Bareback Full Sex (BBFS) Who does it?

ToriStarr's Avatar
I assume you know of the seroconversion period:

Nothing personal, it's just important to keep in mind, and another aspect that makes me :smh:, because if someone is really active, testing needs to be monthly or more often.

Keep playing safe babe! Hope to play with someday. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Yes I do know thank you
Regular testing is important, that's why I do it, always have even before providing, got in the habit in high school when hubby cheated on me lol, I've always been paranoid in regards to my health. This was just my first time to that clinic, I had always used my primary before, but I liked the clinic better so I plan on going there from now on.
I look forward to seeing you someday as well
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
welcome to your chosen career ms lane ...enjoy!
LMAO. Originally Posted by CLAMCHOWDER2000
ya that is good
But I think post #147 is funnier
maybe just me
This is how I look at this..
Odds are, if you have some wine and drive home you probably will make it.. But there is a decent enough chance that you will crash in to a car. Kill someone. Get a DUI. Go to jail. Lose everything that you and, if you have one, your family have ever worked for.

Unprotected sex - odds are you'll be ok. But the risk of impregnating someone or giving or receiving something that you really just don't want... Are they really worth it?

If they are - whatever. Who am I to tell you otherwise.. But if you do choose to live that dangerous, count me out. I gave up drinking and unprotected sex before I had to face any of that. I gave it up because I realized that I am not invincible. I also don't text while I drive. I do a lot of things that others think are wreckless, so who am I to judge what you choose to do. Just please let me know when you ask to meet so I can decline meeting. Plenty of ladies in to it, so just go find them.

Edit: you wouldn't want me telling you that I do certain activities then show up and me say, haha just kidding. So don't do it to me.
You gotta appreciate the love between the ladies. :-*
moneytalksny's Avatar
Just please let me know when you ask to meet so I can decline meeting. Plenty of ladies in to it, so just go find them Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
We share a similar sentiment but had to say I don't think you have much to worry about at $300 / hr .
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You gotta appreciate the love between the ladies. :-* Originally Posted by Howdy Do Me
its always, "not me, its that other provider"
sometimes that is even true
We share a similar sentiment but had to say I don't think you have much to worry about at $300 / hr . Originally Posted by moneytalksny
Can you clarify? I take this as you are saying my rates are too high. Is that what you are saying? Or something else that I'm not quite understanding from Mr. Retired?

Edit: I will just reply to this as that is what you meant. Big sale at JC Penneys and a good deal at VS that I have to get to before the mall closes..

I guess the wifi at your retirement home could be updated so you could have some extra mb to read ads. My rates in buffalo are 250/150. I updated my showcase just for you. You must be able to see that I am not from here so my showcase shows my hometown. Yes? Anyway, why are you discussing rates period? Much less on a post that has nothing to do with rates? I guess bingo is over. It's ok, they should be passing out pudding shortly.

(P.s. I am a super nice and chill lady. Very few things irritate me. I do not tell you who to see, so I cannot stand it when someone tells me something about how I do my business.)
moneytalksny's Avatar
Can you clarify? I take this as you are saying my rates are too high. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
No.. your rates are fine but they are cost prohibitive to quite a few fellow hobbyist.

I guess the wifi at your retirement home could be updated so you could have some extra mb to read ads. My rates in buffalo are 250/150. I updated my showcase just for you. You must be able to see that I am not from here so my showcase shows my hometown. Yes? Anyway, why are you discussing rates period? Much less on a post that has nothing to do with rates? I guess bingo is over. It's ok, they should be passing out pudding shortly. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Thanks for updating your ad. $250/hr is muuuch better.

I'm only joking around with you. I generally stay out of all this shit but I've been pretty bored lately.

(P.s. I am a super nice and chill lady. Very few things irritate me. I do not tell you who to see, so I cannot stand it when someone tells me something about how I do my business.) Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
All that from one little
I'm not telling you how to run your business. Do what you need to do! I hope is going well for you.

Do you offer senior citizens discounts? Is there an upcharge for BB?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-27-2014, 03:00 PM
No.. your rates are fine but they are cost prohibitive to quite a few fellow hobbyist.

Thanks for updating your ad. $250/hr is muuuch better.

I'm only joking around with you. I generally stay out of all this shit but I've been pretty bored lately.

All that from one little
I'm not telling you how to run your business. Do what you need to do! I hope is going well for you.

Do you offer senior citizens discounts? Is there an upcharge for BB? Originally Posted by moneytalksny
Some people just seem so.......conflicted.
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man says...

before diving into a nasty hooktard
cover thy old jimmie rod

Money talks - you're bored? Go outside. It's not raining.
No, that's ok.. Just do your minimal amount of starting unnecessary drama on an escort board. Aren't there other topics where men discuss what women should and shouldn't charge? I'm sure I have seen one here and there...

Funny, men can say what they want but a woman defends it?

All is going great. I have met some great men. I love the local mall. I have had some amazing wings. First time ever having wing dip, I think that's what it's called.. Going to go to the Canadian side of the Falls tonight..

Just don't understand any unnecessary jabs. But I guess some do.. Who am I to say it's a waste of time.
moneytalksny's Avatar
Some people just seem so.......conflicted. Originally Posted by Doove
and illogical...
moneytalksny's Avatar
plastic man says...

before diving into a nasty hooktard
cover thy old jimmie rod

Originally Posted by Plastic Man
A wise man once said..
before diving into a nasty hooktard
cover thy old jimmie rod

Now we got some haiku!
cowboy8055's Avatar
cowboy, lol youre not getting it, I like your posts normally agree with you, damn risk goes down yes, way do wn, hmm don't know

All that article points out is that hyprocitical nature of posters about bbbfs but do daty. Originally Posted by bjwstw
All I was saying is that two highest risk groups for contracting HIV from are needle users and gay men. I am fully aware you can get it other ways.
MountainGoat's Avatar
lol cause you sooooooo different than the rest of us

