Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Chung Tran's Avatar

The House voted 229-198-1 to impeach Trump on obstruction of Congress. Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine) split his vote, voting “no” on this article and “yes” on the first. The other Democrats to vote no were Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-N.J.), the latter of whom is about to switch parties.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Cowards.. that Van Drew is a heretic.. bull shitter claimed to be a Republican.. my ass he was. he kept us from being 100% united, Fucker wanted to stick it to Trump, and be the one holdout.
Cowards.. that Van Drew is a heretic.. bull shitter claimed to be a Republican.. my ass he was. he kept us from being 100% united, Fucker wanted to stick it to Trump, and be the one holdout. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You gotta work on the schtick, Drew united with Republicans who were 100% no votes.
lustylad's Avatar
I know your little feelings are hurt about your messiah being crucified but don’t forget this.... I told you so Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're an idiot. Nobody regards trumpy as a messiah. Only lib-retards like you look for saviors among your corrupt political class.

It's a real hoot for you to think he's been "crucified" lol. That's what you'd like to believe. In the real world of raw knuckle grass-roots politics, trumpy will embrace the scarlet "I" letter you think you tainted him with. He will make your dim-retard misconduct a centerpiece of his 2020 campaign, and ride the wave of a strong economy + resentment of the hateful, gloating, supercilious, do-nothing, impeachment-obsessed Pelosi nay-sayers to a re-election victory next November.

rexdutchman's Avatar
I love the obstruction charge --- he wouldn't play nice or fall on is sword for them ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Jaxson66's Avatar
You're an idiot. Nobody regards trumpy as a messiah. Only lib-retards like you look for saviors among your corrupt political class.

It's a real hoot for you to think he's been "crucified" lol. That's what you'd like to believe. In the real world of raw knuckle grass-roots politics, trumpy will embrace the scarlet "I" letter you think you tainted him with. He will make your dim-retard misconduct a centerpiece of his 2020 campaign, and ride the wave of a strong economy + resentment of the hateful, gloating, supercilious, do-nothing, impeachment-obsessed Pelosi nay-sayers to a re-election victory next November.

BAAAHAHAHAHAHA!! Originally Posted by lustylad
The fucking trump party compared the trial of that Jesus guy to trump’s impeachment on the House floor yesterday and the fat lying bastard himself made a remark at his rally last night about his persecution like Jesus.

Sounds like your party is worshiping a demigod.

But, but, but, the Durham report is coming cry the trumptards
rexdutchman's Avatar
I just wonder what history is gonna say about this crap one way or the other,,,?
Jaxson66's Avatar
Senators have a duty to keep an open mind on impeachment

The Constitution specifically provides that when the Senate is trying an impeachment, senators “shall be on Oath or Affirmation.” Senate rules adopted in 1868 for the trial of President Andrew Johnson prescribe the oath that all senators will take: “to do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws.”

Moscow Mitch will wave to oath so the trump party won’t have to swear to God. That way they can whitewash the trial without having to worry about being hit with lightning bolts at the next Klan rally.
  • oeb11
  • 12-19-2019, 09:21 AM
Just as the Schiff/Nadler shows were fair and open-minded non-partisan.

Hypocrite DPST.
The new DPST narrative is they cannot get a "fair" Senate trial because all the Republican Senators have their mind made up. And the DPST Senators are not already lock-stepped into 'Guilty" votes for Trump????

The hypocrisy - of DPST's planning impeachment for 3 years, is mind-boggling.

BTW - it is the DPST's who object to "Merry Christmas" greetings, and christian faith/oaths/swearing on the Bible.

Conveniently dismissing that -J666???
Enjoy you Impeachment Day.

It will be short lived.
Chung Tran's Avatar
You gotta work on the schtick, Drew united with Republicans who were 100% no votes. Originally Posted by eccielover
get it right, Jack.. that turncoat is still a Fake Democrat pretending to be a Republican.

You're an idiot. Nobody regards trumpy as a messiah. Only lib-retards like you look for saviors among your corrupt political class.
Originally Posted by lustylad
absolutely! DJT is the greatest fucking President the Land of the Free has ever known, but he is still fallible. the Dimshits worship Sanders and Warren, they make more promises than Christ did when he promised ever-lasting life, which the Dimshits reject, of course. they would rather have ever-lasting MONEY from the Socialists, who reach into ours, and our Grandchildren's pockets and hand it to the Loser class
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yes the aid is conditional. And those conditions were met as required by law.
This is a fact unknown or ignored by trumpys such as yourself.
Even fox covered this and had a link to the letter.
Another BS excuse disappears when exposed to the truth (in this case the "truth" is the existence of the letter saying the aid was good to go with the progress made that is mandated by law).

"Pentagon Letter Undercuts Trump Assertion On Delaying Aid To Ukraine Over Corruption"

"Earlier this week, President Trump cited concerns about corruption as his rationale for blocking security assistance to Ukraine. But in a letter sent to four congressional committees in May of this year and obtained by NPR, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood informed lawmakers that he "certified that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for the purposes of decreasing corruption [and] increasing accountability."
The certification was required by law for the release of $250 million in security assistance for Ukraine. That aid was blocked by the White House until Sept. 11 and has since been released. It must be spent before Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year."

Here is a link to the letter of certification.

FTFY sparky

Johnson shouldn't have been impeached at all, firing a cabinet member is his article II right. Clinton probably should have been censured rather than impeached even if he did commit perjury about getting a bj. Trump clearly should not be impeached. not one witness offered anything more than "in my opinion ..". not one.

there is zero evidence of a bribe, it's not a quid pro quo. it's not against the law or the Constitution to hold funds for foreign aid until certain conditions are met. the aid is conditional to begin with. yet the leftists just can't understand that. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
lustylad's Avatar
absolutely! DJT is the greatest fucking President the Land of the Free has ever known, but he is still fallible. the Dimshits worship Sanders and Warren, they make more promises than Christ did when he promised ever-lasting life, which the Dimshits reject, of course. they would rather have ever-lasting MONEY from the Socialists, who reach into ours, and our Grandchildren's pockets and hand it to the Loser class Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Hahaha!! Keep it up chungy!

I, for one, think your new "persona" is much funnier and more endearing than the one you got rid of! And more convincing than yssup's lame canuck impersonation!

Admit it - when you look into the mirror, you like yourself better when you let your inner conservative growl!

HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes the aid is conditional. And those conditions were met as required by law.
This is a fact unknown or ignored by trumpys such as yourself.
Even fox covered this and had a link to the letter.
Another BS excuse disappears when exposed to the truth (in this case the "truth" is the existence of the letter saying the aid was good to go with the progress made that is mandated by law).

"Pentagon Letter Undercuts Trump Assertion On Delaying Aid To Ukraine Over Corruption"

"Earlier this week, President Trump cited concerns about corruption as his rationale for blocking security assistance to Ukraine. But in a letter sent to four congressional committees in May of this year and obtained by NPR, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood informed lawmakers that he "certified that the Government of Ukraine has taken substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for the purposes of decreasing corruption [and] increasing accountability."
The certification was required by law for the release of $250 million in security assistance for Ukraine. That aid was blocked by the White House until Sept. 11 and has since been released. It must be spent before Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year."

Here is a link to the letter of certification.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Interesting, I did not know that the Under Secretary for Defense policy was senior to the Commander in Chief who last I heard, had the final word on all defense policies. See, the way I understand it, the Commander in Chief can over ride any decision by an Under Secretary of anything.

Rood wrote that his certification, legally required before the aid could be released,
Sure his certification is needed by law but where does it say "and a President being Commander-in_Chief and director of all US foreign policy can't over ride that decision"?

Show me that and I'll concede your point.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hey Jackson, got any new polling for us to look at like say

And how is Trump doing in head to head match-ups with Democrats running for President?


Double Och!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hey Jackson, got any new polling for us to look at like say

And how is Trump doing in head to head match-ups with Democrats running for President?


Double Och! Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Ok, it’s a good thing a few polls are positive for the fat lying bastard. Maybe it will calm his fat ass down. Screaming and shouting for hours at a rally was bad optics. He best pace himself, because he’s got more heat coming his way.

A Whitewash by the Senate won’t stop anything. The barrels are being loaded for perjury and obstruction of justice, and no one is afraid to pull the triggers.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Why won’t the fat lying bastard let John Bolton testify ?

The former national security adviser was, according to several witnesses, the highest-ranking voice of dissent within the administration when it came to the Trump team’s dealings with Ukraine. He compared it to a “drug deal.” He encouraged people to register their dismay with lawyers and memorialize it. And his lawyers have signaled he has a story to tell, sending a letter in early November stating he knows about “many relevant meetings and conversations” — including, conspicuously, events that witnesses at that point hadn’t testified to.

If there were one witness who had both the access to Trump to perhaps know what the president said about Ukraine, and the motivation to tell a story that Trump may not like, it would be Bolton. But Bolton has said he needs a court to tell him he can talk. And if someone like Bolton wants to testify (albeit under the right circumstances), why not give him that chance?