Roe to be overturned!!!!

  • Tiny
  • 05-04-2022, 03:41 PM
Questions for the pro lifers. Why do you have a problem with abortion in the first trimester? If a person believes in the right to bear arms and speak freely, if he believes in the right not to wear a mask during a pandemic, why does he believe the government should restrict a woman's right to do what she wants with her body? If you're going to say it's because she's killing her baby, why do you consider an embryo to be a child? Where do you draw the line? No condoms, like what the Catholic Church preaches? No Plan B?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Questions for the pro lifers. Why do you have a problem with abortion in the first trimester? If a person believes in the right to bear arms and speak freely, if he believes in the right not to wear a mask during a pandemic, why does he believe the government should restrict a woman's right to do what she wants with her body? If you're going to say it's because she's killing her baby, why do you consider an embryo to be a child? Where do you draw the line? No condoms, like what the Catholic Church preaches? No Plan B? Originally Posted by Tiny

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Agree whole heartedly.

So we are in agreement to end:
  1. Forced child support

    No. Be reasonable. At least write a check. It shouldn't be an issue if she keeps it. I know you didn't want it. If she shacks up with another, I'm with you there.

  2. Mask mandates

    Agree. Live free or die. Just know you carry a deadly virus. Watch where you put that thing. (Joke)

  3. Vaccine mandates

    Agree. Die if you want. (Kevorkian, anyone?)

  4. Forced testing

    Agreed. If you don't want to know you're about to die, fine.

  5. Forced learning

    No. A basic education is essential. Not for adults. As bambino and Levianon can attest. Not necessary after 16 years on earth.
I'm sure the list is much longer as time allows Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'm sure we can agree to many other individual liberties. But even I have limits to what I want to know.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yeah right, and you're a deep thinker. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Deep drinker. Originally Posted by bambino
Didn't take much to come up with that one. But you get half a point.

Right. From the two mooks who give this forum a dumb name. But at least Levy tries to think. Just can't. Bina? Doesn't even try.

Did anyone before me give this site forum some scholarship and class? Humor? Leftist insight?

Who else is going to force you to expand your vocabulary? TWK?

Remember Ranky? Gone. Lex Luthor? Gone. CryptKicker? Not gone, but forgotten. You two have any accomplishments realigning this former psycho conservative forum. I think not. Just jealous.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Did anyone before me give this site forum some scholarship and class? Humor? Leftist insight?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

one would first have to have scholarship and class to provide scholarship and class. as for your humor ...

eccieuser9500's Avatar
So you are against the Vaccine mandates the Biden Regime instituted?

Define what a "She" is. Originally Posted by texassapper
For businesses, no. For anyone on the streets, yes.

She is what ever you want she to be. If she only needs a wig for you to see her as a she, she will be what you want she to be. It's all in your head.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
one would first have to have scholarship and class to provide scholarship and class. as for your humor ...

. . . you know it's natural. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You don't need to see that I have it to know that I can show it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You know me, I can't hardly stroll by a good grenade without wanting to hurl myself upon it...

"Why do you have a problem with abortion in the first trimester?"
  • While it seems to have been murdered the past two years - science.
    • You can avoid the risk 100%. Ask Nancy Reagan - Just say no
    • Condoms, birth control
    • Morning after pill
    • Adoption
So let us alleviate the bloviating and cut to the quick: Given the above science - should women be obligated, i.e. forced, to control their bodies based on the available science else suffer the consequences of their actions? BTW: at this point yo have to say yes, if you are using tactics such as the below set.

" If a person believes in the right to bear arms and speak freely, if he believes in the right not to wear a mask during a pandemic, why does he believe the government should restrict a woman's right to do what she wants with her body?"

Cute-ish non-sequitur, but here goes: The US Constitution and The Bill of Rights
  • Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
  • #2 - A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
  • #10 - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Those things actually are listed in a straight forward way and have been for over 250 years. The government, by which you mean Federal, is NOT restricting anything. What the Federal government is saying in the purportedly leaked DRAFT is it is not a federal issue.

4th grade US Civics refresher: We are a Constitutional Republic - not a Democracy.

BTW: I wrote a decent Do the Math on this topic in another thread on why mathematically, it should be handled at the State level. But I understand why chicken-shits want to force it at the Federal level - so they are not accountable at the personal or State level. That would be chicken-shit politicians, end users and advocates such as yourself (in this discussion) . Ah ghee, golly, wished we could help, but uhhmmm.. it's a Federal law. Nothing we can do about it. The gallery of the faceless and unaccountable.

Questions in return
  • Do you have an issue with that?
  • Do you think abortion is some new discovery that did not exist before Margaret Sanger created an assembly line for it?
"why do you consider an embryo to be a child?"
You have to decide that for yourself. If unable, try the table. Go and observe a live birth abortion, but ask them to dismember it with dull instruments. Report back on your findings

Gonna end this round with my own question:
So we are in agreement to end:
  1. Forced child support <-- hand grenade warning, double dawg dare ya
  2. Mask mandates
  3. Vaccine mandates
  4. Forced testing
  5. Forced learning

Questions for the pro lifers. Why do you have a problem with abortion in the first trimester? If a person believes in the right to bear arms and speak freely, if he believes in the right not to wear a mask during a pandemic, why does he believe the government should restrict a woman's right to do what she wants with her body? If you're going to say it's because she's killing her baby, why do you consider an embryo to be a child? Where do you draw the line? No condoms, like what the Catholic Church preaches? No Plan B? Originally Posted by Tiny
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
For businesses, no. For anyone on the streets, yes.

She is what ever you want she to be. If she only needs a wig for you to see her as a she, she will be what you want she to be. It's all in your head. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

you do realize that every major company immediately abandoned their vaccine mandates when it was struck down by the courts, yes? like .. the next day.

they talked tough .. until they knew they'd get their asses sued off in court.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You know me, I can't hardly stroll by a good grenade without wanting to hurl myself upon it... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Only persons born.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property . . .
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You don't need to see that I have it to know that I can show it.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

your humor is as funny as Woody Allen isn't.

Jack Nicholson used to be the second most overrated actor in history. then Marlon Brando died.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
you do realize that every major company immediately abandoned their vaccine mandates when it was struck down by the courts, yes? like .. the next day.

they talked tough .. until they knew they'd get their asses sued off in court. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I think sappy needs to realize that. And that was not his issue.
... Let me try one --- IF the Government can FORCE you to get
vaccines - threaten your job if ya don't - then why shouldn't
the Government be able to also tell you what you CAN'T do
with your body.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Questions for the pro lifers. Why do you have a problem with abortion in the first trimester?

When can a fetal heartbeat be detected? Since that is the measure some people make, I think that is in one of the States bill but then the matter of viability comes into play for some people.

A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as
5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation
. That's when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen

If a person believes in the right to bear arms and speak freely,

Question, is that something Democrats believe in, being able to speak freely? Really?

if he believes in the right not to wear a mask during a pandemic, why does he believe the government should restrict a woman's right to do what she wants with her body?

One answer is because there is a third party and we know that the govt. has a vested interest in protecting "children". Those other issues are a one party issue. Can she really do ANYTHING she wants with her body right now? If that were true, I would agree ( maybe) but it isn't true. There are already restrictions on what a man or woman can do with their bodies. Does the federal govt. allow her to sell her body? Sell her organs to the highest bidder? Be the 50th wife to a man? Get a shot with something you don't want in YOUR BODY? Why is that not a "my body my choice" without govt. reprisal for your choice.

If you're going to say it's because she's killing her baby, why do you consider an embryo to be a child?

Ask Joe Biden when he just used the expression "abort a child" which sent the pro choice people into epileptic fits for using the word child.

Where do you draw the line?

How about 6 weeks? They'll say that sometimes women don't even know they are pregnant at six weeks. So you allow abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected and you are in fact then aborting a living human being in the opinion of some.

No condoms, like what the Catholic Church preaches? No Plan B?

Anybody seriously talking about banning condoms and plan B? But all that AGAIN, will be left up to the states as all these matters not given to the federal government and enumerated in the Constitution.
Originally Posted by Tiny

No pro lifer here. As a matter of fact, if I get a chance to vote on Roe here in Florida, I'll vote to let it stand. I don't have a pony in this race as one of the more respected member here said. Having said that, I'm a Constitutionalist and since abortion isn't mentioned in any way shape or form in the Constitution, and the likes of Justice Ginsburg and Lawrence Tribe, the ultra Lefts go to Constitutional Professor, while both supporting the right for a woman to choose, say that Roe was flawed law, and should be granted to the States as the Constitution proscribes.

I keep hearing Psaki say that 70% of Americans favor Roe as is. So if it was left to a vote, the majority of States would uphold Roe, right? But of course we all know that isn't true. Just saw a poll that says 54% of Americans, while being pro choice, do not want to see abortions over 15 weeks. The other 16% don't care. And if it isn't really a baby until it is completely out of the birth canal, why not be able to abort half way out? Or just before being wheeled in to the operating room? Why not if it isn't really a child yet? Things that fall in the category of the "restricted choices" already in play that I referred to.

Yes, I'm playing devils advocate here. I tried to address every conceivable point of view.

If we can't figure out a way to work within the Constitution and follow the Constitution, we will never get beyond problems like this. Let each state decide by a vote of the people and live with it for another 2 years when the people can change the members of their State Houses if this wish. We couldn't be in a better situation that allows us to live where we want to live! We've got 50 places to choose from and each side will end up with roughly half the states. Don't want to live under this law, move to one of the states that will give it to you.

I truly see this as the ultimate compromise. Hell, we can bad mouth all the Elitists, make them put their money where their mouth is and provide the means for any woman to travel to a state that allows abortions and we all settle the fuck down and be thankful we still have choices in this country.

And from an economic evolutionary standpoint, I like to see which side might have an economic advantage if one was to be had. "No vacations to Disney World but we can go to Disneyland!!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
your humor is as funny as Woody Allen isn't.

bahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

That was funny. Because we both are hilarious.