NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Alright guys, I've created a league on, I've only used ESPN in the past, but this will be a private league so your names won't be made public, so if you already have a profile on with you real name, it's all good. But if you don't have an account yet, I would suggest using a fake name just for the hell of it. I'm "TheDon" on there as well.

The league's name is: Dopey'sFanClub
Send me a PM for the password. I'm going to send the password those who have requested to be in the league so far (Me, Rubchasertx, Trey, BigTex, Easy-E, and Satin) I'm looking to get Daddio and Willy as well, that would make it 8 teams.

if we can get enough members, we can make it 10 or 12 teams. And there are a lot of members here I haven't yet mentioned (Dickem Down, JaD, SoulMaine, etc.) We could probably get to 12 if we wanted...

The rules are standard, except we are going to end on week 16 instead of week 17 (Because players get benched so it's always a mess). Playoffs will be 2 week match-ups during weeks 13-14 and then 15-16. We will also use the "No drop list" which are players you can't drop based on the NFL Fantasy. (Basically, if you have guys like Megatron and Foster, and if they are not injured, you cannot drop them). We will do a live draft (The date I picked was just to create the league, I will change it when the time comes and we decide on a date). But it's best to do it a week before the season starts so we know who's playing and who's not.


EDIT: We can actually have up to a 20 team league... I think we should just do 2 groups of 10 if it reaches that point ..
And oh yeah, send me your emails...
I'll try not to completely suck at this, no promises though.

Also, there will be 2 divisions, tie-breakers will be decided by "Points for." And the names I came up for the divisions are the names of famous Combat sports fighters, I want the division names to always be combat fighters. So that means Boxers, MMA Fighters, or Pro Wrestlers. I picked Don Frye and Mike Tyson for the first two names. I think the winner each year gets to pick the following years names'. What do you guys think of that idea?

Also, I don't know if we are doing this for cash or just fun/bragging rights right now. But lets worry about this later Originally Posted by TheDon
I think we should go ahead and make a new thread for this, I don't want the people who aren't going to be part of the league or care about fantasy football to have to go through these posts lol.

Here is the thread:
TheDon's Avatar
Joseph Addai got cut, wat?

Wouldn't mind seeing him come to Houston, we could use a third RB now that Ward is gone. Addai is from Houston too.
Please send me the league password. 12 team leagues are a good number.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-27-2012, 01:00 AM
Training camp starts this weekend....
TheDon's Avatar
I wouldn't mind if they signed Roy Williams.
I think I heard last night that Roy Williams is not going to be coming for a try out, they signed Bryant Johnson last night. That makes a gran total of 2 wide receivers on the texans that have caught a pass in an nfl game.
TheDon's Avatar
There is a Fucking tremendous article out on Arian Foster in this weeks issue of ESPN the Magazine- Go read it.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-03-2012, 12:20 AM
Don, I saw it...very nice bro. Arian is everywhere these days...

On a different note, what's up with all the injuries the first few days of training camp? First Andre, then Duane Brown, now JJ? Wtf is going on? We have players going down before we even play a preseason game..,
TheDon's Avatar
As long as Foster or Schaub don't get hurt, I think I'm good. Especially Schaub, he's more fragile.

Watt is super-human so he can recover from any injury. Brown's situation didn't sound too serious.Dre's been through this before, I'm sure he will be back strong. Better now to get the injuries taken out the way than have to deal with them during the season.

Eagles had it pretty bad too. Riley Cooper- Broken collar bone. Jason Babin, Brent Celek, and Trent Cole all got injuries too.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-05-2012, 12:00 PM
So we get our first taste of football today. Not much worth talking about but its football.
TheDon's Avatar
Are you kidding me bro? Tonight we get to see THE KOLB.

Hopefully Patrick Peterson takes the first punt for a TD, that would be fun.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-05-2012, 03:21 PM
The only thing you need to worry about is that ass whopping you're gonna get first game of the season.
TheDon's Avatar
You will stand no chance to take my team down when I have KOLB leading the way for my undefeated season.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 08-05-2012, 09:31 PM
Good to see football back....

Texans first preseason game next Saturday, I can't wait. Don, are you gonna be able to go with us this year playa?

Just realized the Texans have a new QB coach....our rookie WR's are doing very good...I'm happy about that...
TheDon's Avatar
I'd like to, man. For sure. I need to save up some money though. Most of my money is being saved up for gambling purposes at the moment

Yeah man. Greg Knapps is gone Raiders have him as their OC, they are going to be gooooood, at least they should be. I think they will be a playoff contender with McFadden, Palmer, and Gregg Knapps running that offense. I'm glad we had him while we did, it was inevitable that he would move on and take a higher position.