny
Rank speculation? Joey Bribes met with Bubbles to discuss company governance. DUH!!!!!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
You hit the nail on the head. I saw the Bobulinski interview on Tucker Carlson, and don't remember him saying anything damning about Joe Biden

You mean other than Joe was there at a meeting between his son and Bobulinski and Joe continues to say that he never knew what his son was doing, no knowledge of a deal? Why was Bobulinski there Tiny?

that didn't involve rank speculation. The thing though is that Bobulinski speaks with lots of gusto. And Carlson's right there to provide the earnest, incredulous, "in the know" commentary. So if you're persuaded by presentation instead of substance, maybe you fall for this.

So it's your observation that there was no substance in Bobulinski's testimony. Hard to believe you believe that but OK, then what was the meeting for/ about? How will Hunter explain that meeting assuming he ever takes the stand which I doubt he ever will. No attorney in their right mind would put Hunter Biden on the stand.

Hunter Biden's a crack head. My limited experience with crack heads is they lie a lot. The 10% for the Big Guy doesn't mean anything. Originally Posted by Tiny

Gotta say Tiny, I thought you were smarter than that. It means something if it can be demonstrated through testimony of parties involved, that they knew the Big Guy was Joe. What if Devin Archer is given a deal on his conviction if he will come clean on who the big guy is. Think that might mean something? You guys don't seem to want to play this to it's inevitable end when somebody will have to answer that question. At least I would think any decent prosecutor would force that out in a trial. EVERYBODY wants to know who the big guy is and NOBODY is going to be satisfied until somebody answers that question.

So here's the question Tiny. Will it mean something if it can be proven by e-mails/ documentation and testimony that Biden is the big guy? Will it mean something then?

So tell us again how the Big guy means nothing? It means nothing with no proof of course but everybody in that room, in that e-mail, knows who the big guy is and it will only take one to corroborate what Bobulinski said.

Thing is, as much as I enjoy debating this, Joe Biden can't be indicted FOR ANYTHING but he sure as hell can be impeached, can't he, and that is where all this evidence and hearsay if the counselor is correct, won't matter one single bit whether it is legal or not. What will matter is whether 218 Republicans in the House want him impeached. My money is on YES.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Rank speculation? Joey Bribes met with Bubbles to discuss company governance. DUH!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino

Hard to believe that they really don't understand this isn't it.

I just want to hear any of them explain that meeting. In admitting that meeting took place and Joe lied about it is good enough for me.
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2022, 09:19 PM
Hard to believe that they really don't understand this isn't it.

I just want to hear any of them explain that meeting. In admitting that meeting took place and Joe lied about it is good enough for me. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I scanned your transcript and don’t remember Bobulinski describing any substantive business he discussed with Joe Biden. Including corporate governance Bambino. I think he did ask Bobulinski to watch over his fucked up brother and his fucked up son. If I’m wrong please correct me.

And Biden is half senile. When you say he lied about the meeting what does that mean? He didn’t remember?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I scanned your transcript and don’t remember Bobulinski describing any substantive business he discussed with Joe Biden.

Then what was the purpose of the meeting? Come on man, play this out like you are in a court of law and Hunter is on the stand. "If you guys weren't there to discuss business, why was Joe there"? Why did Hunter want Joe to meet Bobulinski? All these questions will be/ should be asked if it ever gets that far. The only speculation from where I sit, is will any of this see the light of day in a court room. Maybe, maybe not but it will damn sure be heard on the House and Senate floor and somebody is going to have to answer the biggest question since "who shot JR", who is the big guy?

Including corporate governance Bambino. I think he did ask Bobulinski to watch over his fucked up brother and his fucked up son. If I’m wrong please correct me. I tried that, it didn't work. No sense doing it again.

And Biden is half senile. When you say he lied about the meeting what does that mean? He didn’t remember? Originally Posted by Tiny

Why the hell not

Clinton FBI interview: 39 times she didn't recall

But sure, let's add that to the list of what Biden doesn't remember. That should worry many Independents.

Since you didn't address the central point of my remarks to you, let me ask you again. Will who the Big Guy is matter if through e-mails/ documentation and testimony, we find out Joe Biden is the big guy? Not so much in a court of law but come Feb. of 2023?

Sorry about the "smarter than that remark. I actually just came back to edit that out but you beat me to it. My apologies.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Denial, it’s not just a river in Egypt.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The Biden's banked millions and millions and millions. So what. THEY have executive privilege and pardon powers. So keep beating your meat cartel losers Originally Posted by Tsmokies
How Idi Amin of them.
lustylad's Avatar
IMO you guys are too hung up on one email referencing "10 for the Big Guy". What you should be asking is - what do the p/ship agreement and by-laws for Hudson West III LLC say? That's the entity set up by the Bidens to collect money from their Chinese partners.

It's a slimy story. The WaPo finally got interested enough to investigate it. My understanding is Bobulinski was cut out of the Hudson West III deal. But Hunter and his Uncle James sucked at least $4.8 million out of a big Chinese energy firm named CEFC for supposed legal and consulting services that were never rendered. The venture collapsed, but not before all that money was transferred to bank accounts controlled by Hunter and Uncle James.

Bobulinski, who had genuine energy experience and credentials to bring to the table, was angered and offended when the Biden Crime Family scammers hijacked what could have been a legitimate operation.

The FBI/DOJ has been following the money. Surely they know what the Hudson West ownership structure was. The money trail will eventually shed light on whether Hunter was acting as a straw investor for his corrupt Daddy for part of his nominal LLC stake.

Thanks to the US Attorney in Delaware, whose Hunter Biden investigation was made a priority by Bill Barr, this story is poised to blow up soon. That's why both the NYT and WaPo had to come clean about the laptop's authenticity. Otherwise they would look extremely foolish reporting on a story they dismissed as Russian disinformation. So they're engaged in damage control. But of course, their reputations are already damaged beyond repair. No amount of spin or backtracking or updating or correcting can change that.