Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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familiae honorem 12 hours ago

I had a covid joke but 99.96 % of you wouldn't get it...
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One good thing about this thread is not many 0zombies come over here and Muck it up! This video is one giant Truth Bomb! 1:01:00

American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times
242K subscribers

“Every system you could possibly think of produces some kind of racial or sexual or class discrepancy. And this allows the radicals to be radicals eternally, and to claim that everything is racist,” says Wilfred Reilly.

Headlines tell us that blacks get shot by police officers more often, get paid less than whites, and tend to do worse on standardized tests.

Many point to systemic racism as the cause of these apparent discrepancies, but in most cases, this argument ignores basic facts, says Wilfred Reilly, Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University. He’s the author of “Hate Crime Hoax” and “Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About.”

This is American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸, and I’m Jan Jekielek.
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Real Americans flush Trump...he is a real biohazard

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I vote this video best RazorFist ever! 6
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I vote this video best RazorFist ever! 6 ... Originally Posted by Redhot1960

I struggled with deleting Hollywood for awhile after seeing how much self aggrandizing they were invested in, but the list of who to ignore got waaay to long. So I flipped the script and focused on the very few that are worth watching. That list is much shorter and easier to track. Plus, live by the internet, die by the internet.

As to lack of trolls in dis hood, I think it's due to the Good House Keeping Seal of Cleanliness. Either that or some Compassionate Conservative head stomping when they do pop up. Plus, now I'm filtering the little insects.

Futt Buck 'em.
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Interesting points to ponder from a year ago by Brit named Laura Towler (Published on May 26, 2019)

30 Questions Globalists Can't Answer:

1. If we’re all just the same, then how is diversity our strength?

2. If diversity is a strength, then how is it also a punishment for colonialism?

3. If immigration is our punishment for colonialism, are you saying the presence of immigrants is bad?

4. Why is multiculturalism a good thing when it’s imposed on White people, and a bad thing when it’s imposed on other indigenous peoples?

5. Why is White pride condemned, but pride of any other ethnic group celebrated?

6. If there’s no such thing as race, then how is there such a thing as White privilege?

7. If race is just a social construct, then how do they know we’ve always been a nation of immigrants because we dug up Black skeletons during the Roman occupation of Britain?

8. If there’s no such thing as British culture, then how is Ramadan now part of British culture?

9. If America belongs to the American Indians because they were there first, does Britain belong to the British because we were here first?

10. Why are White Americans told go back to Europe where they came from because America belongs to American Indians, while Europeans are told that we all came from Africa so our nations aren’t ours?

11. If Africans are allowed to live in Britain because of the British Empire, does this mean that anybody can go live in any country that has previously invaded their country? Or could it just be that a falsified narrative of the British Empire is used to guilt White people into opening up their borders, and is manipulated by people who want to live in a First World civilization so that they don’t have to create their own?

12. If we were so awful and oppressive to your ancestors, then why did you want to come and live with us?

13. If you demand reparations for slavery, then how much are you going to demand from the Black slavers who sold your ancestors to us?

14. If you’re so concerned about slavery, where’s your concern for 40 million + people who are in slavery today? Or do they not matter because they’re not held captive by White people?

15. If you care about the well being of people from other nations, then why are you happy to take their best doctors, engineers and scientists?

16. If we needed immigrants to rebuild Britain after WW2, then why didn’t we need immigrants after WW1 when more than double the amount of people died? If it’s because Britain was damaged after the Blitz, then why didn’t Japan need immigrants after Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

17. If we needed immigrants to rebuild Britain after WW2, then why did our government fund the £10 Pom Scheme which encouraged 1.5 million Britons to move to Australia?

18. If David Lammy is as British as us, then shouldn’t he apologise for slavery and colonialism too?

19. If Afua Hirsch is as British as us, then why did she write in her book Brit(ish) that she left Britain to leave being British?

20. Why do the British only exist when you’re blaming us for colonialism?

21. Why can’t we feel proud of our ancestors, but we can feel guilty for colonialism?

22. Why can’t I feel proud of my ancestors, but you can feel victimised because of yours?

23. If Britons are collectively guilty for colonialism, then are Muslims collectively guilty for the Islamic invasions of Europe?

24. Why are all nationalists held responsible for the acts of some nationalists, but all Muslims aren’t held responsible for terror attacks committed by Muslims?

25. Why do people say “Well if we weren’t bombing their countries…” after a Muslim commits a terror attack, but they don’t say “Well if they weren’t invading our continent…” after a White person attacks a Muslim?

26. Why should we only carry on as normal and not look back in anger after an Islamic terror attack?

27. Why are the people who claim to care the most about the environment also the people who want the most immigration, which grows our population and has a negative impact on the environment?

28. How can you call yourself a feminist when you ignore violence towards women with different ideologies, teenage girls in Rotherham and 8-year-old girls at pop concerts?

29. Why is it open borders for Europe, but not open borders for Israel?

30. Why are the group who claim to be the most oppressed, also the group with the power to silence you?

6min vid if you prefer
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Hypocrisy is the practice of engaging in the same behavior or activity for which one criticizes another. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles.Wikipedia
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Kamala is the actual candidate and everyone knows it. Here is a conversation looking at the "candidate's" background from a political perspective - and it's is exactly what we knew.

11 min
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Kamala is the actual candidate and everyone knows it. Here is a conversation looking at the "candidate's" background from a political perspective - and it's is exactly what we knew. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
that makes sense. I'd been wondering where the identity politics came from.

I've wondered what was the difference between Leninism and Maoism. similar goals, but a difference in thinking how to get there.

the Leninist ideology played some identity politics to a minor degree, but they were more into anti-class warfare than racial politics.

Maoism came out of China which had zero industry, so leninism ideology wouldn't work that well there. Racial politicis were used to break up the old china.

Its kind of interesting that the Kuomintang party of china were said to be a leninist party. so China was already communist (well mostly, they still had a democracy) when Japan invaded.
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"A person with GOD given inherent rights is NOT a victim!" 35