Truth - Will Set Ya Free

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Storming the Capitol, breaking into the barricaded speakers lobby, and being shot by police who were trying to protect members of congress, because you were under the spell of a con man cult leader, is a lot different than crossing the border of the country trying to make a better life for yourself through hard work. Furthermore, she's the only one who was killed. These people are advocating immediately shooting everyone who tries to illegally cross the southern border. For your analogy to hold up we'd have to have a few thousand delusional angry cult members shot on embarrassing day, Jan 6.

This analogy was about as bad as the one I always hear, "wHy dONt You lET thE ILLeGALS liVE iN YOUr hoUSE?!" Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Her crime was trespassing. For that you get a small fine and pick up used rubbers in the park for 20 hours.
HDGristle's Avatar
Her crime was trespassing. For that you get a small fine and pick up used rubbers in the park for 20 hours. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
So we agree it was a non-violent offense she shouldn't have been shot over.

She did breach a barrier. She didn't belong there. She did break the law. Right?

Was she warned to leave?
bambino's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
Sure, Bam. You believe some interesting shit you find on the internet
bambino's Avatar
Sure, Bam. You believe some interesting shit you find on the internet Originally Posted by HDGristle
So do you Mr Gristle
HDGristle's Avatar
Zandra would have loved this convo
... Look at this Gristle fellow, Bam...

Reading-thru all me olde posts here like Jack-the-Lad.

Not sure if I should considour THAT flattering --- or creepy?

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
No, Z and me went way back. She used to give me shit for not voting for Obama while working me over in that dimly lit bedroom full of animal prints.

But the more you riled her up the hotter the mouth action. Politics was great. Missing a turn during the turn-by-turn on her poorly marked "hidden driveway" also would put a chip on her shoulder.

This thread would have been great. She was fun and she really hated Trump.
bambino's Avatar
No, Z and me went way back. She used to give me shit for not voting for Obama while working me over in that dimly lit bedroom full of animal prints.

But the more you riled her up the hotter the mouth action. Politics was great. Missing a turn during the turn-by-turn on her poorly marked "hidden driveway" also would put a chip on her shoulder.

This thread would have been great. She was fun and she really hated Trump. Originally Posted by HDGristle
Yeah, she was a miserable person. I could see why. She was taller laying down than standing up. But something miraculous happened. She turned into a conservative and she became a much happier person. The truth will set you free.
... You're so right, Bambino. ...

She surely was champion at arguing - and giving her opinion.

But a year into Trump's Presidency - she started to see
many of Hillary's outright lies all begin to unravel
- and she started to See the Light!

Zandra became a great supporter of the lot o' Conservative posts
'round the forums ... ...

She started to understand that Trump aint the problem.
The horribly CORRUPT Deep State is.

And of course - the Durham Report surely confirmed that.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
There is something massive they are hiding. Whenever the left throws up all this chaff, you know there’s something afoot. “Gender” nonsense, trillion dollar “reparations,” all the fake hysteria is designed to distract from something big and truly bad.
bambino's Avatar
Attorney Olsen: "Kari Lake & Katie Hobbs was decided by 17,117. That is out of 2.59 million votes, a difference of .6%. The number of ballots at issue whether the court were to set aside for illegality, the 70,000, the 274,000...

Your honor, the election was unlawful."

Kari Lake (Twitter)
HDGristle's Avatar
Jacqueline Onigkeit blew that shit out of the wayer, Bam
bambino's Avatar
Jacqueline Onigkeit blew that shit out of the wayer, Bam Originally Posted by HDGristle
“Wayer”? How????? Me thinks you’ve had a few too many. BTW who is this person you’re speaking about? Onigheit? Who the fuck is she?
HDGristle's Avatar
Well, it was a typo. Sausage fingers near the t hit y turn water into wayer. You're also of the chubby variety.

As for her, she was also Lake's first witness.

In a case where Lake has to produce proof of a lack of signature verification, her very first witness was a great one. For the county. As she confirmed all the stuff done to verify signatures