Rush Limbaugh acts like a prick, woman recieves call from Obama

Randy4Candy's Avatar
No we don't. I can't think of even one that wonders. It's pretty obvious.

I can't get access to the article from here. I'd sure want to know the context rush said it in. But i honestly wouldn't be surprised if he were... Most commentators have a super asshole switch they turn on frequently. Left, right or indifferent they all turn into dicks. (except for one) Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Convenient out, that - "they all turn into dicks." Not bad, coming from a tea-pahr-taying tool of the Koch (Cock) Bros. You and the rest of the TB's really ought to be able to find a better sponsor than those two assholes to fund and feed your delusions of impact.
Doove's Avatar
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  • 03-05-2012, 07:04 PM
Doofe, you clearly don't understand the term "straw man". That is simply a fact.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A woman testifies as to the medical reasons that the contraceptive pill should be mandated into health care plans for everyone, and you turn it into this:

"The real issue is people wanting others to pay for their contraception. It's bullshit. First, go to a less expensive law school (Georgetown is $48K+ per year). Cut back on cell phone and internet, and/or eating out. In fact, eating out is a great way to save on contraception."

That might not fit your definition of a straw man, but i think it pretty clearly fits the definition of a straw man. More so than all the analogies that you point to as being straw man arguments.

You're single-handedly changing my opinion of lawyers.
He now has had 3 stations drop him one of which is the AFN, and more to follow. This just gets better with his non apology "apology"..lmao
AOL dropping the "drugster" is huge! I hear the number of sponsors jumping ship is now up to 13!

Lush Bimbo is in FREE FALL! He may have a parachute but he is definitely in free fall!
Lush Bimbo is in FREE FALL! He may have a parachute but he is definitely in free fall! Originally Posted by Little Stevie
TheDaliLama's Avatar
He has 5 more sponsers standing in line for every one that drops out.

He has 5 more sponsers standing in line for every one that drops out.

Fools. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Do you really believe Rush would have tucked his tail between his legs and apologized if he had 5 "more sponsers standing in line for every one that drops out?"

Perhaps one of the new sponsors lives in the Penthouse Suite of the Palace Inn?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A woman testifies as to the medical reasons that the contraceptive pill should be mandated into health care plans for everyone, and you turn it into this:

"The real issue is people wanting others to pay for their contraception. It's bullshit. First, go to a less expensive law school (Georgetown is $48K+ per year). Cut back on cell phone and internet, and/or eating out. In fact, eating out is a great way to save on contraception."

That might not fit your definition of a straw man, but i think it pretty clearly fits the definition of a straw man. More so than all the analogies that you point to as being straw man arguments.

You're single-handedly changing my opinion of lawyers. Originally Posted by Doove
Excuse me, Doofe. Isn't wanting mandated contraception coverage wanting someone else to pay for their contraception? Your drooling support for everything Obama is getting out of hand. I think you need help.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-05-2012, 09:21 PM
In would be shocked if Rush gets dropped from the airwaves. I have no idea where the tipping point is but there is no way to spin his apology as a good thing. That 5 sponsors are waiting in the wings for everyone that leaves sounds like pure spin.
He has 5 more sponsers standing in line for every one that drops out. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I assume you meant sponsors.

Sure, Dalilama! Name some waiting in line! (we'll expect that 5 to 1 ratio to be the threshold, too! Let's see 13 X 5 = 65 sponsors waiting in line.)

LMAO! Maybe he can coax a few back in several months when things cool down. I'm thinking he'll be temporarily off the air using the excuse of some sort of a fake vacation to keep a low profile until he can get back some of them and they'll have to be very brave ones (suicidal if you ask me). The RNC, the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers might try it but they'll hide it in an Anonymous PAC.

Even Don Imus condemned him!


Hey, I forgot this doesn't count the gold dealers that had to drop out for a different reason (they are being investigated for fraud) and who were a mainstay for the Righty Talkers. What bastions of honesty!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You people are idiots. Rush is not. If I were a betting man, I'd bet on Rush. I don't like him, but he is an entertainer, and one of the best.

There is one reason, and one reason only, that businesses advertise on Rush. They make money. Dropping Rush may just backfire, as described in this article.

If you fools think it is over for Rush, you are as delusional as I think you are.
Do you really believe Rush would have tucked his tail between his legs and apologized if he had 5 "more sponsers standing in line for every one that drops out?"

Perhaps one of the new sponsors lives in the Penthouse Suite of the Palace Inn? Originally Posted by bigtex
More unsubstantiated rhetoric! Do you ever take a day off to sober up or to get your meds regulated?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I assume you meant sponsors.

LMAO! Maybe he can coax a few back in several months when things cool down. I'm thinking he'll be temporarily off the air using the excuse of some sort of a fake vacation to keep a low profile until he can get back so face and a few brave (suicidal if you ask me). The RNC, the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers might try it but they hide it in an Anonymous PAC.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
You did manage to correct most of your errors.
LMAO! Maybe he can coax a few back in several months when things cool down. I'm thinking he'll be temporarily off the air using the excuse of some sort of a fake vacation to keep a low profile until he can get back some of them, and they'll have to be very brave ones (suicidal if you ask me). The RNC, the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers might try it, but they'll hide it in an Anonymous PAC. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-06-2012, 04:23 AM
Excuse me, Doofe. Isn't wanting mandated contraception coverage wanting someone else to pay for their contraception?
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No more so than it is you wanting someone else to pay for your colonoscopy. It's called insurance. Perhaps you should read up on it.

And it's certainly not about girls going to law school, having cell phone and internet bills, and how often they might eat out.

Let me ask, and i made this point in the Upstate NY area, if there were a vaccine that would protect you from a 9 month medical condition that you wanted to avoid......what would be wrong with insurance companies paying for it?

Say what you want about whether this prevention or that prevention should be covered by insurance. But if you don't get the fact that this is about a whole lot more than girls being able to slut around, then you got no right to sit there and whine about what the sandbox has turned into.