YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

  • BDD
  • 08-12-2015, 08:29 AM
And you have admitted to seeing her a FEW times yourself . Originally Posted by D.G.
Really? Provide a link in this thread please.... Find one and I will publicly apologize on the board.

And thank you for turning on spell check. Not one single misspelled word in that post. That may be a first for you. I haven't read all your posts, but that was the first one I have read with all the wurds smelled correctly.
  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 08:47 AM
I dont need the public acknowledgement of your ignorance but all the same you are welcome .
  • BDD
  • 08-12-2015, 08:58 AM
My apologies to YummyMarie. Sorry for the detour caused by D.G.'s unfounded accusations. I am looking forward to your next musings. Getting back on track ....
  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 09:02 AM
What accusation ? I asked a couple of questions which still no one has yet to answer . Two people immediately jumped and asked a question about some one else not related to my own questions . So who jumped on the accusation train again .
No, that is not a picture of TummyMarie's MummyTummy...

You would see the beginnings of vajazzle-ment starting at the bikini line if it were...

  • D.G.
  • 08-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Gay uniccorn ?
Her stomach doesnt look like the cratered dark side of the moon . Now if you would like to prove me wrong with a CURRENT picture then be my guest . Current as in the last two months . Not something from January or later . Originally Posted by D.G.
I wouldn't dare... If anyone wanted to see a pic of that cow they would have posted it by now... alas, no one has. Who am I to make others lose lunch? Because you (as you just admitted) and I know she was gross before Jan and 9/10 she's still a swamp monster now.

Question should be: Why are you harassing this girl in her own sticky? You don't have better things to do?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
No, D.G., simply vajazzle-ment. And in this case, YM's.
And that's to be expected as she's clearly been adopted by a unicorn. How else could YM weave, and play, in the fantasies she creates? Seriously, note that King Midas' daughter, Princess Penelope, had a unicorn, so it's indisputable that they exist. And yes, they eat vajazzlized glittery unicorn food.

So, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Her stomach doesnt look like the cratered dark side of the moon . Originally Posted by D.G.
How about the Crab Nebula?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-12-2015, 01:29 PM
...and yet, this thread is 114 pages and your are still here reading it...are you an archaeologist per chance? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
It is 114 pages because someone did you a favor and made it a sticky. Do not get a big head and think it is anything other than that.Ask them to remove the sticky and see how many more pages this progresses. Your head id getting to big for your sticky!

I'm now musing in this muther fucker ... nothing in the guidelines about me not doing that.So deal with it Ms threAD.
herfacechair's Avatar
If a woman makes me live up to my username perfectly, it's going to be impossible for me to see a mommy tummy. Originally Posted by herfacechair

I do not find this sexually stimulating.

STRAW MAN Originally Posted by WTF
As usual, WTF persistently doesn’t understand what he reads in a post prior to responding to it. And, as usual, I have to step in and take his post apart via a fact check.

First, I thought I was replying to the other thread, not this one. I could’ve sworn that I clicked the link for the other thread.

Second, think about the meaning of that statement.

Nowhere in that statement did I imply or explicitly state that I found that [mommy tuck] sexually stimulating. Anybody that has been hobbying for a while, I’ve been doing so for over a quarter of a century, will not see many of a providers “less advertised features” until the remainder of the clothing come off.

What then? In the vast majority of the cases where I’ve found myself in this situation, there was still enough “attractiveness” about the provider to continue the session. If she made me live up to my username real good, the mommy tuck was no issue.

Maybe many of you men that do are wired like a woman.
STRAW MAN Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong, just as you were wrong in our previous arguments. If I were “wired” like a woman, I wouldn’t take yet another opportunity to fact check your commentary ad infinitum, the way I’m doing it here, continuing a trend that spans years.

Also, your implication that “I” found that attractive is nothing but a strawman, and doesn’t factor into account my username, and what I have to find as one of the attractive assets before I contact a provider.

The human sexual response cycle, sexual desire, activities, satisfaction, and physical and mental responses in men and women are different. Men usually feel sexual satisfaction during sexual activity and are more prone to physical attraction, whereas women are more affected by the environment and emotions related to the sexual partner or sexual fantasy in terms of sexual satisfaction Men generally respond to visual sexual stimuli, such as attractive nude or erotic pictures, or erotic films. Women respond differently to the same sexual stimuli. Some women feel repulsed by muscular, erotic male photos, and some are sexually attracted by emotional or lingual stimulation. In other words, men are more sexually aroused by visual stimuli, but women are more sexually aroused by concrete, auditory, olfactory, touch and emotionally relevant sexual stimulation.
]STRAW MAN Originally Posted by WTF
Let me explain what a strawman is.

Person “A” advances statement “X.”

Person “B” advances statement “Y,” a warped version of statement “X.”

Person “B” claims that “X” is wrong, then erroneously attributes that conclusion to the statement and/or to the author of that statement.

My statement was clearly from the standpoint of my user name. Mainly, that women that theoretically made me live up to my username the way I liked, would make me forget their “tummy tucks” if they had one.

Your response? You jumped on here, barely understanding what you were reading… but driven by “hurting still/past animosity” because of the past arguments where I took you apart consistently, ad infinitum… You advanced a strawman erroneously categorizing me based on your misunderstanding of my post.

Or, you couldn’t move on from the previous arguments we had, so you couldn’t avoid another opportunity to take a swing.

Again, any hobbyist in the hobby would know, and experience, situations where what they saw in the photo wasn’t completely the case during a face to face. Reality kicks in and you determine whether she has enough overall attractiveness to continue on or not.

Even you would’ve had that experience, despite what you claim here:


If I'm paying , I look for this...
Originally Posted by WTF
First, the most expensive woman you’re going to have is your wife, if not wife, girlfriend. Based on this fact, you’re telling us that every woman that you’ve ever been with had a stomach similar to what you show in the picture.

Based on what you said elsewhere on this website, I don’t believe that.

Second, if you hobbied, then every woman that you had a session with looked like that. Judging by the mismatch between what you read, and what you ultimately type, there’s an excellent chance that you too have easily came across a situation where you had less than what you labeled as perfect… unless these women were willing to flash you in exchange for a session with you. I doubt it.

I’ve also asked you “YES/NO” questions, in our previous arguments, that you continue to refuse to answer. As long as you’re going to continue to take swipes at me, I’m holding you accountable to answering those questions.

Since I’ve saved my replies to you from those previous arguments, finding those questions, and reposting them on a future reply, would be an easy thing to do.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2015, 07:57 AM

Also, your implication that “I” found that attractive is nothing but a strawman, and doesn’t factor into account my username, and what I have to find as one of the attractive assets before I contact a provider.

Second, if you hobbied, then every woman that you had a session with looked like that. ] Originally Posted by herfacechair
Either you find a mommy tummy attractive or not. I do not. Most men will not admit it but they too do not. Hell most women that have it do not find it attractive!

Second , there were a few that didn't look like the hot chick i went to bed with .... after i sobered up! Hell I've even had a few that immediately did not look as good the minute junior wtf was finished cumming on that mommy tummy....but Jesus man i have never been pussy'd whipped enough to try and convince a whole community that the mommy tummy i just spray painted was now a Picasso!

Some of you act as if a woman getting you off is a minor miracle. Mother Teresa could have gotten me off but i wouldn't be trying to convince the whole community how fucking wonderful she looks. Look bud the older i have gotten, the picker i have become. I have left many a appointment when what answered the door did not look as advertised.

If you like mommy tummies...more power to you!
  • BDD
  • 08-13-2015, 08:37 AM
Damn! Such hostility and anger. And I thought this thread was all about YummyMarie and vajazzle-mentness.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Damn! Such hostility and anger. And I thought this thread was all about YummyMarie and vajazzle-mentness. Originally Posted by BDD
But also Unicorns, Castles and adorkableness.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-13-2015, 10:10 AM
Damn! Such hostility and anger. And I thought this thread was all about YummyMarie and vajazzle-mentness. Originally Posted by BDD
No hostility or anger here...just musing in a musing thread. . . or is Yummy the only one allowed to muse?