Bonemaker Barbie scam artist

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 05-09-2016, 08:45 AM
Every time I read the title of this thread it reminds me of this....... Lol
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Hilarious Originally Posted by NubianPrince
You bumped a four month old thread?
FindumFuccemFleem's Avatar
I constantly tell myself not to get involved with a provider and be taken by one but lo and behold it happened to me. I lost $320 in total from Bonemaker Barbie. I met her a few weeks ago. The first session was a good session and we hit it off pretty well. There was "chemistry" as she put it and I, myself, would have to agree. But soon this "chemistry" was nothing but a con job with Bonemaker Barie at the helm. We would occasionally text and got to know each other that way. I felt very good with Barbie and the rapport was good. One day she texted about needing $100 because her deadbeat ex-bf failed to bring in child support and business was slow and so she had no food for her small child. I was concerned. I normally would blow it off but this girl was special to me. She told me that I would get a free session if I could wire the money to her. I of course wanted to help because I was beginning to fall for this girl. I told her that I would meet her at her place and would give her the cash there. I did and went home later after we hugged and kissed and talked. She looked so miserable and worn down. I felt so bad for her. I thought I was doing the right thing by helping her out. I tried collecting on the free session but she blew me off. I decided to compromise by paying for an hour session but at an half hour rate because I did give her the 100 dollars. She did not agree until I told her that I would pay for a full hour session at regular prices but that she would give me an extra 30 minutes on the house. We met and it was becoming a good session but near to the end she left abruptly after the hour because she felt weird after we tried playing in the tub while the water ran. I later found it, recently, that she does not feel right she will stop what she is doing and take off. I tried talking to her about what she did not give me the full hour and a half and why she left abruptly but she refused communicate. This session was good and we communicated better. I was really falling for this girl. To this day, I don't know why. Nevertheless, I tried contacting her via text and it was difficult to reach her. We finally talked on the phone. She talked a lot about having a relationship with me and what a relationship entails, etc. I was glad to hear her voice. I was already in the sucker mode, big-time. But it was really nice to see a side of Barbie that was intelligent and willing to connect further. The conversation was so amazing and we were just clicking emotionally.

The following day she texted me about needing $200 because she had no food for the kids and her government assistance was not kicking in until next week. She said she would pay me back. I wanted to see her of course because I cared about her and so I drove all the way to Baytown. I did give her the money after we talked and caressed each other in my car. We decided to meet an hour or so later after our car meet (gave her another $20 so that her babysitter mom would be paid). I found a room for us to communicate and to be intimate again. Our time would be more special since we were trying to be a couple. To put it bluntly, she never showed up after numerous text message and phone calls. I was very distraught because the night before we talked about developing trust and open communication. I felt slighted and used again. I was deeply hurt and insulted. I stayed for the evening but got up early to hear from her in text that she was pissed off at me for sending those texts and voice messages and that she couldn't contact me nor meet me at the motel because she was arrested for not having an inspection sticker and some other minor offense in Harris. She bailed out early morning (6:00 AM or earlier). Things fell apart with us fighting and pointing fingers. She tells me to fuck off and that I am done. She says that she doesn't owe me any money at all in spite of sending in text that she would pay me back. I kept texting her and calling her and eventually we begin to discuss reconciling. I of course apologized tenfold. I had to get something to eat and went inside. She gives me a call and wants me to be at a tire place and buy her a new tire for her flat. I questioned why I should buy the tire and she explodes on me. I felt uneasy at this moment. I told her that I could get down there in a jif because I had to finish my plate. She explodes and tells me not to show up. I of course do and she isn't there. The front guy said she left already with the new tire and was pretty incensed. I text and called her again. We argue some more and it wasn't pretty. She said she would pay me back when she can but I can't believe her from what she has told me in the past and how behavior can turn from sweet to absolutely hostile. I told her to pay off the loan, accordingly she says it was a gift and she did not have to, through a session and she said hell no to that. Both of us stuck to our objectives and there was a stalemate. I cooled off. We eventually started to talk again or was it more like her sweet-talking to me. Nevertheless, I gave her a second chance. Stupid that it was but I did so because I had feelings for her and am bit of an optimistic even with the incorrigible. About a week went by of sweet talking and reconciling the differences between each other.

Update: We were suppose to meet this weekend. I suppose we were still a "couple," which really wasn't the case because the girl does not want to talk that much or I have to be in constant pursuit. She tells me that her ex would pick up the kids on a Saturday night but she has to find out if he can get off work for that. I waited patiently but no text or phone call. I even texted and called her for a reply. On Sunday, she gives me an excuse about ex having to work. I confront her about not contacting me yesterday so that I don't have to waste my entire day. She makes an excuse that she fell asleep early with her kids. I asked her when we could spend time together. She says that I can get a room and pay for a session. I lost it then there because why am I paying for a session if we are technically together and earlier she said she did not want me as a client but that she needed help and decent boyfriends help out a starving girlfriend.

I know I am going to get slammed by trolls or what not, but the reason I am posting this is because I don't want any guys to suffer what I have suffered and to lose money over such negativity and manipulation. I still care about Barbie and that is what hurts the most. But I don't know who the real Barbie is and what to believe anymore. I am done with it. DON'T DATE PROVIDERS AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING IT. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
320$ is not a big deal, you can always make more money

She lost a great,loving,caring, giving, considerate, long-winded guy
I bet she hasn't had a good sleep since you cut her off

Hang in there,the right hooker will come along
WillHingarian's Avatar
Heh Originally Posted by Dorthy_Monroe

LOL...... ahh shit...........
TryWeakly's Avatar
I'm glad I wasnt the one that bumped this thread, but I sure am happy happy happy to read it again. Still doesnt get old... LMAO WolfWapist
  • cr76
  • 11-16-2016, 09:47 PM
She's now banned -