Meet & Greet/Socials

The stupid ever loving gifs.
The failure to grasp the concept of multi posts.
Toast, you haven't changed a bit.
What did your other handle get banned for?
Are you allowed up have multi handles when one is banned?
Your dislike of Houston is one of the many things that gave you away.
I cant help but wonder why you even bother to post here if you dislike our town and hookers so much... Why not post on a forum where they might welcome your comments? Post in Dallas. You might have a following of Houston bashers there. There you might be liked as opposed to here you're just a parasite.
and I agree with pyro. It's easy to cast out random insults to a crowd while hiding behind your keyboard. Saying it to a man's face is something a coward like you would never have the balls for. Or if you were stupid enough to do that, you'd only be able to do it once. So... it's time to put up or shut up. ... There it is.
"If you can't say anything nice, Shut the f*ck up! Originally Posted by pyro
If only some of the people in Houston and in the forums could follow your advice and "example," the world could be a better place to bottoms up.


I doubt you will allowed to do that. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

Consider it a filter to get the good stuff without all the crap from the source.
The stupid ever loving gifs.
The failure to grasp the concept of multi posts.
Toast, you haven't changed a bit.
What did your other handle get banned for?
Are you allowed up have multi handles when one is banned?
Your dislike of Houston is one of the many things that gave you away.
I cant help but wonder why you even bother to post here if you dislike our town and hookers so much... Why not post on a forum where they might welcome your comments? Post in Dallas. You might have a following of Houston bashers there. There you might be liked as opposed to here you're just a parasite.
and I agree with pyro. It's easy to cast out random insults to a crowd while hiding behind your keyboard. Saying it to a man's face is something a coward like you would never have the balls for. Or if you were stupid enough to do that, you'd only be able to do it once. So... it's time to put up or shut up. ... There it is. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
It's close to the season of the gif of giving. Har har har. There is your fetish for the topic of "banning" again Mr. let's create a poll on the subject matter. Let's not for those that can come up with a better thread that is more constructive! Drama, drama, drama, drama and that's all I get from you. What gave me away are some of the fucktards here and their oh I am so insulted by what you had to say, uhhh the truth. It took YOU and only you buddy quite awhile to figure that out. Posting in Dallas wouldn't make sense because those dudes actually like to buy pussy and not waste time like most of the fucktards in Houston as you can see from the forum topics. Or you don't? Yeah he doesn't. Your name rings a solid cow bell, we need more cow bell, for me in the category of all talk and no action. You should bunk with grease boy because both of you are cut from the same dirty rag. For the last comment, repeat after me, "PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH." Did this guy experienced a brain fart or what? Ta Daaaaaaaaaaa.

Hey guys,
I'm super new here and I don't know what kind of issues you have but back to the original topic.

Maybe one of the swinger clubs will be willing to host once a month. TMZ is only open on Wed, Fri, & Sat. They could charge a small cover for the guys since it is BYOB. Of course the back rooms prob would be available. There is also Wish's, I've never been but I believe it is open every night. They do serve drinks there since it is not an on premise club.

I'm sure there are many holes in this plan so start shooting.

I have one person on my ignore list.
Now two, out is ironic that they happen to bee the same person.

There's no reason to go to prison for beating some fucktard within an inch of his life, when the problem can be solved with the simple click of a button.

This message is hidden because WolfWhistle is on your ignore list.

That's a good idea River, but there is already a plan in motion. Once you're verified and have someone reputable to vouch for you, we can discuss this further.
I have one person on my ignore list.
Now two, out is ironic that they happen to bee the same person.

There's no reason to go to prison for beating some fucktard within an inch of his life. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat

The funny thing is that the yapping old dog eventually took me off of ignore because he needed the drama. The other comment is just plain ass stupid.
PYRO I will be looking for you. Look for a pimp dressed in red
  • pyro
  • 10-05-2015, 07:03 AM
I got chunks of red pimp in my stool.
Remember you have to say it to me Willis.
My eyes, they don't see too good. Can't read.
Because I'm so feeble, old and slow.
Maybe I might find you first.
Did you ever think of that peaches?
ck1942's Avatar
Interesting, it is, how an inocuous thread on meet and greets can bring out the likers and the dislikers.

So in the spirit of "community," I'll endeavor to share some thoughts. It may take a moment or two.

First off, eccie is a review and advertising and info sharing set of multiple city and state forums.

Generically, those are just electrons, not "communities," imo.

Yes, all may be considered electronic/virtual communities with electronic/virtual personas/members ranging from the very silent to the very vocal and varying shades in between.

As in all real world communities, there exists a power struggle of sorts.

--Those seeking to sway opinion to their pov and

-- Those who could care less about pov, since these latter personas are here merely to observe, or

-- Those who are here to gain information to further their hobbying, or to derive some sort of something else emotionally.

Then we have the real worlds in person members.

In addition to those who seek to engage (usually one on one) in the real world, we also have many who are willing to engage in varying size community groups, usually with zero P4P. (Important to remember that P4P is risky behavior subject to local, state and federal penalties.)

Since 2001, I have been part of all of the above and since 2002 I have been one of many organizers and hosts of RW meet and greets in multiple cities.

Never fails to amaze me the number of nay sayers who rail against the RW community even as said nayers choose never to participate in in the RW groups using their on line nay sayer handles.

And, all to often, these same nay sayers choose only to denigrate, insult and disrespect the virtual and the RW personas who are on and off the board.

But, that is the nay sayer's choice.

The rest of us who are here to have fun and to share both virtually and in person in the real world are doing what we choose to do:

Happy Hobbying!
SweetDulce's Avatar
Well written ck.
A man with a brain is a sexy thing.
First off, eccie is a review and advertising and info sharing set of multiple city and state forums. Originally Posted by ck1942

Except for the above quote, everything else you said in that post is crap.

I got chunks of red pimp in my stool.
Remember you have to say it to me Willis.
My eyes, they don't see too good. Can't read.
Because I'm so feeble, old and slow.
Maybe I might find you first.
Did you ever think of that peaches? Originally Posted by pyro

This seems like such a fun idea.
Captain.Classic's Avatar
I agree. Gotta be selectively and discreetly assembled, though, I'm seeing. Invite only? Haha