Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

oilfieldscum's Avatar
Is it a poor analogy? Are you saying that you could not see yourself posting a question like ivan did? Again.... Re read the first post. Read it with zero tone & tell me where you couldn't see anyone, even yourself, posing a question just like that. Again, perhaps the one word in the title could be changed, or perhaps he was playing on DH's sandbox thread or whatever..... But the core context is one devoid of drama and uncivility....... If he puts BBW in the title instead of whale does that change the entire complexion of the thread?

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
The OP wasn't the problem at all. It was the title....

Whales, Spinners & Mucho Dollars City

So breaking it down I get fat gals, little gals, and in general hookers charge too much in Houston.

But that's just my take and what do I know. Maybe other people think it means something positive like raining money on big and little gals.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Well.... For arguments sake...... Why associate it with the 2nd part of the title and not the 3rd?

Rich guys, little gals, and big money.......? Maybe, Like I have been saying, it was a play on the "Whale Wars" thread...... But the fact that it was almost immediately derailed and focused on that single precieved slant, will not let us know what the true nature of the thread was to be....

Funny enough..... You would be surprised by not only the rate increase of the number of hits to the Houston forum, but the influx of new membership as well....... Just saying.....

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Wonder why those many new members don't want to post. I do believe we get lurkers, they look and CHOOSE not to join the discussions. They CHOOSE not to post or do reviews because of responses these 5 or 6 give. Really I still say get rid of the rude, no mannor, raised in a barn people and we will get more feedback from new members, people who don't wanna get jumped for posting. Its a simple fix!
Yall got a whole fucking sticky about the NBA being racist or preference. WTF??? If it weren't a big deal, and nobody cared it wouldn't be a permanent sticky!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
It does not matter what discussion board you are a part of, Lurkers will make up the majority of the population...... Just so you know.....

Again..... As noted in the other thread, who's definition of "rude, no mannered, raised in a barn people" do we use for this quick fix?

Not sure where NBA came into any of this...... But ok......

Its not about NBA, but did that strike a cord with you? Its about racist, and similar hate names! Whale, fat hog, elephant, and whatever else is gonna come up next are hate names! I try to be civil, but when others provoke and I'm not then it becomes a problem? You do not find bigger girls attractive, so you don't care. Perhaps you feel us called a whale is funny?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Nope. Struck no cord w/me.... It was just completely off topic...... And once again.... For the record..... When any of your "Hate Names" have the centuries of oppression, etc... Like THOSE.... Then we will have a worthwile argument. My preference in women has absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand..... May be a good time to back away from the keyboard just a bit, take a deep breath, and reread some of this......

Wakeup's Avatar
JaD...we appreciate your attempts to answer questions and comments. I would suggest that you not waste your breath any more. The only resolution these people will accept is to see me banned entirely, or issued points for every post they don't agree with until my point limit bans me anyway.

My opinion is, you moderators do what you have to do with this so-called "issue". I'll accept anything that comes my way, as I have always been prepared to do. It's obvious that I'm much more willing to accept any punishment deemed necessary than these people are willing to accept the perceived lack of punishment concerning me.

Do what you have to do and let this end...one way or the other...Houston no longer cares...
teenieweenie's Avatar
Is the term "cumslut" derogatory? I think it's pretty offensive.....Just saying.
JaD...we appreciate your attempts to answer questions and comments. I would suggest that you not waste your breath any more. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I agree, it would appear (after having numerous posts spelled out for her), that Amy seems to have trouble comprehending, and therefore no matter how much sense you may be making or however valid a point may be, you may as well be speaking to a boulder.
Is the term "cumslut" derogatory? I think it's pretty offensive.....Just saying. Originally Posted by teenieweenie
Cumslut is right on with this board sweety. If not for cum we would be out of work!
teenieweenie's Avatar
But cumslut? You like being called that?
dearhunter's Avatar
Free the whales........then, this thread can be about spinners and mucho money...........sweeeeeet
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I sort of like cumsluts, it is just so nasty in the right kind of way.
I especially like the cumsluts that cums like a cumslut should cum.
teenieweenie's Avatar
But if I called a random girl a cumslut I would most likely get a slap in the face. So....it's better to be called a cumslut as opposed to being called a whale?