new record for Dow Jones

Another subject you obviously know little to nothing about. This talking point comes out when they pull the string on the back of your neck.
Let's test your knowledge on not reading bills. One question should be enough.
Name one congressman who claims they read the whole ACA.
Just one who said they read it.
Don't even bother lying... I mean trying to answer.
A bill contains all the nuts and bolts. If the congressman isn't a lawyer, why would they bother reading somewhere between 2000-3000 pages of legal-ese(that was a rhetorical question)?
That's what they have a staff for. Which includes lots of lawyers.
So last chance to give a lie...I mean a name.
How can you know the specifics when you don't know the basics?
Everyone knows a Trumpy's attention span lasts slightly less than the length of a tweet.

And yes twerker, because I say so.

She pushed OC through without reading it and admitted that she didn't read it before hand.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Dont you need to borrow funds for an option call? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

you can leverage it on what's called .. "margin call". that's where you back your bet on your assets. if you lose .. you lose your assets

or you can just bet the cash only. smarter play .. less risky
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Another subject you obviously know little to nothing about. This talking point comes out when they pull the string on the back of your neck.
Let's test your knowledge on not reading bills. One question should be enough.
Name one congressman who claims they read the whole ACA.
Just one who said they read it.
Don't even bother lying... I mean trying to answer.
A bill contains all the nuts and bolts. If the congressman isn't a lawyer, why would they bother reading somewhere between 2000-3000 pages of legal-ese(that was a rhetorical question)?
That's what they have a staff for. Which includes lots of lawyers.
So last chance to give a lie...I mean a name.
How can you know the specifics when you don't know the basics?
Everyone knows a Trumpy's attention span lasts slightly less than the length of a tweet.

And yes twerker, because I say so. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

is this another munchie post?

what?? no dunning-Kruger reference? kinda gives you away .. doesn't it?

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Dont you need to borrow funds for an option call? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No, not if you have the money to cover.

I can't speak for all brokerage firms but mine charges you extra if you want to play the options game. It's nothing crazy, but it's not free as if I was buying or selling a stock or ETF. The fee is more like if I am buying or selling a mutual fund.

And yes twerker, because I say so.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Oh, come on man. Now you are going to have everyone thinking about LL actually twerking in here. I don't demand apologies but this time it is warranted. Now I'm picturing him breaking a hip twerking while eating Jell-O because of you, dude... sorry, had to go there. It was just too easy to not leave a lame joke alone.
bambino's Avatar
Bambino talks a lot of shit so what he gets back is no harm and no foul as far as I'm concerned.

I believe in the old saying - "don't start none, won't be none". Otherwise, you get what you get and don't go crying about it when you get it by hitting the RTM button.

There is a reason why I have never hit that fucking tattletale button when people insult me, threaten to kill me or kick my ass. It bothers me not... I actually welcome it because I won, and you lost when you do that.

All it means to me is I can get to you, but I can assure you that you can never get to me so don't waste your time trying to do so and I'll take the points because you can't hang. You'll never get any points because of me though and you can bet that shit... I wasn't raised to go cry foul when I'm getting my ass kicked when I started it in the 1st place. Many of you in this forum should follow that simple real man code and stop tattling. That's just simple prison rules folks and I've only had 2 or 3 speeding tickets in my entire life. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I just won. Tobias called me names!!!!!!!
bambino's Avatar
so you claim you made nearly a 100 bagger on Apple? yeah .. you know what that means. overnight. on what amount of principle?

i'm gonna fact check everything you've posted with my broker next week. he's an expert. no i don't consider you one no matter how many pie in the sky returns you claim you've made.

and what do you call "independently wealthy"? are you just another guy claiming he's a millionaire ... on the internet.

asking for my alter ego .. Brad Pitt.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Jesus tap dancing Christ. I turn it in for the night, I wake up and VM is now “independently wealthy” !!!!!!!! He’s giving Lucas a run for his money!!! The worlds your oyster on Eccie.
bambino's Avatar
I will give you some more insight, and then I am done.

I am not a day trader. You are correct most day traders and options traders lose money. I only make these kinds of trades when I see something interesting. Most traders feel they have to trade, and then they wait for some news to come.

I lost around $ 3,000 this week on the cruise line stocks. I thought for sure they would fall after the news of cruises being canceled, and shocking advise from the CDC advising against going on a cruise. But nothing happened.

I made about $ 30,000 earlier this year when news about Peleton and their treadmill issues came out. I bought and sold put options. The stock dropped from 115 to 90.

I became independently wealthy a few years back on an overnight Apple trade. The stock was being divided into different classes of voting and non voting shares. A lot of selling was happening because of this reason, and the stock was declining. A lot of investors only wanted one type of stock, and were selling the other. The day before it was to go into effect, I bought a lot of out of the money call options. The stock shot up the next morning as investment portfolios were being repositioned. I made about 900% return overnight on this trade.

That is all to be shared for this topic.

As for Bambino, I answered his first question about showing how to make $ 40,000. All he does is follow up with a slew of idiotic replies. I am finished with him. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I invested $1000 in Bitcoin in 2010. I’m worth 4.8 BILION dollars today. Top that VM. I can’t wait!!!!

There, I have proof
VitaMan's Avatar
You are redefining the term "loser".
Precious_b's Avatar
are you gonna put any skin in this game or just try to bait us into it?

what u got to bring to the table? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Do you see me comparing fiscal dick size with the others on this thread? As another stated, this has been going on for a LONG TIME!

Sure, that’s a fine idea. Get people on a hooker board from around the country to have a sit down!!!! Brilliant!!! Y’All!!!! Ok, I’m done with listening to retards tonight. Goodnight, Y’all.

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Only the people that I can count on one hand who have been responsible for the last few pages of bragging about such.

And it is a good way to stop those that you insult from doing such.

@Waco, *I* would bet that bambino wouldn't cough up and is just crap talking.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh, come on man. Now you are going to have everyone thinking about LL actually twerking in here. I don't demand apologies but this time it is warranted. Now I'm picturing him breaking a hip twerking while eating Jell-O because of you, dude... sorry, had to go there. It was just too easy to not leave a lame joke alone. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
twerking males???

winn dixie's Avatar
here we go.......
  • Tiny
  • 01-08-2022, 12:57 PM
I want more light sweet oil coming from Texas hitting the refinery. If there is someone else who wants to bring their stuff here, so be it. I like our stuff since it practically needs little in the way of removing impurities.

I don't understand why people will yap about wanting cheap prices and than turn around and make themselves dependent on foreign sources of energy. We already have it here. So, don't worry about those refinery workers. As I stated, the Keystone project was temporary for jobs with building. The destination is already in place with manpower.

And i'll bet you that the oil won't stay underground forever on federal lands.

People making mountains out of molehills and willingly putting the foreign noose around their necks to be dependent on outside energy.

We should use up all the oil fast as possible so as to get to the next sustainable energy resource. There are better uses for oil than just putting it in our gas tanks. Originally Posted by Precious_b
We're both on the same page on this issue, that is we agree on the principles. Please realize a lot of the refining capacity on the U.S. Gulf Coast is for heavier oils, that in large part come from places like Canada, Mexico, and formerly Venezuela. We process it into refined products and export a lot of it. There's no sense turning away that business, that benefits U.S. workers and U.S. companies. I know we're importing less Venezuelan and Mexican heavier crudes, and suspect we've got idle refining capacity as a result. That could have been replaced by crude from Keystone XL.

As to the oil staying underground forever, some of it will if you have a long term moratorium on drilling, and, to a lesser extent, leasing, even though the moratorium is lifted later on.

Part of this is because of what happens at the field level. For example, you might be able to double recovery of oil from a field by drilling injectors or converting producing wells to injection wells for water floods and enhanced recovery projects. But if well bores deteriorate and the producing wells are plugged and abandoned that won't happen.

And it's also true if you look at the bigger picture. The USA has always had high production and a very large number of wells compared to its reserves. This is because of our well developed infrastructure -- gas plants, pipelines, surface facilities, terminals, and finally service companies that provide personnel, supplies and equipment to drill and produce the wells. If you let those deteriorate and have to reconstruct it again, it's very wasteful, obviously. And you'll probably end up leaving oil in the ground that otherwise would be produced.

Now you may say, like valued contributor WTF, that I'm being paranoid. But you put the Progressives in power of the presidency and Congress for about 10 or 15 years, and this will happen. Or worse. They want to ban fracking. That would take our production to a fraction of the current level in a couple of years.
bambino's Avatar
You are redefining the term "loser". Originally Posted by VitaMan
You’re the one boasting about yourself on a hooker board. The definition of a loser.
VitaMan's Avatar
You redefine loser with every post.

I wonder what your background and life experience has been that has led you to be what you are. You are in your 60s now.
bambino's Avatar
You redefine loser with every post.

I wonder what your background and life experience has been that has led you to be what you are. You are in your 60s now. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Much better than yours.