YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Muse away WTF...I'm enjoying the show.

I will even support your argument that women are more stimulated by other factors than men are (who are statistically more visual creatures).

I have no idea what "herfacechair" looks like, however, I can tell you that I am much more attracted to him now that I have witnessed the dialogue between the two of you. Whether he meant to flatter me OR he meant to take you for a spin matters little to me. Both scenarios and intentions were attractive to me, regardless of his like or dislike for mommy tummies.

Yes, I am a woman and an emotional creature afflicted by the curse of having to process many stimulii in order to decide whether I am attracted to a person. Luckily, the gents who ultimately enjoy my company are almost as equally interested in a multifaceted mutual attraction as I am, which leads to repeat visits to continue exploring every nuance of my female afflictions.

Yes, much of my previous paragraph was tongue and cheek sarcasm. I actually embrace being a provider who participates on multidimensional level with her suitors. And in turn, if my suitors are only one-dimensional in their pursuits of spending time with me, the flame will quickly burn out for both of us. I prefer and can afford to easily bid farewell to anyone who is on a different path in the hobby than I am.

That is probably the most I have typed in quite some time on this board.

Back to my day job. I just took 2 days off from the day job to sprinkle some sunshine and rainbows over the hills of Austin. Now there is much work to be caught up with and only one of me to complete the task!
chicagoboy's Avatar
No hostility or anger here...just cuntiness Originally Posted by WTF
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-13-2015, 02:14 PM
FIFY. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
I think the guidelines apply out here more so than say in the political forum. So if you are going to WK for eccie's version of Miss Cleo play nice.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'll bet Miss Cleo is BBCR-receptive.
Looking at her gif above makes me wonder about her head game and manscaping requirements...???
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-13-2015, 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
You heard the saying Yummy, that you can fool all of the people some of the time, Some of the people all of the time but not All of the people all of the time?

That is probably the most I have typed in quite some time on this board.

! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I seem to have that effect on you well bred ladies!

Back to my day job. I just took 2 days off from the day job to sprinkle some sunshine and rainbows over the hills of Austin. Now there is much work to be caught up with and only one of me to complete the task! Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Texas Hill Country again, I hope you had suitable transportation this time for a woman of your high cost and class.

I had a travel SNAFU and need a ride from Seguin to New Braunfels in the morning between 10am and 12pm where I will be picking up alternate transportation. I am not looking to trade or barter services at all. I am happy to give you $20 for the trouble. I was making a one day roundtrip from Houston to San Antonio and dressed for a long drive and not prepared in anyway to hobby, so please don't expect me to be dolled up. I prefer a female for my safety and comfort, but if I don't hear from any one, I will consider a male. PM's only please. I do not need a response here in the open. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

I was all like...

And then my transportation died and it was hot as fuck...

Followed by stages of grief and negotiation...

And reality set in...

I almost died, but baby Tebow smiled upon me and my rescue was on its way...

Except that instead of little gold men it was "hello, Gorgeous!"

But alas, after my sexy savior did her good deed, we had to part ways...

And so I drove off into the sunset with only the mammory of her beauty to keep me going...

pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos would be appropriate.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 08-14-2015, 06:09 AM
Except that instead of little gold men it was "hello, Gorgeous!"

But alas, after my sexy savior did her good deed, we had to part ways...

And so I drove off into the sunset with only the mammory of her beauty to keep me going...
Originally Posted by YummyMarie

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Lol...touché. Originally Posted by YummyMarie

And thank you WTF, for returning to the regularly scheduled programming of "a-muse-ing".
Yes, thanck you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-14-2015, 03:00 PM
Everything i post amuses me..

herfacechair's Avatar
WTF: Either you find a mommy tummy attractive or not. I do not. Most men will not admit it but they too do not. Hell most women that have it do not find it attractive! ( STRAW MAN )

If you want to argue about whether a mommy tummy is attractive or not, you need to start a new thread elsewhere instead of pulling strawmen arguments to try to argue a point I was not making on this thread.

Again, what I said:

"If a woman makes me live up to my username perfectly, it's going to be impossible for me to see a mommy tummy." -- herfacechiar

WHERE, in THAT statement, do I declare that mommy tummies are attractive? Where in that statement, or any of my other statements, do I make that statement or claim?

I dictate these posts in a way that even a fifth grader could understand what I'm saying. I keep making that mistake when talking to you. So I'm going to break this down a bit further.

A provider apologized about her mommy tummy. When I thought I was responding to that thread, I made the above statement. Now, there was a double meaning in that statement. But, if you understand relationships, specifically "if then statements", you're going to get close to what I was talking about.

If: she makes me live up to my username.
Then: I won't see her mommy tummy.

That was a reassurance to the woman out there who are conscious about a specific part of their bodies. It had nothing to do with defending the mommy tummy, or arguing against it.

WTF: Second , there were a few that didn't look like the hot chick i went to bed with .... after i sobered up! Hell I've even had a few that immediately did not look as good the minute junior wtf was finished cumming on that mommy tummy....

In your previous reply to me, you stated otherwise. When you said this: "If I'm paying, I look for this..." -- WTF [followed by photo with woman with no mommy tummy]

Were you wrong making a statement? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Copy and paste this bolded red section to your reply. Place an "X" in the box that represents your reply. Spare me your attempts to baffle the audience with BS that you want to add to your selection.

Your statement reminds me of the drunken driver's response to the cop when the cop asks him how many drinks he has had. "Oh, about a couple." Yeah, right.

Given the amount of whoppers that you already posted in your replies to me, I'm seeing this specific statement of yours as nothing but an ego soothing statement. The cold hard reality is that if the reader disregards your phony tales, they will automatically adjust your claims to reflect reality... Just as a cop would when a drunken driver tells him, "Just a couple."

WTF: but Jesus man i have never been pussy'd whipped enough to try and convince a whole community that the mommy tummy i just spray painted was now a Picasso! ( STRAW MAN )

show me where, in my posts, where I explicitly stated that mommy tummies were equivalent to the works of Picasso. Quote the specific sections of my posts where you assumed I made such a case.

in my previous reply to you I made these two statements:

"Nowhere in that statement did I imply or explicitly state that I found that [mommy tuck] sexually stimulating. Anybody that has been hobbying for a while, I've been doing so for over a quarter of a century, will not see many of a providers "less advertised features" until the remainder of the clothing come off.

"What then? In the vast majority of the cases where I've found myself in this situation, there was still enough "attractiveness" about the provider to continue the session. If she made me live up to my username real good, the mommy tuck was no issue." -- herfacechair

Again, you're not seeing any instances of me arguing, or convincing people, what you claim I was doing. What part of, "there was still enough attractiveness about the provider," did you not understand?

WTF: Some of you act as if a woman getting you off is a minor miracle. (INDUCTIVE FALLACY: red herring )

Anybody paying attention to what they're reading would not be able to infer that from my posts. In fact, they would not be able to infer that most the other posts of the people that you are arguing against.

They're simply disagreeing with you, and your strawmen arguments. In reality, you are acting like we are advancing your strawman points when in fact we're not.

Instead of addressing what you hoped we said on this thread, how about addressing what we actually say? I'm still waiting for you to actually address any of the points I made. Would it hurt you if you had to actually pay attention to what you're reading, and actually address the argument being made instead of trying to make up an argument to address?

WTF: Mother Teresa could have gotten me off but i wouldn't be trying to convince the whole community how fucking wonderful she looks. . (STRAW MAN )

Where, in any of my posts here, am I generating an effort to convince the whole community that the woman in my above example had wonderful looks as you are implying? Please quote the specific words, or statements, that I used to support your assumption that I'm doing that.

I've quoted key statements I made that indicates my stance. They do not support your assumptions of what I was saying or attempting to do.

WTF: Look bud the older i have gotten, the picker i have become. I have left many a appointment when what answered the door did not look as advertised.

What you said:

"there <sic> is <sic> were <sic> a few that didn't look like the hot chick i <sic> went to bed with .... after i <sic> sobered up! Hell I've even had a few that immediately did not look as good the minute junior wtf was finished cumming on that mommy tummy.... <sic>" - WTF

Judging by how far off you were in describing what I was doing here, as well as your phony tales on this and other threads, I refuse to believe that your judgment will be any better while drunk, or as you get older.

There's an excellent chance that you're reading these posts while drunk. This may explain why you are completely missing the mark when trying to address our posts.

The reality is that nothing has changed. Given the above statement I made, most hobbyists would make an assessment if a feature showed up that was not in the advertisement. If the woman was still overall attractive, or fell within our type range, we would engage in the session.

Again, a key concept from one of my statements, "When the clothes come off." Are you trying to tell us that even when the clothes are off, you'd still leave her butt naked? Based on your Freudian slips, we have a pretty good idea of what would happen in this scenario.

Looking forward to your phony response.

Back to my statements, I don't have to specify this as my statements were common sense. The logical extension to that is if they do not make the "overall attractive" cut, the implication is that we would not do the session and instead, leave.

You, having claimed to have "been getting older", while implying that you're in the hobby, you should have easily made that conclusion based on what I said.

WTF: If you like mommy tummies...more power to you! ( STRAW MAN )

Again, where, in any of my statements, do I make that claim? If you pay attention to what you read, you'd realize that you would not have any information in my post that would lead you to the conclusion. You simply cannot infer such from anything I said.

If what you say about me is anything like your marksmanship, I'd hate to be the person standing behind you as you try to shoot the target in front of you. Whoever is standing behind you in this scenario is liable to get shot by you as you attempt to shoot the target in front of you.

That's how far off you are. If you bothered reading my posts, you'd know that. If you have enough money to hobby, you most certainly should have enough money to pay attention to what you read.
herfacechair's Avatar
Damn! Such hostility and anger. And I thought this thread was all about YummyMarie and vajazzle-mentness. Originally Posted by BDD
No anger and hostility, from my end. I take sadistic pleasure in taking arguments, like what's advanced by WTF, apart, watching the reaction, then hammering them again. I've been hammering WTF since 2010.

Besides, my dictation software would not cooperate with me if I were to dictate these posts with anger in my voice. Even without dictation software, I have fun generating these replies knowing what impact it will have on the person that I'm arguing with.