Laney1 is the best I've ever seen. Really! eyes!!!
Dude I can't believe you clicked it. I was just gonna wait till Rocker Rick clicked it so I could ask him what it said. hahaha

Are you around here? Come over!
I would Luzy...but I'm exhausted. I stayed up all night with Big Papa II at the nursing home. I didn't sleep at all last night!!

True love.. Whatdaya gonna do?!
Dude I can't believe you clicked it. I was just gonna wait till Rocker Rick clicked it so I could ask him what it said. hahaha

Are you around here? Come over! Originally Posted by LuzMarie
I know better than to click on links from Carl . LOL !
Fool me once ............. Now that I know you're getting your info from me , this should get interesting !
Curiosity on Carl's link got the better of me....yeah, I wish it hadn't.....lesson learned.

I threw up a little in my mouth....but you know, in some cultures, they only eat vomit! I've never been there but I read about a book!
knotty man's Avatar bastard!!!
what is seen cannot be unseen
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 11-28-2012, 04:01 PM
Wow. For people who arguably spend a significant fraction of the lives on-line, you whiny little crybabies don't seem to be up to speed on your current internet memes. It's long been common knowledge among the internet cool kids what a "lemon party" is. You should consider spending some of your on-line time on other sites so you can keep abreast of what's going on in the world at large instead of focusing solely on SHMBs.

Seriously, I'll bet y'all are still getting Rickrolled. The key to finding peace of mind is balance.
Peace of mind... Balance?! I'm still having trouble seeing straight!! lol
MARTlAN's Avatar
I Don't get it, I clicked on link and didn't see anything wrong, just 2 friends trying to resuscitate their ill friend...

Is that the typical, woman's 28 day limited availability?

or more of a 6 month limited availability like a McRib?

A player's gotta mug a lotta department store Santas to scrape up a whole G. That shit takes time. Originally Posted by Joel Goodson

Sorry...I actually meant my 1 hr GFE session was only available for a limited time only. I prefer longer more intimate sessions. So I'll only be offering 2 hr sessions and overnights pretty soon.

Hey, I heard you just did a two hour session with a guy and he loved it. But some crazy bulldog was complaining that you should have given him more time for the RIDICULOUS rate of yours!! eyes still hurt. Why does there always have to be someone spewing their nonsense. Silly, silly men. The truth is I spent WAY MORE time than two hours with that particular client because I wanted too. Out of respect for me...and not wanting others to try to take advantage of my kindness he only stated that the session was 2 hours because that is what he paid for. He never asked or expected more time. I'm telling you...being a gentleman earns you big points in my book. Might even earn you an EXTRA Hour!!!

So .
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
But some crazy bulldog was complaining that you should have given him more time for the RIDICULOUS rate of yours!!
You could have quoted me Leslie. I'm the Bulldog who said that comment in a review of you. I've got nothing to hide, and I'll be happy to say it again: "For that ridiculous rate, you think a bit more flexibility on time would have been extended to you... " It is just an opinion Leslie, and one based on a review of the lad's investment, both monetary and in time. My comment had nothing to do with you as a person, nor did I violate any ECCIE rules expressing my opinion, or disparage the reviewer for his choice in entertainment. My comment was about time and money; nothing else, so I don't know why you and your chihuahua are so bent out of shape over it.
I have no white knights...and I don't need any.

But if you're going to comment that I'm not gracious or take my clients into consideration...then you should at least have the facts. That's all. And the fact is...I spent an extra 2hours with Prazer. Not because I had to... But because I am grateful that he was a complete gentleman and I enjoyed conversing with him. How many other providers that are charging the same as me doing that? I'd venture to say...not many.

*I recently had a client-regular who saw a high end girl. $700 for two hours...he left after 35 minutes and she had the audacity to ask him for a tip. He texted me saying how grateful he was for me and that he was kicking himself for not waiting to see me in two weeks. Now..if I was that kind of girl, I'd understand the venom always being spewed my way. But I am the total opposite.

I know some of you would like to think I'm this stuck up diva with golden pu**y syndrome. If you met me, you would know I'm anything but that.
So free sessions for everyone!!! Just kidding. I know I'm not everyones cup of tea.. And that's ok. That's the beauty of the hobby. Variety. But why pile on someone for no good reason? I don't understand that. But that's my hang up.
Hey Leslie, great welcome wagon thread. It worked for me, been around for years and never heard of you!! You crack me up with your humor! Not sure what has happened in the past but not everybody is for everybody...
I'm sure your donation is worth it to those that have seen you and continue to do so, my regulars are because we click. I wish I was in your league. Maybe one day! Unless you accept a payment plan or loose jewels... I can also bring u one of those raised toilet seats if that will help until u get your hip replacement. Wish u the best in life and may the best in life find everybody. Great thread!
Oh. Please post more pics of your bad hip!